Enjoy Stuff: A TechnoRetro Podcast

Greetings, Programs!  


Whether the weather is wonderfully warm or you’re experiencing a blistering blizzard like the record-setting cold snap this week in 1977, TechnoRetro Dads bring you a variety show of the past in the present on this holiday Monday morning for your day off from work.


In the NEWS…

The Computer Electronics Show revealed some amazing gadgets this year that will certainly wind up under the tree this Christmas.  Lego introduced Lego Boost, programmable robotic Lego sets aimed at children 7 and up that move and respond to commands and sensors and teach coding in a uniquely Lego style.  Nintendo looks for another hit in 2017 with the Super Retro Boy — a handheld gaming unit that capitalizes on Game Boy nostalgia.  Polaroid reminds consumers of their instant cameras with the touchscreen Polaroid Pop digital camera and Kodak promises to release a less expensive Super 8 camera than last year’s release.  But some of the biggest “retronews” this week is Shout Factory’s reboot of the ‘80s video game show Starcade. You can hear more about this on this week’s ARGcast.


Saturday Mornings

Sid and Marty Krofft consistently put out Saturday morning fare for GenXers in the ‘70s and ‘80s.  JediShua and shazbazzar revisit The Krofft Supershow from 1977’s Saturday Morning lineup.  The Krofft Supershow included a glam rock band, Kaptain Kool and the Kongs who introduced a variety of short episodic mini-shows with music and corny jokes — perfect for TechnoRetro Dads!  With teenagers fighting crime and outwitting villains on mysterious islands, on beaches, in the city, and in the wilderness, shows like Bigfoot and Wildboy, Electra Woman and Dyna Girl, Wonderbug, Dr. Shrinker, and Magic Mondo, the late morning slot on Saturday morning lineups was just the thing to send kids out the door to play with their friends.



Aftershocks of 1977

Again, proving the point that 1977 was the epicenter of an earth-shaking, history-making events that have continued to impact the culture for forty years, shazbazzar and JediShua turn the page in Starlog magazine to discover the retro journalistic fervor surrounding the excitement about the first Star Trek film.  As the hype surrounding George Lucas’s highly anticipated masterpiece Star Wars signaled a return of science fiction to the silver screen, Star Trek seemed like a natural fit for audiences wanting to visit outer space in movie theaters.  Thirteen movies later, this article from January 1977 has continued resonating with its own aftershocks.  


Capping off this week’s episode with Feedback from our EarBuds, you’re sure to enjoy a trip back in time while living in a futuristic present with tidbits our friends are sharing with us each week.  Do you want to get in touch with TechnoRetro Dads?  Let us know what you’re looking forward to in 2017 by calling our voice mail line at (209) 878-7323 or sending us an electronic-M to podcast@TechnoRetroDads.com.  Don’t forget to rate and review TechnoRetro Dads on iTunes!


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Category:TechnoRetro Dads -- posted at: 7:26am EST