Enjoy Stuff: A TechnoRetro Podcast

Midnight Run was released 35 years ago. This hilarious movie stars Robert DeNiro as a disgruntled bounty hunter and Charles Grodin as an accountant wanted by the mob and the FBI. They are an unlikely pair of heroes that we grow to love as they make their way across the country.

Jay and Shua look back at this classic on a special Lite episode of Enjoy Stuff.  

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Join our midnight runaround. First person that emails me with the subject line, “Moscone Bail Bonds” will get a special mention on the show.  Let us know. Come talk to us in the Discord channel or send us an email to EnjoyStuff@RetroZap.com

We truly appreciate all you Earbuds who have hopped on board and joined us for our next chapter! Join in the fun by reaching out to us! And make sure to Share and Enjoy with all your friends!

Share and enjoy!

Direct download: Enjoy_Stuff_3-13.mp3
Category:Enjoy Stuff -- posted at: 3:00am EST