Enjoy Stuff: A TechnoRetro Podcast

As we celebrate what we are thankful for during this Thanksgiving, we look back on decades of movies that we are grateful we got to experience. Join Enjoy Stuff for dinner as we appreciate meaningful cinema.  


Remember that show, with that guy? You know, the one with the catchy theme song? What ever happened to that one? We look back at a bunch of ‘em. 



Star Wars: Skeleton Crew coming next week, Dec 3, 2024 to Disney+

AMC sells a nice big hammer to hit people with while you eat popcorn

From The Simpsons Pamela Hayden retires from voicing Milhouse and others after 35 years

Have you heard about The Saga Museum?


Check out our TeePublic store for some enjoyable swag and all the latest fashion trends

What we’re Enjoying

Jay has been rewatching some great episodes of the classic series Mythbusters and revisiting all the fun that Adam and Jamie created from blowing things up. Shua enjoyed the over the top action of the latest holiday movie Red One, starring Dwayne Johnson and Chris Evans, saving JK Simmons Santa Claus, and of course Christmas.  


Sci-Fi Saturdays

This week on Sci-Fi Saturdays Jay watched some Jedi travel through time. Ok, they weren’t Jedi in this one, but still. Jumper features Hayden Christensen as a young time jumper and Samuel L. Jackson and the one chasing him. It was a fun idea, that didn’t quite develop the characters enough. But there was plenty to enjoy throughout. Read his article on RetroZap.com.  And make sure to play around with the interactive map on MCULocationScout.com. There are some new locations from Agents Carter and Deadpool and Wolverine. Plus, you can tune in to SHIELD: Case Files where Jay and Shua talk about great stuff in the MCU.

Enjoy Movies! 

Movies are an important part of our lives. And every decade brought more films that helped to develop who we were. This week we look back on specific movies that we are thankful for because of the impact they had. Join us as we take a retrospective look at each decade and share why we love these stories. 

Are there movies that you are thankful for? Why do they stick with you? First person that emails me with the subject line, “Two tickets please” will get a special mention on the show.  Let us know. Come talk to us in the Discord channel or send us an email to EnjoyStuff@RetroZap.com 

Direct download: Enjoy_Stuff_4-29.mp3
Category:Enjoy Stuff -- posted at: 3:00am EST