Enjoy Stuff: A TechnoRetro Podcast

From the stories by A. A. Milne to Walt Disney’s adaptations, Winnie the Pooh has been a joyful childhood classic for nearly one hundred years.  The ‘Dads are certainly fans of these imaginative stories.  Mixed with tears and laughter, Christopher Robin continues the tradition with a story of Pooh’s grown-up friend’s return to the Hundred Acre Wood in a movie that thrills audiences of any age.  


In the NEWS

Patrick Stewart returns to Star Trek.

Star Trek Discovery comes to Blu Ray and DVD.

Supergirl returns to the big screen.

More Carrie Fisher footage coming to Episode IX.

Jon Favreau’s Star Wars gets a big budget.


We Love Our Cereal…

…and so does EarBud Brian who has found Funko Pop cereals.  PLUS: Hear the cereal commercials for the contest and find out who wins the grand prize!  Thanks to all who participated.  Keep sending in your imaginative radio commercials to TechnoRetro Dads — even when there is no contest.  We love them!


Vinyl Scratchback

Mac from Canadia submits a short dystopian playlist (probably because the world ended as he was making it) with tunes from the Ramones, Bruce Springsteen, The Clash, Johnny Cash and U2, and The Specials.


TechnoRetro Arcade

JediShua and shazbazzar focus on video games that were featured in movies but don’t exist — or at least they didn’t exist when the movies came out.  From Wreck-It Ralph to The Last Starfighter to WarGames to TRON to Ready Player One, everyone wants a shot at playing the games the characters played on the silver screen.  Come on, game designers, let’s get these made!


Christopher Robin and Winnie the Pooh

Now that both TechnoRetro Dads have seen Disney’s new Christopher Robin movie with their families, it’s time to talk about Christopher Robin and The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh.  Disney’s adaptations of the written word and artist illustrations to film never fail to excite the emotions, entertain the brain, and provide a lasting theme.  JediShua and shazbazzar continue to love the “silly old bear” in this ingenious live-action feature.  We think you will, too.


Toys in the Attic

Like Christopher Robin, shazbazzar and JediShua had their own cast of characters with stuffed toys from their childhood days.  From popular characters to homemade toys from garage sales, these plush and plump friends provided endless hours of play and creativity that the ‘Dads fondly remember decades later.


Thanks for tuning in to TechnoRetro Dads, EarBuds!  Don’t forget to rate and review TechnoRetro Dads on iTunes.  Then share with others on social media, and join us on Discord for discussions about toys, cereal, games, movies and/or shows from the ‘70s and ‘80s.  While you’re at it, give the ‘Dads your feedback via voice mail at (209) 878-7323 or sending us a message or mp3 via electronic-M to podcast@TechnoRetroDads.com.


Share and enjoy.

Direct download: TRDads_06.18.mp3
Category:TechnoRetro Dads -- posted at: 6:00am EDT