Enjoy Stuff: A TechnoRetro Podcast

It's good to be the king. At least when that king is legendary director, comedian Mel Brooks. For more than 70 years, Brooks has given us memorable comedy to make us laugh and think. Jay and Josh look back on his films on Enjoy Stuff: A TechnoRetro podcast


If you’re blue and you don’t know where to go to, why don’t you go where...movies make you laugh! Mel Brooks has written, directed, and starred in some of the greatest comedies of all time.



-The Russo Brothers are developing a live action Battle of the Planets

-There is another ‘Kelvin’ timeline Star Trek movie coming...someday

-Would you eat Flamin’ Hot Cheetos ice cream?

-The creators of South Park want to buy and restore a classic Mexican restaurant in Denver, called Casa Bonita

-Stay tuned to Disney+ for a Lego Star Wars Halloween special called Terrifying Tales

What we’re Enjoying

Jay has really been enjoying his new books with a collection of comic book artist Alex Ross’s Marvel work, plus the Making of Back to the Future. Shua liked looking behind the scenes of some of the Disney parks most iconic rides featured on Behind the Attraction on Disney+.

Enjoy Movies

When Mel Brooks and Carl Reiner first performed the 2000 year old man sketch on Sid Caesar’s ‘Your Show of Shows’ they probably didn’t realize that it was the start of some comedy that would likely be around for 2000 years. Brooks’s success led him to begin writing and directing movies like The Producers and The Twelve Chairs. But just a few years later, he created two of the best comedies of all time, Blazing Saddles and Young Frankenstein.


Are his movies sometimes crude? Absolutely! Are they ridiculing all different types of people? Of course! But they also have important messages about racism, greed, and understanding. From the slapstick humor (and lack of dialogue) that should never have been made in the 70’s called Silent Movie to the completely offensive History of the World Part 1, Brooks has hooked us with our secret desire for naughtiness and taught us a valuable lesson along the way. 


Even if you aren’t a fan of his later work, such as Spaceballs or Robin Hood: Men in Tights, you can still respect the creativity and success this icon has shared with us. 


Are you a fan of Mel Brooks movies? Would you like to check them out for the first time? Let us know in the Discord channel or send us an email to podcast@enjoystuff.com


Enjoy Food

Having a Brooks-athon? You’ll need snacks!  Will you pick beans or Ovaltine? We give you a list of treats that would appeal to any character in a Mel Brooks movie! Well…..some of them anyway. 

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Category:Enjoy Stuff -- posted at: 3:00am EST