Enjoy Stuff: A TechnoRetro Podcast

After seven years of podcasting, did the TechnoRetro Dads call it quits?  Well, not yet at least.  Join shazbazzar and JediShua for the premiere of the eighth season of TechnoRetro Dads today, featuring musical cues from:

  • High Adventure
  • Chevy Chase, Steve Martin, & Martin Short
  • Ben C. Foster
  • Buckner & Garcia
  • R. Cade & The Video Victims
  • The Family Shua

Thanks for tuning in to TechnoRetro Dads, EarBuds!  Go online for more TechnoRetro Dads on iTunes, Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, RetroZap.com, or TechnoRetroDads.libsyn.com.  Pick up your TechnoRetro Dads merchandise at TeePublic.  Don’t forget to rate and review TechnoRetro Dads on iTunes, share us and with us on social media, get TechnoRetro merchandise at TeePublic, and join discussions on Discord about toys, cereal, games, movies and/or shows from the ‘70s and ‘80s by giving the ‘Dads your feedback via voice mail at (209) 878-7323 or sending us your mp3dback via electronic-M to podcast@TechnoRetroDads.com.

Direct download: TRDads_08.01.mp3
Category:TechnoRetro Dads -- posted at: 3:00pm EDT