Mon, 29 February 2016
Greetings, Programs! What happens when mortal enemies are stranded alone in a life-threatening hostile environment? Will they overcome their animosity towards each other in their efforts to survive? Will they choose to take their chances on their own? Will they continue their fight against one another in spite of their common plight? Dennis Quaid and Louis Gossett, Jr. explore the possibilities in 1984’s Enemy Mine as a human and a Drac choose temporary tolerance over continued animosity in a story that shows how enemies can become true friends when they are put in a position in which they must rely on each other for survival. More recently, a human and a Lasat explore the same story as Agent Kallus and Zeb from Star Wars Rebels forego their long-standing battle in order to survive being marooned on a Geonosian moon in last week’s, “The Honorable Ones”. This week, shazbazzar and JediShua revisit the somewhat forgotten movie from their youth as well as take a brief look at its similarities with the latest episode of Rebels. On this “Leap Day” episode of TechnoRetro Dads, the ‘Dads explore the solar reasons for having an extra day added to the calendar almost every four years, revealing some truths (and some possible “false facts”) about Leap Year that you may not know, making sure to provide all EarBuds with opportunities to wow their co-workers and friends with mostly unimpressive trivia. (After all, most of us won’t be around to see the next time there isn’t a Leap Year on its regular 4-year schedule in 2100.) But there is some NEWS that may be significant to children of the 70s and 80s. Funko makes a return to The Dark Crystal, Bill the Cat goes solo with his own picture book, Mondo makes Madballs, a young MacGyver is presented his first Erector Set, and Wade Watts is cast for Ready Player One. Most importantly, TechnoRetro Dads satisfy their sweet tooth cravings around the campfire with Kellogg’s SMORZ and Malt-O-Meal’s S’mores cereals. Jeremy the Spider-Pan from The Neverland Podcast submits a guest review as Armando sends in a S’mores cheesecake recipe and several EarBuds send in their thoughts about the marshmallow, chocolate, graham cracker tasting (?) cereal in this month’s cereal challenge. Topped off with Doc Brown’s discovery of a ninth planet in our solar system (yep, the same Doc Brown that challenged the planetary status of the last ninth planet in our solar system, Pluto) in the SCIENCE LESSON, this episode is one that won’t be repeated for at least four years! Don’t skip your 77-minute bowl of TechnoRetro goodness as you start your Leap Day. It’s sure to get your extra day off on the right foot — or left foot — whichever you prefer. |