Enjoy Stuff: A TechnoRetro Podcast

Greetings, Programs!  


From the second teaser trailer from The Force Awakens to the closing ceremony and beyond, shazbazzar and JediShua recap their experiences at Star Wars Celebration Anaheim with thousands of their friends.  From celebrities to costumes and panels to parties, the ‘Dads give their play-by-play of the biggest Star Wars Celebration, yet.  Huge surprises await as expectations soar in anticipation of what is yet to come this year in games, television, and the December release of the seventh episode in the Star Wars saga.  


PLUS: TechnoRetro News, jokes that will make you groan (or chuckle), and conversations with friends, both new and old.  Enjoy over 100 minutes of Star Wars and more as TechnoRetro Dads returns after a two-week break.



Direct download: TRDads_03.02.mp3
Category:Star Wars Celebration -- posted at: 7:59am EST