Enjoy Stuff: A TechnoRetro Podcast

With Thanksgiving approaching, we would like to say, “Thank You,” to all our EarBuds, SuperFriends, and contributors to TechnoRetro Dads.  We’ve had a lot of fun releasing podcasts and hearing back from you over the years.  Thank you for your support.

On this Monday sandwiched between Life Day and Turkey Day, shazbazzar and JediShua are feeling somewhat musically inclined (but you’ll have to be the judge of that) as the ‘Dads talk turkey, TV, and more.  Preparations are being made for family gatherings, and the Cranberries are at the top of everyone’s playlist (or, at least, they should be).  Just make sure you don’t get the canned cranberry sauce, because that would be bad.  Very bad.


In the NEWS…

JediShua discovers a new game: Battlestar Galactica Squadrons.  It looks like it may blend the original series with the remake — we’ll soon find out.  And the search for Mark Hamill has succeeded — the Master has been found on Comic-ConHQ.com with a geektastic program where he visits pop culture collectors’ hoards and documents their collections on Mark Hamill’s Pop Culture Quest.  The first episode has already dropped, but to watch it, you have to subscribe to the online channel.


Thanksgiving Specials

Halloween specials are many.  Christmas specials are legion.  But Thanksgiving specials…well, they’re kind of forgettable, and there aren’t too many, anyway.  Garfield’s Thanksgiving gets the ‘Dads talking about T-Day cartoon specials featuring Underdog, Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, Animaniacs, and a surprising comic strip adaptation: B.C.: The First Thanksgiving.  That’s something we’re not sure anyone has ever seen!


Toys in the Attic

The Toy Hall of Fame has recently perused their large list of 2016 nominations and has welcomed three new inductees to the Toy Hall of Fame.  Dungeons & Dragons, Fisher Price Little People, and the swing have all earned their places among the iconic playthings of childhood (Who are we kidding?  We still play with toys!).  Some nominees who didn’t make the cut this year were Transformers, Care Bears, and bubble wrap.

Listen for your chance to get a free copy of Empire of Imagination: Gary Gygax and the Birth of Dungeons & Dragons from author Michael Witwer.

Share and enjoy.

Direct download: TRDads_04.33.mp3
Category:TechnoRetro Dads -- posted at: 7:30am EST