Enjoy Stuff: A TechnoRetro Podcast

Take a walk in a field of clever with shazbazzar and JediShua this Veterans’ Day as TechnoRetro Dads eat cereal, a magic dragon eats homework, and everyone peruses the menu of Disney+ to see what’s for breakfast, lunch, and dinner tomorrow.


We Love Our Cereal…

…and the Roving Spoonster continues to share the love:

  • Google brings back prizes in boxes of cereal?
  • Hershey Kisses cereal doesn’t look appetizing
  • Shelf Elves get sugar cookie cereal


Puff the Magic Dragon in the Land of the Living Lies

He’s your big, green buddy who teaches life-lessons in television specials featuring sing-a-long songs, imaginative animation, and Mickey from Rocky.  Puff the Magic Dragon in the Land of the Living Lies is the sequel that aired one year after The Star Wars Holiday Special.  The second of three Puff the Magic Dragon TV specials featured Sandy who had a penchant for telling whoppers to get attention and/or get out of trouble, so Puff the Magic Dragon selflessly sacrificed himself to teach her the sad truth about lying.


The Wonderful World of Disney+

JediShua and shazbazzar talk about the movies and programs they’re looking forward to watching on the new Disney+ service that kicks off tomorrow.


Star Wars Scrapbook

The Rise of Skywalker discussion continues with the scene of C-3PO with his “friends” that was seen in the final trailer for the final film in the Skywalker saga.  The Elton John soundtrack is not included in this episode.



Discord goes to the dogs with feedback from Joey, Laffy, and others on the RetroZap Discord TechnoRetro Dads channel.


Thanks for tuning in to TechnoRetro Dads, EarBuds!  Go online for more TechnoRetro Dads on iTunes, Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, RetroZap.com, or TechnoRetroDads.libsyn.com.  Pick up your TechnoRetro Dads merchandise at TeePublic.  Don’t forget to rate and review TechnoRetro Dads on iTunes, share us and with us on social media, get TechnoRetro merchandise at TeePublic, and join discussions on Discord about toys, cereal, games, movies and/or shows from the ‘70s and ‘80s by giving the ‘Dads your feedback via voice mail at (209) 878-7323 or sending us your mp3dback via electronic-M to podcast@TechnoRetroDads.com.

Direct download: TRDads_07.32.mp3
Category:TechnoRetro Dads -- posted at: 6:00am EST