Mon, 28 January 2019
After you titillate your taste buds with a Cuppa Joe or some bubble-gum with a Bazooka Joe comic this morning, treat your ear buds with memories of G.I. Joe with Retro Joe Tavano on TechnoRetro Dads as shazbazzar and JediShua dig into the toys and cartoons of the ‘80s that made fighting Cobra fashionable.
In the NEWS
Saturday Mornings It’s been a while since the Daddio of has been on TechnoRetro Dads, but SuperFriend Retro Joe Tavano joins shazbazzar and JediShua at the perfect time as we approach G.I. Joe Day this Friday, February 1st! Although Saturday mornings were not typically the time these weekday afternoon cartoons aired, memories of Duke, Flint, Scarlet, Lady Jaye, Mutt, Roadblock, and Snake Eyes are full of fun times, cool music, informative PSAs, and rockets. Hasbro’s marketing machine churned out a winner with this half-hour show featuring toys that were on shelves and pegs in stores across the nation when G.I. Joe made an epic return after some serious plastic surgery to reduce his size, making him more attractive to consumers in the 1980s.
Toys in the Attic: G.I. Joe Since the cartoon was invented as a launching platform for Hasbro’s redesigned G.I. Joe line, it only makes sense that shazbazzar, JediShua, and Retro Joe head up to the attic to see if their G.I. Joe figures have survived the test of time or if their internal organs have dried up due to age and they’ve fallen to pieces. We talk about the toys we had, the toys we played with, and the toys we wanted. From the Cobra H.I.S.S. to the Killer W.H.A.L.E. to the Defiant, we’re spanning a range of several years of prime G.I. Joe collecting.
Vinyl Scratchback Forty years ago, Chic returned to the number one spot on Billboard’s charts for a third time with their song “Le Freak”. The first song to top the charts three times, this disco ditty is an earworm almost everyone will remember.
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