Enjoy Stuff: A TechnoRetro Podcast

Star Wars - Return of the Jedi turns 40 this week! Join Jovial Jay and Shua as they look back at what memories they hold dear from 1983. Premieres to Paraphernalia, we remember what made a difference in our lives. And Jay quizzes Shua on Jedi-opardy. All that from a certain point of view on Enjoy Stuff!


Return with us (Or Revenge with us. We’re not picky) to a time when Ewoks were new and Jabba the Hutt was a mysterious new creature that we couldn’t wait to learn about. It’s the 40th anniversary of Star Wars - Return of the Jedi!



A cereal-ific Easter egg appears in Guardians of the Galaxy vol 3

Star Trek fans can now virtually tour every Enterprise bridge

Netflix is soon premiering a 3-part documentary about Arnold Schwarzenegger

Now you can get the Stranger Things Dungeons & Dragons RPG Starter Set for free!

All the Indiana Jones will be available on Disney+ on May 30!


Check out our TeePublic store for some enjoyable swag and all the latest fashion trends

What we’re Enjoying

Jay watched a fun, crazy Bollywood movie called Polite Society. A heist, action, comedy that is a ton of fun to check out. Shua just got back from Punta de Mita, Mexico where he actually tried to relax for a few days (and almost even succeeded a couple of times)


Sci-Fi Saturdays/MCU Location Scout

Jay has updated MCU Location Scout with new locations from Guardians of the Galaxy vol 3. It’s a great rabbit hole to explore. And also, don’t forget to read his articles called Sci-Fi Saturdays on Retrozap.com  


Enjoy Movies!   

Return of the Jedi premiered 40 years ago this week. As Star Wars fans, we were highly anticipating the final chapter of the saga. And also preparing ourselves for never seeing another movie in the theaters. Regardless of what came after, 1983 was quite a year to indulge in all things Star Wars. 


We talk about the transition from Revenge to Return in the title. Ultimately, it was the perfect change, but we got some rare products before George made the final decision. 


Did you know that Jedi was one of only a handful of films that made some premieres in 70mm? 164 different theaters around the country got the chance to share this innovative format for us. Even if we weren’t always aware of what kind of awesomeness we were getting. 


Jay and Shua share stories of seeing the movie on opening weekend, including the theaters where they saw them. While some of the theaters may have now been sent to the great Hollywood Heaven in the sky, we still have the memories. 


Join us for a game of Jedi-opardy as Jay asks Shua some trivia questions centered around the actors and actresses featured in Return of the Jedi. 

Did you see Return of the Jedi in 1983? What memories of the film do you have? First person that emails me with the subject line, “Yub Nub” will get a special mention on the show.  Let us know. Come talk to us in the Discord channel or send us an email to EnjoyStuff@RetroZap.com


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Category:Enjoy Stuff -- posted at: 3:00am EST