Enjoy Stuff: A TechnoRetro Podcast

Greetings, Programs!  


…or should we say, “Greetings Starfighter”?  


With rumored remakes, remasters, and fan-edited special editions of movies and shows we watched when we were young, the excitement surrounding the release of the new Star Wars teaser trailer last week has everyone trying to make the old things new.  (Is it unlikely that J.J. Abrams was referring to just this scenario by giving us 88 seconds of teasers to get our capacitors fluxing by generating 1.21 gigahits on StarWars.com and other websites?)


If you don’t want to hear about the recently released Star Wars: The Force Awakens trailer, feel free to stop this episode at the 77 minute mark.  But if you want to get some brief reactions to the event that made some sad losses in the world of football a whole lot better, keep listening to the end of yet another extended episode of TechnoRetro Dads -- 88 minutes this week!


In the NEWS: Theme Park awards, an amazing rendition of a scene from the original Battlestar Galactica (with a few words about both series from Captain Apollo, himself, Richard Hatch),  Westworld may become a series on HBO just in time for another movie about trouble at a theme park, and Dancing with the Stars plays Super Mario Bros.


Then JediShua uncovers a plot to rerelease some of our favorite Toys in the Attic just in time for the holidays (and shazbazzar gets the great idea of scrubbing the old ones and simply regifting). 


Be sure to post your 5-Star reviews of TechnoRetro Dads on iTunes, follow us on Twitter, like us on Facebook, and send us your voicemails!  We want to know what movies you think need sequels, what Christmas catalogs you marked for “hints” to Santa’s helpers, and what you think about all things #TechnoRetro! 


Check out shazbazzar’s new blogs on The Star Wars Report.     



Listen to JediShua on Green Justice, Scarlet Velocity, and Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Case Files

Direct download: TRDads_Monday_88_Minutes.mp3
Category:TechnoRetro Dads -- posted at: 4:00am EST