Enjoy Stuff: A TechnoRetro Podcast

Greetings, Programs!  


After T’day, we unbox the ornaments, set up the tree, unwind coils of lights, and tinsel-up the living room while the wives are away. December is a month for anticipation and expectations, and part of the hype is getting the house all decorated for the month.  Join JediShua and shazbazzar as they get the #TechnoRetro tree ready for this year’s excitement.



In the NEWS: Ernest Cline’s award-winning novel, Ready Player One is finally getting a director — we think.  Check out the latest list of potential directors and the ‘Dad’s opinions of each one (even if they don’t know them by name).  


Theme Park Summer is back — just in time for winter (Edgar Winter?) — as shazbazzar and the shazlings visit Six Flags over Georgia during their “Holiday in the Park” event over Thanksgiving break.  Goliath, Georgia Scorcher, and the Monster Mansion are just three of the attractions available this season.  PLUS: Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck perform on stage all season long!



JediShua and shazbazzar continue their discussion of retro toys which are available this season in stores near you.  This week: Lincoln Logs, Cabbage Patch Kids, Holly Hobbie, and more!

Direct download: TRDads_02.33.mp3
Category:TechnoRetro Dads -- posted at: 6:29am EST