Enjoy Stuff: A TechnoRetro Podcast

Greetings, Programs!

Shake off the Humbugs and get UNSCROOGED in this Christmas Music Spectacular!  Since music is such an intrinsic part of the holiday season and makes for great memories, we thought we’d share some of our favorites of years gone by as well as some new things we’ve added to our holiday playlist.

As a bonus feature of this episode, we called up Bob Brown for a chat about his song, “Santa, Bring Me a Dinosaur”, a fun little ditty from Down Under.

Plug this one into the car as your traveling or play it on the home stereo.  You’ll enjoy hearing these tunes over and over and over again.

Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas!

Direct download: TRDads_UNSCROOGED.mp3
Category:Holiday Special -- posted at: 10:19pm EDT