Enjoy Stuff: A TechnoRetro Podcast

Since 1971, no childhood has been complete without meeting the gentle spirit in the strange and sadistic candy man as portrayed by Gene Wilder in Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. Although the 2005 remake (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory) is noted for being more faithful to the Roald Dahl novel, and Johnny Depp’s performance was intriguing and enjoyable, Gene Wilder will always be the face and voice of Willy Wonka for generations. This week, we remember the Music-Maker and the Dreamer of Dreams with his “Pure Imagination”.

Come with me and you'll see
In this world of Pure Imagination,
Our friend Gene has defied expectations!

If you think a smile is paradise,
Go into show world and show it —
Grin from ear to ear and grow it.
You can change the world, if you just know it.

There is no one I know
Who compares with Gene's imagination.
He’s the kind who’ll be kind ‘cause he wants to.

If you want to view paradise,
Simply look around and view it —
Anything you want to, do it.
Want to make the world?
There's nothing to it.

There is no life I know
To compare with Pure Imagination.
Living there, you’ll be free
If you truly wish to be.

In the NEWS…  
Marcia Brady puts on her dancing shoes to compete on Dancing with the Stars. NetFlix announces season two of Stranger Things. SuperFriend Michael Witwer becomes a dad — again!

We Love Our Cereal…
Go cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs while bouncing here and there and everywhere with Disney’s Gummy Bears in this week’s edition of the Cereal Gourmet.

SuperFriend Dave Dollar from The Deucecast…
The Deucecast Movie Show is striving to find the best movie year ever in an ongoing tournament, but Mikey, Pinky, and Dave have run into a snag: the vote is split (2:2) between 1982 and 1995. We invite D$ to make his best argument for 1995 over 1982 (even though we all know he has no argument) and announce the tie-breaking listener vote. JediShua and shazbazzar strongly endorse the candidacy of 1982 for this round in the tournament because of the longevity and significance of films such as TRON, E.T., The Dark Crystal, The Secret of NIMH, The Last Unicorn, Poltergeist, and many, many more. Vote this week on their Twitter feed, then watch their Facebook page and TheDeucecast.com for other voting opportunities. #Vote1982.

There are surprises around every corner on this week’s show with memories of innocence and the days of youth and an unhealthy dose of sugary sweetness — just what you need on Labor Day!

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Direct download: TRDads_04.22.mp3
Category:TechnoRetro Dads -- posted at: 6:23am EST