Enjoy Stuff: A TechnoRetro Podcast

Greetings, Programs!  

Hopefully you remembered to find a Valentine over the weekend, but today we change gears just a bit to cut loose with some Presidents to the tunes of Kenny Loggins with Footloose.  JediShua and shazbazzar take a TechnoRetro look at the dance movie that made Kevin Bacon in 1984.  While the ‘80s music and feel of the film are undeniably dated, the generation-gap, small town versus big city story is as real today as it was 32 years ago.  So kick off your Sunday shoes this Monday morning and turn up the fun with TechnoRetro Dads.

As always, though, there’s much more to this episode as the ‘Dads reveal upcoming releases: a new Monkees album, Armada makes its paperback debut, and more movie dates change — specifically, Ready Player One and The Flash.  Also in the NEWS, Voltron returns with a new series on NetFlix, and shazbazzar and JediShua make an appearance on Rebel Force Radio.

Kellogg’s makes an appearance in CEREAL NEWS with recipe ideas, specifically a tropical concoction we renamed “Krispies Colada”.  Don’t hesitate to send us your cereal recipes via electronic-M to podcast@technoretrodads.com.    

In celebration of the end of football season, the ‘Dads pull out some bubble gum machine helmets from the ATTIC and reminisce about some favorite (and not-so-favorite) helmets they had.  One question lingers, though: Will these helmets fit 12” figures from the ‘70s and ‘80s?  

It’s a blend of new and old as the kids get a day off from school on this Presidents’ Day.  So sit back for a rousing round of “Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon” with TechnoRetro Dads.

Share and enjoy!

Direct download: TRDads_03.42.mp3
Category:TechnoRetro Dads -- posted at: 5:30am EST