Enjoy Stuff: A TechnoRetro Podcast

Looks like you picked the wrong week to stop eating cereal. 40 years ago one of the funniest movies of all time was unleashed. Airplane! flew over Macho Grande and into our funny bones. We stay a mile high as we look back at memorable airplane video games and Evel Knievel  teaches us new ways to land. 


Look! Up in the sky! Airplanes, video games, and Evel Knievel!


In the NEWS

  • The 80’s ‘kid running from the government’ classic movie DARYL gets a sequel TV series
  • Ever wondered where the Ferris Bueller song “Oh Yeah!” came from? The writers reveal their inspiration
  • We say goodbye to comedy legend Carl Reiner

We Love Our Cereal

We love new ways to use cereal, and the Cinnamon Toast Crunch Cheesecake recipe may be one of the sweetest ways to do it. General Mills releases several new cereals along with Kellogg’s and their superfood for kids. And the Roving Spoonster has us excited about Froot Loops Tropical. 

Let’s All Go to the Movies - Airplane!

In 1980, Jim Abrahams, Jerry Zucker, and David Zucker spoofed the forgettable movie Zero Hour! to create the comedy classic Airplane! It starred Robert Hays and Julie Hagerty, plus a collection of classically serious actors like Peter Graves, Lloyd Bridges, and of course Leslie Nielsen. We look back at the quotes, the jokes, and all the fun that inspired a whole new genre of comedy.  


TechnoRetro Arcade - Airplane games

 How many airplane video games do you remember? We start in the early days of gaming all the way back in 1970 with the first flying game ever, Jet Rocket. As the years went on, we saw graphics change but our joy of flying never dwindled. As long as we dream of soaring, they’ll keep simulating it.


Toys in the Attic - Evel Knievel

If you’re like us, you probably used your bikes for some pretty crazy stunts when you were little. You may have been inspired by the motorcycle stuntman Evel Knievel. We look at his life and the cool toys that he inspired. Don’t try this at home, kids! 

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Category:TechnoRetro Dads -- posted at: 5:58am EST