Enjoy Stuff: A TechnoRetro Podcast

Dim those lights and make room on your Victorian couch for Elvira. Jay and Shua look at the long, popular career of an unlikely icon of Halloween. It's Elvira - Mistress and the Dorks on Enjoy Stuff


Elvira is the mistress we need for all of our spooky needs. Curl up with some fun horror movies with an appealing hostess and get ready for Halloween. 



Millennials aren’t a fan of their Urban Outfitters iPods being called vintage retro

The National Toy Hall of Fame let us choose which of the Forgotten Five will make it to the Hall of Fame this year

Star Wars: Dark Forces Remaster gets a release date

The Disney Treasure cruise ship will be featuring a Haunted Mansion lounge

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Check out our TeePublic store for some enjoyable swag and all the latest fashion trends

What we’re Enjoying

As Jay finishes up his 31 Days of Horror articles, he found a cool series on Epix called Blumhouse’s Compendium of Horror. It is a great and quick history of horror movies through the years. Shua has been working on his art by watching videos of how to draw Mid Century art. It’s always good to practice your craft. 


31 Days of Horror

This week Jay continues his October horror movie articles on RetroZap.com. Check out his insights on The House on Sorority Row, Leprechaun, Cabin Fever, The Purge, Ghosts of Mars, Saw, Get Out, and Halloween Ends. 


Enjoy Elvira! 

You may not know who Cassandra Peterson is, but surely you’ve heard of Elvira. That’s the persona that Peterson created to host a show called Movie Macabre in 1981. But she built up to that career as Mistress of the Dark. Modeling, Dancing, singing in an Italian rock band, even dating Elvis. But once Elvira was out of the box, there was no stopping her. TV, comics, movies, even hosting Halloween parties at public events. She has owned the character and capitalized on the success. So before Halloween, let’s celebrate Elvira!


Have you experienced Elvira? Which of her projects were your favorites? First person that emails me with the subject line, “Unpleasant Dreams” will get a special mention on the show.  Let us know. Come talk to us in the Discord channel or send us an email to EnjoyStuff@RetroZap.com


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Category:Enjoy Stuff -- posted at: 3:00am EST