Enjoy Stuff: A TechnoRetro Podcast

Travel through time with shazbazzar and JediShua as they celebrate thirty-five years of Time Bandits with Fidgit, Randall, Strutter, Wally, Og, and Vermin. Star Wars costumes were back in full force last week,  


In the NEWS…

Sequels and reboots take center stage this week on TV and at the movies as rumors persist about Sky High, Halloween, Friday the 13th, Willow, The Incredibles, Muppet Babies, Wayne’s World, Paddington, and Captain Planet. Although sequels and reboots are nothing new in any sense of the word, some of these #TechnoRetro classics are sure to tickle the fancies of many EarBuds!


Time Bandits

Terry Gilliam and Michael Palin teamed up to make a “kids’” movie from a smallish perspective in 1981’s Time Bandits. Led by Randall (David Rappaport), rogue employees of The Supreme Being (Ralph Richardson from Dragonslayer [1981]) use a stolen map to travel through time in pursuit of wealth and the most fabulous thing in the world.  With Fidgit (Kenny Baker), Wally (Jack Purvis), Og (Mike Edmonds), Strutter (Malcolm Dixon, and Vermin (Tiny Ross), this little gang of time-traveling bandits encounter young Kevin (Craig Warnock) in an orchestrated effort to conquer Evil (David Warner from TRON [1982]). With cameos by John Cleese, Michael Palin, Sean Connery, Shelley Duvall, and Katherine Helmond, and Jim Broadbent, this satiric comedy is unsurprisingly like many Monty Python offerings.  JediShua and shazbazzar have long been fans of this movie and continue to sing the praises of Time Bandits, regardless of its potential to “freak out” young viewers in the early ‘80s.


Star Wars Scrapbook

Trading cards have been staples of TV and movie franchises for decades. Join Steve Glosson (Geek Out Loud, Big Honkin’ Show) and shazbazzar on the streets of Rome, Georgia for the second part of their recent trading card discussion as they play “need ‘em got ‘em” with the Star Wars: Rogue One Mission Briefing trading cards. Where else can you find two grown men getting giddy over pieces of cardboard in public?  Nevermind — that’s not unlike many other episodes of TechnoRetro Dads.  The discussion goes well beyond simply talking about the cards, though; shazbazzar and Big Honkin’ Steve talk about the saga itself and some of the scenes depicted in these cards.  For more of this discussion with Steve and shaz opening a box of TRON cards from 1982, check out episode 197 of Geek Out Loud this week. 

Pull out your trading cards before the Time Bandits make off with your collection  before you can say, “SARK really is Evil!”  And be sure to send us your feedback on Facebook, Twitter, electronic-M (podcast@TechnoRetroDads.com), or voicemail (209-878-7323). We want to hear from you!

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Direct download: TRDads_04.31.mp3
Category:TechnoRetro Dads -- posted at: 5:30am EST