Enjoy Stuff: A TechnoRetro Podcast

Are you ready for the summer?  JediShua and shazbazzar are ready for good times, movies, arcade games, cereal, and even a dose of summer camp — if they can stand it.  But in addition to the joys of the smoky atmosphere from leaf-heavy campfires and mosquito-infested swamp-forests, shazbazzar and JediShua are surprised by a big, hairy creature.  Nope, it’s not Bigfoot or Sasquatch or even Skunk Ape, it’s our own Spacey Ace’em, Steve Glosson from the GOLiverse.  So find a place at the fire and get ready for summer fun!


In the NEWS…

Battlestar Galactica and Buck Rogers in the 25th Century filming props (specifically ships) will be on the auction block near the end of June.  Rick Moranis comes out of hiding to reprise his role in a MacKenzie Brothers benefit special.  The memorable Battle of the Network Stars from the ‘70s and ‘80s will be returning soon, according to ABC.  More sequels on the horizon as the ‘80s continue to get represented in pop culture with Top Gun and Spaceballs.  Will there be merchandise?  Will there be controversy?  Will there be tickets sold at the box office?  We think so.


We Love Our Cereal

After months of anticipation (and boxes of cereal eaten at the ‘Dad’s homes), Cinnamon Pebbles is now up for critical consideration in a cereal segment that might upset some EarBuds.


Harry and the Hendersons

Thirty years ago, George Henderson was on his way home after a family camping trip when he accidentally hit an animal with his car.  No, it wasn’t a cat or even a raccoon (Scott Ryfun).  It wasn’t even Steve Glosson, though he came to the studio to talk about one of his favorite creatures on earth — Bigfoot!  On June 7th, 1987, movie-goers were treated to an endearing tale of a family and their pet Sasquatch named “Harry” in Harry and the Hendersons.  Starring John Lithgow, M. Emmet Walsh, Don Ameche, the mom from A Christmas Story, and a really tall Kevin Peter Hall for a classically ‘80s comedy filled with stereotypes, colorful language, and a glimpse into the lifestyles of one of the most mysterious species on the planet.   


Aftershocks of 1977

Forty years ago today, Apple Computers began selling the Apple II.  Touted as the first truly personal computer, the Apple II sought to bring users an easy-to-use, effective, and relatively inexpensive computer for home use.  Today, we still feel the aftershocks of the meteoric rise to prominence Apple enjoyed as homes welcomed the Apple II into their living rooms.  Now we have much smaller, more efficient, and less expensive mini-computers in our pockets (phone included).  It kind of makes you wonder what the world would have looked like if Apple had never invented the Apple II.  What if Steve Jobs teamed up with Roddy McDowell to forge ahead with computer technology?  We might all be bananas by now and the planet may have well gone to the apes!


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Direct download: TRDads_05.09.mp3
Category:TechnoRetro Dads -- posted at: 5:30am EST