Enjoy Stuff: A TechnoRetro Podcast

Greetings, Programs!

The new year is well underway and we are launching Congressmen into space.  Well, we already did, it seems.  Tune in this week and you will be better prepared for that Jeopardy audition as well as a possible job of creative rearranging of words to force clever acronyms.  TechnoRetro Dads is more than just two guys waxing nostalgic week after week -- it is informative and thought provoking.  After all, before today, you did not know that C.H.A.M.P. stands for

But we do more than educate, we have fun this week, too.  From ice-skating in Mississippi to dismantling decorations in Denver, the topics flow from the King to the Fisher-Price Kingdom and every color crystal in between (even the Dark kind), JediShua and shazbazzar bring the 70s and 80s to today with an amusing mix of flashbacks and fast forwards that will keep your reel-to-reel working overtime.

So download early every Monday morning and listen to every juicy nugget of #TechnoRetro good times in a podcast where “B+” is just about the best thing that can be said about a person.  Get your work week started on the right foot (or the left, as long as it is the one you prefer) and be positive all week long!

Tell us what you think about any part of the show by sending us an electronic-m to podcast@TechnoRetroDads.com or calling us at (209)TR-TRDad.  Until then, enjoy stuff!

Direct download: TRDads_01.40.mp3
Category:TechnoRetro Dads -- posted at: 4:00am EDT