Mon, 5 July 2021
Grab a hot dog and a cold one as we look back at some of the most memorable patriotic movies to celebrate America's Independence. Get patriotic the way the founding fathers intended; freedom for all and a bucket of popcorn on Enjoy Stuff: A TechnoRetro Podcast!
In America, July is the season to remember the freedom that we work so hard to preserve. And what better way to do that than to watch a patriotic movie? Whether Wil Smith and Captain America are fighting for our independence or Lin-Manuel Miranda is teaching us how groovy the founding fathers could be, this is the time to celebrate (even if it is on the beach away from the water).
News HBO Max is getting ready to premiere a very TechnoRetro version of some old Hanna Barbera friends in the new animated series Jellystone Harrison Ford is injured while making Indiana Jones 5 Happy Belated 95th birthday to Mel Brooks
What we’re Enjoying Shua decided to revisit a book he got a few years back all about the ridiculous mail order products you could order from comics back in the good ol’ days. Jay has been checking out his late Father’s Day gift. A book called Good Omens by Neil Gaiman, Terry Pratchett. A fun story about the final judgement of mankind.
Enjoy Movies July 4th may be America’s birthday, but it’s also a great day for movies! On this episode we look at some classic movies that spotlight a spirit of America. Maybe it’s the plucky spirit of our heroes like Roy Schneider saving a beach from a deadly shark, or Captain America stopping the evil of the Red Skull. Or maybe it’s the idea that a president could actually be a hero that stops terrorists from taking over his plane or fires the final shot on invading aliens. It could even be a musical cast teaching us all about the history of how our founding fathers wrote a bunch of documents just so Nicolas Cage could one day rip them off. Whatever gets you in the mood for the Red, White, and Blue, we have it on our cinematic list. Get ready to return to the theater for some patriotic movies. |