Enjoy Stuff: A TechnoRetro Podcast

The TechnoRetro realm turns medieval as we talk with Superfriends Mike Witwer, author of Heroes' Feast: The Official Dungeons & Dragons Cookbook and Antony Soehner, author of After School Adventures. 


Hungry? We hope so, because we have some delectable food from the Middle Ages as we welcome Michael Witwer, celebrated Dungeons & Dragons author, whose latest book “Heroes' Feast: The Official Dungeons & Dragons Cookbook” is available now. Plus, author of multiple D & D based novels, Antony Soehner stops by to share his latest series. 


In the NEWS

  • We offer best wishes to Jeff Bridges as he faces a health battle. And we are confident he will conquer it!
  • The Portable Atari Mini Pong Jr. is the portable video game you didn’t know you needed
  • The video game that became a board game, now becomes a video game. The Kickstarter success “Space Invaders” will soon entertain you on your table and your electronic device.

TechnoRetro Cereal -News

The Roving Spoonster’s very own Grand Rapids, Michigan is soon getting its very own cereal bar! And more impressive than that, it’s being run by a 17 year old!  We wish all the best of luck to her and can’t wait to hear a review. 


Antony Soehner has written six great novels based in the world of Dungeons & Dragons, and he’s not slowing down now. We discuss his work that’s available now, and what may be to come. Make sure you check out his great stories and share them with your friends by going to antonysoehner.com   

Michael Witwer returns to TechnoRetro Dads to share another of his great Dungeons & Dragons literature projects. This time it’s an incredible cookbook with food straight from the realm. Pick up Heroes’ Feast - The Official Dungeons & Dragons Cookbook, available now. 

Would You Rather?  Dungeons & Dragons Edition 

Would you rather have everyone in your D&D party have no hands and only fight with their feet, or have everyone’s weapons be made of seaweed? Mike and Tony use a spell to open the door and enter the chamber when suddenly they are confronted with these types of questions. Their only way out is to decide what they would do in these ridiculous scenarios. 

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Category:TechnoRetro Dads -- posted at: 5:58am EDT