Enjoy Stuff: A TechnoRetro Podcast

School’s out and this week marks the official start of summer and the longest day of the year (in the northern hemisphere), so shazbazzar and JediShua kick off the season with a trip to the great outdoors.  Grab a tent, a pack, and all your camping gear and join TechnoRetro Dads for news, cereal, and fun as we travel down life’s pizza-paved pathway together this Monday morning.


In the NEWS

Alexa goes full-on L3-37 in the hands of a hacker.  Entertainment Earth turns Monster cereals into Tiki cups.  The Power of Myth with Joseph Campbell is on Netflix.  Disney Jr. will kick-off its new Rocketeer animated series with a six year-old lead character.  Galaxy’s Edge gets closer and closer to “reality” as news about the Star Wars themed resort is released.  PLUS: Wreck It Ralph 2, Dumbo, and a Willow sequel.


We Love Our Cereal

Does granola cereal?  That’s what Shane wants to know.  But that’s not all.  He’s also interested in the Funko horror cereals like the Freddy Krueger FunkO’s and the Pennywise cereal.  Dippin’ Dots cereals should be in Wal*Mart today.  PLUS, Shane in GR turns us on to a Twitch video of Apology Man nuking his cereal bowl (with milk) for a minute before adding his cereal.  #NukeYourBowl  Thanks to @JediMasterJBell for more pics of new cereals at WalMart. 


The Great Outdoors

With Dan Akroyd and John Candy, this 1988 movie written by John Hughes and directed by Howard Deutsch is a great catch.  The Great Outdoors is a comedy of horrors.  Imagine taking a summer vacation in the woods with your wife and kids and then, suddenly and unexpectedly, your annoying, know-it-all brother-in-law shows up (uninvited) with his family.  What can go wrong does go wrong, even with the ever-heroic and Zeus-like Chet Ripley on the case.  With bears, bats, and bandit-like raccoons, this movie still keeps you laughing with its wild life and wild antics in the wilderness of The Great Outdoors.



Matt Marks sends in his mp3dback with his thoughts on the Avengers (spoiler alert!).  Chris Hardy yearns for more positivity in geekdom as the Star Wars tweet-wars persist.  Darth Hound suggests The Writers’ Journey by Christopher Vogler (3rd Edition) as a companion book for Joseph Campbell’s The Hero with a Thousand Faces.  Jacob Roth likes Corvette Summer.  Jeff Baucom plugs potholes with pizza (well, he tells us about Domino’s doing it).


Thanks for tuning in to TechnoRetro Dads, EarBuds!  Don’t forget to rate and review TechnoRetro Dads on iTunes, share us and with us on social media, and join discussions about toys, cereal, games, movies and/or shows from the ‘70s and ‘80s by giving the ‘Dads your feedback via voice mail at (209) 878-7323 or sending us a message or mp3 via electronic-M to podcast@TechnoRetroDads.com.


Share and enjoy.

Direct download: TRDads_06.10.mp3
Category:TechnoRetro Dads -- posted at: 6:00am EST