Mon, 5 December 2022
You want Action? We've got Action! This year's holiday tournament pits some of the most popular action figures against each other in an effort to take top spot in the toy catalogue circle-fest! The Earbuds voted. Now Jovial Jay and Shua break down the toy battle of the century on Enjoy Stuff!
This year’s bracket tournament promises to be full of action as we see which toys may have been the most anticipated holiday gifts of Earbud’s past.
News The 2022 National Toy Hall of Fame inductee is…..
What we’re Enjoying Jay just got a book he’s been wanting for a while. The Star Trek Genesis Trilogy Anniversary Special is a collection of some great Star Trek past. Check it out from Titan! Shua really enjoyed Wednesday on Netflix, starring Jenna Ortega as the brooding Addams daughter. A fun series that brings the classic feel of the Addams Family to the modern streaming age.
Sci-Fi Saturdays/MCU Location Scout Starship Troopers (1997) was a fun romp through a future where humanity is fighting for their lives against giant bugs that are the scourge of the galaxy! (Would you like to know more?) There are new locations for the Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special on MCU Location Scout.
Enjoy Toys! It is here! The action battle of the Action Figures! Tune in to find out the finalists and then stay with us as we look back to the JCPenny wishbook from 1980.
Did your favorite Action Figure make the cut? What did you circle in the toy catalogues? First person that emails me with the subject line, “Dear Santa…” will get a special mention on the show. Let us know. Come talk to us in the Discord channel or send us an email to |