Enjoy Stuff: A TechnoRetro Podcast

Celebrate the 5th anniversary of Solo: A Star Wars Story with Jovial Jay, Shua, and special guest Joe Tavano on the season 3 premiere of Enjoy Stuff: A TechnoRetro Podcast


Love it or hate it, Solo: A Star Wars Story gave us some interesting backstory of our favorite nerf-herder. Has it aged well in the 5 years since its debut? We talk about our feelings and we bring along a good friend from RetroZap. 



The Hamburglar has been released, but he may be back to his old ways

IDW Comics is publishing a Saturday Morning Adventures Dungeons & Dragons comic

Carrie Fisher is finally getting her star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Who will be there to celebrate?

There are now screenings of Return of the Jedi coming in a theater near you


Check out our TeePublic store for some enjoyable swag and all the latest fashion trends

What we’re Enjoying

Joe joins the boys to share what he’s been enjoying. He likes the Showtime series Yellowjackets, which includes cheerleaders and cannibals. Yum! Shua recently read a book by John Scalzi called “Lock-In” about a world 20 years after a pandemic that left a large number of people paralyzed, but fully aware, but giving them robot bodies to live a semi-normal life.  And there’s a murder mystery. Jay is in the midst of a new series on Peacock called Mrs. Davis. A mysterious A.I., a nun, and a quest for the Holy Grail. We’d explain more, but it’s so complex and crazy that it’s a fun ride. 


Sci-Fi Saturdays/MCU Location Scout

Jay has updated MCU Location Scout with new locations from Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania. It’s a great rabbit hole to explore. And also, don’t forget to read his articles called Sci-Fi Saturdays on Retrozap.com  


Enjoy Movies!   

Solo: A Star Wars Story divided fandom. (Imagine that) But apart from that, does it have some positive traits? This is Enjoy Stuff, where we find the fun in everything, of course it does! With the help of our good friend, leader of RetroZap, and host of Brews and Blasters, we break down what we like about this movie on it’s 5 year anniversary. 


Plus, Jay brings along a game for Joe and Shua to play. It’s a Solo trivia game! Or is it. Well, …Yes. Yes it is…kinda.


Do you Enjoy Solo? Do you want to see a sequel? First person that emails me with the subject line, “Fair and square” will get a special mention on the show.  Let us know. Come talk to us in the Discord channel or send us an email to EnjoyStuff@RetroZap.com


Direct download: Enjoy_Stuff_3-01.mp3
Category:Enjoy Stuff -- posted at: 3:00am EST