Enjoy Stuff: A TechnoRetro Podcast

It may be Slurpee Day, but that's not the only reason to celebrate! It's Shua's birthday! He and Jovial Jay will party by testing knowledge in a game of Gyp-Parody! Plus, we get to hear what's on Shua's Bucket List as we Enjoy Stuff!


Bucket Lists and Party games as we celebrate Shua’s birthday!



The New Atari Collection comes with over 90 retro games including some surprises!

Wanna buy a Jetsons house? You can in Tulsa, Oklahoma

A vintage style Burger King has been found behind a wall in a Delaware Mall

What we’re Enjoying

Thank you for Enjoying Stuff. Thank you very much! Shua is sporting some sideburns and rhinestones after experiencing Baz Luhrman’s movie, Elvis. It was a wild (and pretty accurate) depiction of the King’s life. Jay got to relive the days of dropping quarters at the Retrocade in Asheville, North Carolina. A two level trip back in time to the arcades of old. 


Sci-Fi Saturdays/MCU Location Scout

Be sure to check out Jay’s articles on Retrozap.com. Ghost in the Shell is a classic example of Anime and great storytelling. Jay examines the classic tale on Sci-Fi Saturdays.  And don’t forget his articles on MCULocationScout.com for some great, interactive maps of filming locations. 


Enjoy Life!

As we get older, we start to look back on the stuff we’ve always wanted to do. Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson taught everyone that this is called your bucket list. On Shua’s birthday, he has decided to share some of his bucket list items. He considers himself very fortunate to have accomplished a lot of his goals in life. 


After reflecting on the wonders of life, it’s time for a little fun and games. Aleaks Jay-Beck leads Shua through a board of categories and questions on a game of Gyp-Parody.

The categories are At the Movies, Prime Time, A Pocket Full of Quarters, and TechnoRetro Dads History.  Play along and see how many Shua-Bucks you can win!


What’s on your bucket list? Did you do well at our version of Jeopardy? Are you reading all the show notes? First person that emails me with the subject line, “Daily Double!” will get a special mention on the show.  Let us know. Come talk to us in the Discord channel or send us an email to EnjoyStuff@RetroZap.com

Direct download: Enjoy_Stuff_2-11.mp3
Category:Enjoy Stuff -- posted at: 3:00am EST