Mon, 4 July 2022
In the United States today marks the day that a revolution gave us our independence from England. Many movies also show us characters that fight against oppression, reminding us that we can stand together and fight for justice for all. This week we celebrate by rebelling!
Whether it’s the rebel alliance or just a breakfast club, it is important to be reminded to treat everyone fairly. We are all on this Earth together!
News A Back to the Future musical is headed to Broadway in 2023 John Williams is stepping away from movie music Michael J Fox will be given an honorary Oscar for his work on Parkinsons awareness Bill Nye just got hitched and is getting ready for a new show on Peacock next month Amazon Freevee adds a 24 hour ALF channel
What we’re Enjoying Jay watched Men With Brooms. A Canadian film with Leslie Nielsen that was recommended by Earbud Mike. If you want to experience a feel good story about curling, this one’s for you! Shua jumped into the next frontier, but not with Star Trek. Instead he has jumped right on board The Orville season 3. With its ramped up budget and timely stories, this is a good one.
Sci-Fi Saturdays/MCU Location Scout Be sure to check out Jay’s articles on The Handmaid’s Tale is a chilling piece of speculative fiction. This movie deserves a revisit to remind us that society has the potential to take a serious turn for the frighteningly worse. Jay breaks it down and compares it to our world today. And don’t forget his articles on for some great, interactive maps of filming locations.
Enjoy Movies! Movies are a rich landscape of revolutions and rebellions. For decades cinema has been a place to tell of the bravery and heroics of rebels from the past, present, and future. Listen in for a listing of movies that we found rebellion in.
Which movies do you feel are good examples of rebellion? How do they inspire you to make a difference? Are you reading all the show notes? First person that emails me with the subject line, “Freedom!” will get a special mention on the show. Let us know. Come talk to us in the Discord channel or send us an email to |