Enjoy Stuff: A TechnoRetro Podcast

Greetings, Programs!

Are you one of the fortunate ones beginning Spring Break this beautiful Monday morning?  JediShua and shazbazzar both begin their break with sunshine, flowers, and unicorns.

But all is not a bed of roses. IOI has the upper hand and Wade wades deep into the swamp of sadness and nearly...oops...wrong book.  JAMIE returns for Level Two of Ready Player One by Ernest Cline in the second edition of the Lazy Book Club and no one even mentioned R2-DJ at Ogden Morrow’s birthday bash. Be sure to chime in with your thoughts in the Lazy Book Club at forum.TechnoRetroDads.com. You can also get a free audiobook download and free 30-day trial of audible.com through TechnoRetro Dads today! 

Plus: this episode completes the weekly History Lesson by covering great memories from the 70s and 80s through March 31. Stay tuned in the weeks to come to find out what new segments will take its place in April.

Welcome to the positivity of spring!

Direct download: 51_TRDads_01.51.mp3
Category:TechnoRetro Dads -- posted at: 3:30am EST