Enjoy Stuff: A TechnoRetro Podcast

After catching the latest Marvel Studios movie in theaters, shazbazzar and JediShua thought it might be fun to slam another mix tape in Shua’s cassette player he just happens to carry under his cape for a truly TechnoRetro Awesome Hero Mix full of heroic tunes from the past and nearly present.  (Yes, it fits on a Memorex 90 minute tape.)


The Tunes:

“Comic Book Hero” (The Tearjerkers)

“Superpowered Superhero“ (Chris Hamilton)

“Legion of Doom Roll Call“ 

“We Are Number One“ (from Lazytown)

“Arkham Asylum” (High Adventure)

“The Joker Is Wild”  (Jan and Dean)

“Joker’s Song” (Miracle of Sound)

“Mwahaha” (Ookla the Mok)

“Call the Roll” (Songs and Stories of the Justice League America)

Super Powers (Ookla the Mok)

“Plastic Man Theme” (Sounds and Stories of the Justice League America)

“Metamorpho Theme” (Sounds and Stories of the Justice League America)

“Superman” (R.E.M.)

“Kryptonite” (Three Doors Down)

“The Escape” (Burgess Meredith)

“The Riddler”  (Frank Gorshin)

“Catwoman”  (Shakespeare’s Sister)

“Love Theme from Superman”  (MECO)

“Superman’s Song”  (Crash Test Dummies)

“Superman (It’s Not Easy)”  (Five for Fighting)

“Comic Book Heroes”  (Rick Springfield)

“I’m Your Superman”  (Rick Springfield)

“The Batusi”  (Neal Hefti)

“Miranda”  (Adam West)

“Boy Wonder, I Love You”  (Burt Ward)

“Flight of the Batmobile”  (Jan and Dean)

“Batman to the Rescue”  (Lavern Baker)

“The Mind of the Bat”  (Miracle of Sound)

“Hero of the Day”  (Iron Horse)


The Tropes: 

Like any cartoonish superhero serial or comic, once our heroes have gained their powers, evil versions of themselves from another dimension appear and make a mess of things.  Of course, the trope in this troupe is that the ‘Dads’ “twins” are as bumbling as the ‘Dads themselves.  Neither pair gets the recognition (or notoriety) they feel they deserve, but our hometown heroes are pleased that, in the end, they land a place among the real heroes as sidekicks.  As for their evil counterparts…well…   


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Direct download: TRDads_Awesome_Hero_Mix_Vol_6.mp3
Category:TechnoRetro Dads -- posted at: 6:00am EST