Enjoy Stuff: A TechnoRetro Podcast

Come with us to the perfect TechnoRetro town! Enjoy Stufftopia is a welcoming place with plenty to do. Start your visit today with a pun-filled celebration of the perfect town on Enjoy Stuff. 


Looking for an escape? Come visit Enjoy Stufftopia! Jovial Jay and Shua share some of the appealing locations you can visit as we lay the groundwork for the perfect imaginary town, open to all Earbuds!



The popular band OK, Go is getting some soggy treatment from the Post cereal company

You need a tiny retro TV to play tiny retro games with your tiny Raspberry Pi. Print yours today!

The Picard final season premieres next Thursday and we are excited!

Sadly, Picard’s Annie Wersching and Laverne and Shirley’s Cindy Williams have passed away

“Still: A Michael J Fox movie” premieres at the Sundance Film Festival


Check out our TeePublic store for some enjoyable swag and all the latest fashion trends

What we’re Enjoying

Shua is getting ridiculously scientific as he listens to Wil Wheaton narrate How To: Absurd Scientific Advice for Common Real-World Problems by Randall Munroe. If you ever want to know how to use math, physics, and science to build a lava moat around your house, this is the book for you! Jay is enjoying the latest Peacock murder-mystery series Poker Face, starring Natasha Lyonne and written and directed by Rian Johnson. It’s a fun, unique take on the weekly murder mystery.  


Sci-Fi Saturdays/MCU Location Scout

It’s finally time to dig deep into 1999’s Star Wars-Episode I, The Phantom Menace. Jay analyzes the important themes and influences of the installment of the franchise that ushered in the modern age of Star Wars. Check it out on Sci-Fi Saturdays on Retrozap.com. Plus, stay tuned for an often overlooked sci-fi thriller, The Thirteenth Floor, coming this Saturday. 


Enjoy Life!

If you’ve ever desired to travel to a town where the residents find the fun in everything, we have the perfect location for you: Enjoy Stufftopia! Come see the sights and indulge in the entertainment of a place where there is fun on every corner, including the names of the businesses. This week Jovial Jay and Shua share their ideas for the puntastic names for the first stores that will lay the groundwork of our perfect town. 

Where will you visit first in Enjoy Stufftopia? What would you like to see included? Did you read all of these shownotes? First person that emails me with the subject line, “A nice place to live” will get a special mention on the show.  Let us know. Come talk to us in the Discord channel or send us an email to EnjoyStuff@RetroZap.com

Direct download: Enjoy_Stuff_2-41.mp3
Category:Enjoy Stuff -- posted at: 3:00am EST