Enjoy Stuff: A TechnoRetro Podcast

Greetings, Programs!

JediShua is determined to rescue the Kobayashi Maru while shazbazzar continues to battle Hoth-like conditions in the south, but that’s not important right now.  


The TechnoRetro Dads are in the midst of a thirty year-old debate over one of the most controversial topics of our generation. Undaunted by the challenge, both shazbazzar and JediShua put up the best arguments for each side of the Great Bounty Hunter Pronunciation Dilemma.  


Plus: news about Star Wars, preorders for “Retro Action” figures, Robotland in Seoul, unexpected history lessons, and more talk of Atari (we may be on to something here). 


All this and more on the very political (not really) Presidents’ Day episode of TechnoRetro Dads.


Don’t forget the Froot Loops Science Project and the Lazy Book Club featuring Ernie Cline’s novel, Ready Player One. Send us an electronic-M with your discoveries and voice messages to podcast@TechnoRetroDads.com, or you can call us at (209)TR-TRDad.  We want to hear from you!

Direct download: TRDads_01.46.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am EDT