Enjoy Stuff: A TechnoRetro Podcast

Adventure! Excitement! A Jedi may not crave these things, but we sure do! What is your Star Wars excitement meter measuring these days? For us, it's a little low, but we want it higher. What has made our interest wane? How could we spark that energy again? We talk about how to Enjoy Star Wars and what it means in our lives on Enjoy Stuff.


Come along and see what gets people excited about the galaxy far, far away and whether it still happens today. 



The new trailer for Wonka gave us a peek at the origins of our favorite chocolate maker

Apparently the Back to the Future musical is a hit

You can now buy Super MariO-reos

We have a follow up to the OK Go and Post lawsuit

New themed hotel with a Hot Wheels racetrack is opening in Arizona 

Cinderella Getting 4k "Ultimate Restoration" on Disney+


Check out our TeePublic store for some enjoyable swag and all the latest fashion trends

What we’re Enjoying

Jay got a chance to see a showing of Jaws at the Warehouse Cinema. Seeing it on the big screen is a totally different experience. Have you seen any classic movies in a theater lately? Shua has been watching the Adventures of Young Indiana Jones on Disney+. While they may not have the wild adventure of the movies, it’s some great storytelling and interesting origins of some of Indy’s personality. 

Enjoy Star Wars! 

There’s no doubt that Star Wars has been an influential ‘force’ in our lives. For 46 years there have been times that the excitement has been so overwhelming it might be confused for a religious experience. 


There’s also no doubt that we are getting older. But does that explain why we may not be getting those feelings as strongly anymore? Or is there something else that is affecting our fandom? 


The answer isn’t simple to explain or even understand, but can a couple of long-time super-fans regain a little of that elation about our heroes? This week we look at some ways to reignite the excitement of anything that you’re looking to get back to. Join us on a thought experiment to return to our roots and learn to Enjoy Star Wars. 


Where is your Star Wars fandom? Can it feel the way it used to feel? First person that emails me with the subject line, “That is why you fail” will get a special mention on the show.  Let us know. Come talk to us in the Discord channel or send us an email to EnjoyStuff@RetroZap.com


Direct download: Enjoy_Stuff_3-12.mp3
Category:Enjoy Stuff -- posted at: 3:00am EST