Enjoy Stuff: A TechnoRetro Podcast

The first week of May is filled with loads of pop culture greatness with Star Wars Day on Thursday, Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 2 on Friday, and loads of TechnoRetro News for EarBuds everywhere.  Join shazbazzar and JediShua as they emerge from the hurried and harried month of April to bloom with a variety of colors in May.  You know… Mayflowers.  Like Pilgrims at Plymouth Rock.    


In the NEWS…

Guardians of the Galaxy is coming Friday — forty years after Glen Campbell’s “Southern Nights” hit the top slot on American Top 40. He-Man is back in the news with Sony’s announcement of the release date for Masters of the Universe on shazbazzar’s birthday in 2019.  Without any information about a director or any casting, there’s little room for speculation except to say we’re hopeful for a good sci-fi/fantasy film in December 2019.  Classic arcade game Rampage is also coming to theaters in the future featuring “The Rock” with a plot that tosses the game’s storyline out the window.  At least we can expect to see gigantic animals crushing city buildings, smashing military vehicles, and eating citizens.  A popular fan theory about Stan Lee’s appearances in the Marvel Cinematic Universe gains traction as Kevin Feige responds to watchful (and imaginative) eyes.  EarBud Joey (in Tuscon) tweets about a new LEGO Dimensions expansion pack that is filled with #TechnoRetro glory.  Two dozen Midway arcade games make their way into the LEGO universe for Gamer Boy to play to the best of his ability.  We’ve got to pick this up!  Captain Jack Sparrow appears LIVE in the Pirates of the Caribbean ride at Disneyland.  


We Love Our Cereal

JediShua claims that Cinnamon Frosted Flakes aren’t that bad, but shazbazzar isn’t convinced…yet.  Danielle Smith, a high school student in Tustin, California sells cereal to fund the purchase and upkeep of a cow in an Ethiopian orphanage.  Certainly, the babies need their milk, but the kids need something to pour over their cereal, too!


TechoRetro Arcade

Williams Electronics’ horizontal shooter Defender makes its way to the TechnoRetro Arcade.  The ‘Dads remember their days playing this classic from 1981 in the arcades of their youth as well as finding it in today’s retro arcades.


History Lesson

The origins of Star Wars Day are discovered to predate the prequels by more than three centuries.  Gulliver evidently needed the Force to be with him on his travels, launching his voyage from Bristol on May the 4th in 1699. 


Give us your tips on playing Defender on social media or give us your feedback by calling our voice mail line at (209) 878-7323 or sending us a message or mp3 via electronic-M to podcast@TechnoRetroDads.com.  Don’t forget to rate and review TechnoRetro Dads on iTunes and Stitcher. 


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Direct download: TRDads_05.04.mp3
Category:TechnoRetro Dads -- posted at: 5:30am EST