Mon, 11 February 2019
George Lucas pushed to capitalize on cuteness after Return of the Jedi left theaters with two made-for-television Ewok features and two seasons of animated Endorians in Nelvana’s Ewoks. Both shazbazzar and JediShua love every incarnation of the little furry guys and share their appreciation for the tribe from Bright Tree Village before taking another trip through time in the dark comedy/love story/science fiction movie, Time After Time.
In the NEWS
…and so will you. It seems that these days, time after time we discover new cereals in supermarkets across the nation. Today, JediShua quickly reviews several new cereals as EarBuds and the Roving Spoonster chime in on what they are finding in store aisles, home pantries, and cereal bowls everywhere.
Saturday Mornings: Ewoks From fall 1985 to spring 1987, shazbazzar and JediShua enjoyed Ewoks on Saturday mornings — with and without Droids. Wicket W. Warwick is joined by Princess Kneesaa and all their friends time after time on Saturdays in this short-lived cartoon by Nelvana.
Time After Time Malcolm McDowell, David Warner, and Mary Steenburgen star in this week’s time-traveling tale about inventor H.G. Wells’ pursuit of villainous Jack the Ripper through time in the machine he created. 1979’s Time After Time is an unforgettable story that many remember seeing on cable or renting at the video store. Whether this movie is a sci-fi flick, a love story, or a dark comedy is your guess. One thing is certain, Time After Time is clearly a product of the disco era.
TechnoRetro Arcade Answering the popularity of Nintendo’s NES, Sega pushed its Sega Genesis to retail outlets in 1989, hoping to gain some of the home console business with its 16-bit system. Children of the ‘80s will remember such classics as Sonic the Hedgehog, Mortal Kombat, and Toejam & Earl.
(Don’t forget Aunt Marge!)
Thanks for tuning in to TechnoRetro Dads, EarBuds! Be sure to check out episodes you may have missed on iTunes, Apple Podcasts, or at Don’t forget to rate and review TechnoRetro Dads on iTunes, share us and with us on social media, get TechnoRetro merch at TeePublic, and join discussions on Discord about toys, cereal, games, movies and/or shows from the ‘70s and ‘80s by giving the ‘Dads your feedback via voice mail at (209) 878-7323 or sending us your mp3dback via electronic-M to |
Mon, 4 February 2019
Whether it’s the Rams vs the Patriots or the Cowboys vs the Steelers, Extreme asks the pertinent question: “Do You Want to Play?” The results are finally in, and the final score was 35 -31 — Pittsburgh wins Super Bowl XIII. We know (and you know) who won Super Bowl LIII, so we thought you should know who won forty years ago. After last night’s battle between Bill & Ted (Belichick and Rath, respectively), it’s time to sit back and relax for fun with shazbazzar and JediShua.
In the NEWS
In just a couple weeks, Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure turns thirty, and with a threequel in the works, it’s a great time to return to San Dimas in 1988 for some most excellent riffs by Wyld Stallyns. JediShua and shazbazzar dig into their teenage years and revisit this just-for-fun-but-better-than-many-Oscar-nominees movie from 1989. Featuring Keanu Reeves, Alex Winter, George Carlin, RAM (from TRON), the French foreign exchange student (from Better Off Dead), and Jane Wiedlin (from the Go-Go’s), Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure follows two rock star wannabes who must get an A+ on their history final in order to pass the class, avoid Alaskan military school, and keep the band from breaking up (before it ever happens). Bill & Ted have less than a day to travel through history (thanks to a time machine from seven hundred years in the future that resembles a phone booth) and put together a bodacious history presentation. Spoiler Alert: They succeed and come back for a sequel (and the aforementioned threequel).
TechnoRetro Arcade Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure made it to home consoles for gamers who couldn’t get enough Bill & Ted in the movie. As an adventure game somewhat resembling the key parts of the movie, players had to talk to NPCs (kind of like in Zelda) to accumulate what they need to ace their history presentation.
Feedback We finally get to some feedback from our EarBuds covering a variety of topics from video games to G.I. Joe memories.
Thanks for tuning in to TechnoRetro Dads, EarBuds! Be sure to check out episodes you may have missed on iTunes, Apple Podcasts, or at Don’t forget to rate and review TechnoRetro Dads on iTunes, share us and with us on social media, get TechnoRetro merch at TeePublic, and join discussions on Discord about toys, cereal, games, movies and/or shows from the ‘70s and ‘80s by giving the ‘Dads your feedback via voice mail at (209) 878-7323 or sending us your mp3dback via electronic-M to |
Mon, 28 January 2019
After you titillate your taste buds with a Cuppa Joe or some bubble-gum with a Bazooka Joe comic this morning, treat your ear buds with memories of G.I. Joe with Retro Joe Tavano on TechnoRetro Dads as shazbazzar and JediShua dig into the toys and cartoons of the ‘80s that made fighting Cobra fashionable.
In the NEWS
Saturday Mornings It’s been a while since the Daddio of has been on TechnoRetro Dads, but SuperFriend Retro Joe Tavano joins shazbazzar and JediShua at the perfect time as we approach G.I. Joe Day this Friday, February 1st! Although Saturday mornings were not typically the time these weekday afternoon cartoons aired, memories of Duke, Flint, Scarlet, Lady Jaye, Mutt, Roadblock, and Snake Eyes are full of fun times, cool music, informative PSAs, and rockets. Hasbro’s marketing machine churned out a winner with this half-hour show featuring toys that were on shelves and pegs in stores across the nation when G.I. Joe made an epic return after some serious plastic surgery to reduce his size, making him more attractive to consumers in the 1980s.
Toys in the Attic: G.I. Joe Since the cartoon was invented as a launching platform for Hasbro’s redesigned G.I. Joe line, it only makes sense that shazbazzar, JediShua, and Retro Joe head up to the attic to see if their G.I. Joe figures have survived the test of time or if their internal organs have dried up due to age and they’ve fallen to pieces. We talk about the toys we had, the toys we played with, and the toys we wanted. From the Cobra H.I.S.S. to the Killer W.H.A.L.E. to the Defiant, we’re spanning a range of several years of prime G.I. Joe collecting.
Vinyl Scratchback Forty years ago, Chic returned to the number one spot on Billboard’s charts for a third time with their song “Le Freak”. The first song to top the charts three times, this disco ditty is an earworm almost everyone will remember.
Thanks for tuning in to TechnoRetro Dads, EarBuds! Be sure to check out episodes you may have missed on iTunes, Apple Podcasts, or at Don’t forget to rate and review TechnoRetro Dads on iTunes, share us and with us on social media, get TechnoRetro merch at TeePublic, and join discussions on Discord about toys, cereal, games, movies and/or shows from the ‘70s and ‘80s by giving the ‘Dads your feedback via voice mail at (209) 878-7323 or sending us your mp3dback via electronic-M to |
Mon, 21 January 2019
When you want to make Monday mornings great again, you get some pretty strange looks and people start to ask questions like, “When were Monday mornings ever great?” While we may not be qualified to give documented histories about great Monday mornings, we do know where to get the answers to the tough questions. We call Chris Luby (the Specialist), cohost of The Geek State podcast and long-time SuperFriend for answers to life’s most challenging quandaries… “How does a vampire select his prey?” “What flavor are the red Funkos?” “Who composed the music for the top five vampire movies in 1979?” “Which version of Zelda best encapsulates the totality of Hyrule lore?” You’ll have to be the judge of how well Chris answers questions like these, even though we don’t dig that deeply ourselves, in this federal holiday Monday morning episode for January 21st.
In the NEWS
We Love Our Cereal… …and EarBuds do, too! Russ “Honey Buns” Doutt and RealtorAngie report on finding new cereals in the aisles of their local stores and even give a review of Honey Bun cereal for the insatiable appetites of cereal lovers everywhere. The Roving Spoonster warms up a story from Europe that has JediShua ready to let Dracula turn him into a vampire bat to cut back on the cost of flying overseas for a morning cup of coffee and cereal at Starbucks Europe.
SuperFriend Chris Luby After a prolonged absence from TechnoRetro Dads (and a hiatus from his own podcast, S’more Geeks), the Specialist Chris Luby returns with a brand-new show, The Geek State. Chris and cohost James take their podcast to the next level with a revamped and reimagined weekly podcast that keeps listeners attuned to the state of affairs in geek culture. Today, Chris shares his fondness for Funko Pops as well as Funkos cereal and even samples a box on the air. From Boba Fett to Elvira (is she a vampire?), Chris has become obsessed with the vinyl figures that fill store shelves in stores everywhere.
TechnoRetro Arcade Before the break of dawn signals all vampires to hurry home, Chris tours the TechnoRetro Arcade with shazbazzar and JediShua to play various Zelda games in the console room. Tune in for Hyrule-ing excitement in these adventure games by Nintendo.
Let’s All Go to the Movies: 1979 Vampire Movies Forty years ago, vampires were all the rage at the cinema as well as at the disco. From genuine horror flicks like Salem’s Lot and Nosferatu the Vampyre to the romance of Dracula to more humorous approaches like Nocturna and the fondly-remembered Love at First Bite, the ‘Dads give a brief overview of the bloodsucking box office of 1979.
Thanks for tuning in to TechnoRetro Dads, EarBuds! Be sure to check out episodes you may have missed on iTunes, Apple Podcasts, or at Don’t forget to rate and review TechnoRetro Dads on iTunes, share us and with us on social media, get TechnoRetro merch at TeePublic, and join discussions on Discord about toys, cereal, games, movies and/or shows from the ‘70s and ‘80s by giving the ‘Dads your feedback via voice mail at (209) 878-7323 or sending us your mp3dback via electronic-M to |
Mon, 14 January 2019
The adventure continues whether you’re turning back and forth through the pages of a book, making decisions digitally, or playing with He-Man and the Masters of the Universe toys from the ‘80s on TechnoRetro Dads — this week with a Big Honkin’ dose of Steve Glosson from Geek Out Loud.
In the NEWS
Toys in the Attic SuperFriend Steve Glosson joins shazbazzar and JediShua in the attic to play with He-Man and the Masters of the Universe toys by Mattel from the 1980s. These action figures were a huge departure from the popularity of the incredibly successful 3 3/4” action figures from Star Wars, Battlestar Galactica, Buck Rogers in the 25th Century, and of course G.I. Joe. Beginning with several characters, a couple of vehicles, a non-articulated green tiger, and a large castle playset, the Masters of the Universe toys
Saturday Mornings: Black Mirror “Bandersnatch” JediShua and shazbazzar remember the fun of Choose Your Own Adventure books when they check out the latest Netflix addition to the Black Mirror series, “Bandersnatch”. This dark, weird interactive movie allows viewers to choose the actions of an on-screen character to determine the plot and end of the movie. “Bandersnatch” is a quality first effort at merging game books with digital technology for an effective Choose Your Own Adventure experience. Definitely for “mature audiences”, the back-and-forth feel of this movie is a genuine throwback to the joy of reading Choose Your Own Adventure books. Perhaps more of these will be created soon. Maybe bring in some of our favorite franchises like G.I. Joe, Transformers, or even He-Man. The possibilities are only limited by imaginations at this point.
Thanks for tuning in to TechnoRetro Dads, EarBuds! Be sure to check out episodes you may have missed on iTunes, Apple Podcasts, or at Don’t forget to rate and review TechnoRetro Dads on iTunes, share us and with us on social media, get TechnoRetro merch at TeePublic, and join discussions on Discord about toys, cereal, games, movies and/or shows from the ‘70s and ‘80s by giving the ‘Dads your feedback via voice mail at (209) 878-7323 or sending us your mp3dback via electronic-M to |
Mon, 7 January 2019
The last year of the twenty-teens begins with an amazing blend of new and old with feedback from EarBuds, new TV shows focusing on ‘80s culture, AI reminiscent of HAL from 2001, boxes of cerealicious breakfast food, and new video games in a classic style.
Feedback Discover the intrinsic relationship between Speak & Spell and the Little Professor. TRON goes X-Wing thanks to Mark Ham All. Mark Hamill jokes about Joker cereal. Several EarBuds chime in with fond memories from 2018, ranging from Solo to Spider-Man to Pac-Man to chicken walkers to vacations in O’Lando.
In the NEWS The International Space Station has a floating half-spherical artificial intelligence who behaves like a toddler. Thankfully, it’s named CIMON and not HAL, and “Daisy” doesn’t seem to be on its playlist. The ‘80s get turned upside-down again this year on July 4th when Stranger Things 3 shows up on Netflix. Speaking of sequels, They Live may finally have one in the works according to John Carpenter. Python Michael Palin is to be honored by the British Crown this year and gain the knightly honorific, “Sir”. We think he maybe knighted at sunset.
We Love Our Cereal… …and the pics we’re getting from EarBuds! From exciting wall decor in the image of favorite retro cereal mascots to boxes of marshmallowy grandeur to stockings backed by boxes of favorite cereals, there are bowls and bowls of breakfasts just waiting to be poured over milk. Suddenly, our bowls overflow with reports from the Roving Spoonster: new GM cereals hitting shelves, Netflix goes viral with a cereal question, a principal feeds kids over the holidays with gift boxes of…yep — cereal! Still, some cereal aficionados might give the rest of us a bad name; specifically with frivolous lawsuits.
TechnoRetro Arcade The Super NES game console was Nintendo’s 16-bit submission to the home video game market. SNES and Sega Genesis battled head-to-head thirty years ago for a bigger piece of the pixelated pie. With Street Fighter II and Donkey Kong Country, the Super Nintendo Entertainment System was popular with gamers of all ages, even as the 32-bit systems came into the market.
Toys in the Attic If you ventured into Walmart anytime during the past couple months, you may have noticed some larger than desktop sized arcade games featuring side art and classic marquees reminiscent of the mid-eighties with Pac-Man, Galaga, Rampage, Centipede, and more. A new retro idea — 3/4 scaled arcade games — hit the pallets in November and continue making their way out retail stores even today. With a $300 price tag, these aren’t cheap , but they might just satisfy your craving for a bit of the old arcade in a corner of your office.
Thanks for tuning in to TechnoRetro Dads, EarBuds! Be sure to check out episodes you may have missed on iTunes, Apple Podcasts, or at Don’t forget to rate and review TechnoRetro Dads on iTunes, share us and with us on social media, get TechnoRetro merch at TeePublic, and join discussions on Discord about toys, cereal, games, movies and/or shows from the ‘70s and ‘80s by giving the ‘Dads your feedback via voice mail at (209) 878-7323 or sending us your mp3dback via electronic-M to |
Mon, 24 December 2018
The gifts are all purchased and wrapped, the food is mostly prepared (to be further prepared), the bags are packed for the trip to Gramma’s, and everything is ready for Christmas. But don’t discount the joy of pre-Christmas hype on Christmas Eve. Join shazbazzar and JediShua for a final 77 minutes of #TechnoRetro in 2018.
We Love Our Cereal… …and so do our EarBuds. On Christmas Eve, the kids are already excited and might get up before Mom and Dad are ready to take on the day. What are parents to do when the kids are up at 5 AM and really hungry? Direct them to the cereal shelf in the pantry with a bowl, a spoon, and milk, and tell them to make their favorite Christmas Eve combination of cereals and watch cartoons.
TechnoRetro Arcade Remember when you played last year’s Christmas gift (Atari, Nintendo, Sega, PlayStation, Game Cube, etc.) on Christmas Eve to get your mind off what might possibly be under the tree in the morning? JediShua and shazbazzar take a peek back at several video games with snow themes and snow screens that are perfect for a “Sleigh Ride” with “Jingle Bells”.
EarBuds Toy Catalog: Mixed Bag The results of the fourth bracket of the EarBuds Toy Catalog are in and some of the retro toys challenge the newer products. From Speak and Spell to Whirly-Wheels, from Bop-Bags to Magic 8-Balls, the toys are as hot as Hot Wheels, bigger than Micro Machines, springier than a Slinky, and less talkative than Teddy Ruxpin. Remember, even though it’s Christmas Eve, it’s never too late to give hints to loved ones. Maybe you’ll get your winner tomorrow morning. Thanks for tuning in to TechnoRetro Dads, EarBuds! We’ll be back next year, but if you’re looking for more content before then, check out some older episodes on iTunes, Apple Podcasts, or at Don’t forget to rate and review TechnoRetro Dads on iTunes, share us and with us on social media, get TechnoRetro merch at TeePublic, and join discussions on Discord about toys, cereal, games, movies and/or shows from the ‘70s and ‘80s by giving the ‘Dads your feedback via voice mail at (209) 878-7323 or sending us your mp3dback via electronic-M to |
Sat, 22 December 2018
UnScrooged is what the Doctor would prescribe (if only he knew about it) for relief from holiday anxiety, reversing persistent frowns, rejuvenating old bones and muscles, and reviving memory centers. This special 99-minute bonus episode is the longest UnScrooged to date, and perhaps the most potent. You need to take a full dose today -- repeat as necessary during the winter holidays this year and every year. There is no expiration date.
WARNING A full dose of UnScrooged 2018 will likely cause some, if not all, of these side effects:
If these symptoms are present in yourself or a loved one, do not panic -- simply help them find favorite toys, take them to a real video arcade, and encourage them to sing on key. Who knows? Maybe your loved one will be featured on a talent-seeking reality show and win a million dollar contract!
SuperFriends in UnScrooged 2018
Mon, 17 December 2018
Yule love this week’s show, even if you’re a Humbug! Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol takes on an eighties upgrade with Bill Murray and Bobcat Goldthwait in Scrooged. Don’t wait for three ghosts to make you regret your choices today — tune in to TechnoRetro Dads early this morning, share, and enjoy all the fun and fandom with family, friends, and EarBuds for 77 minutes.
We Love Our Cereal… …and the cereal companies like special cereals for Christmas. From the Cronut creator’s Christmas Morning Cereal to Lucky Charms Chocolatey Winter Cereal to Strawberry Krispies, the seasonal flavors are ready to be enjoyed by the spoonful (#ChillYourBowl). Perhaps the reason Ebenezar Scrooge was so grumpy is the notable lack of Christmas cereal in his day.
TechnoRetro Arcade Our super-sized celebration of Superman’s 40th (80th) anniversary last week left out a very important element: video games. Superman’s video game debut was for the Atari 2600 console in the 1979 super-pixillated classic Superman. Six years later, Superman: The Game (see what they did there?) was released for home computers. To provide picky, pestering Scrooges with something worthy of complaint, the NES Superman game only had a vague resemblance to Superman in 1988. That same year, a full-sized arcade version of the Man of Steel was released by Taito. Best of all, the ultimate Superman video game has yet to arrive!
Scrooged Frank Cross (Bill Murray), a television network executive with more dollars than sensitivity, faces a long night of regrets, repentance, and redemption with visits from three time-traveling ghosts. It’s A Christmas Carol for the ‘80s with a healthy, heaping spoonful of meta as life and fiction intersect on a live broadcast that’s likely to reduce at least one of the ‘Dads to tears — like, Niagara Falls!
EarBuds Toy Catalog: Creative Toys The results of the third bracket of the EarBuds Toy Catalog are in as retrotastic toys that engaged the mind in creative ways went head-to-head in physics, chemistry, and engineering matchups that challenge the brain, hands, and eyes. Knobby flat screens like Etch A Sketch faced the colorful three-dimensional Tinker Toys. Artistic minds that need to knead found fun in yellow cans of Play-Doh as the modeling compound squared off against another drawing toy — Magnadoodle. Tune in to see who won!
Thanks for tuning in to TechnoRetro Dads, EarBuds! While you’re waiting for this year’s UnScrooged, be sure to subscribe on iTunes or Apple Podcasts. Don’t forget to rate and review TechnoRetro Dads on iTunes, share us and with us on social media, vote in the EarBuds Christmas bracket, get TechnoRetro merch at TeePublic, and join discussions on Discord about toys, cereal, games, movies and/or shows from the ‘70s and ‘80s by giving the ‘Dads your feedback via voice mail at (209) 878-7323 or sending us your mp3dback via electronic-M to Share and enjoy. |
Mon, 10 December 2018
Faster than shazbazzar driving through Atlanta. More powerful than JediShua’s art pen. Look! There, up in the sky, it’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s…Superman! Standing for truth, justice, and the American Way, Superman continues to inspire the best in people — at least the 1978 version of Superman does.
Feedback EarBuds both new and old (experienced?) send in their feedback to with comments and questions about TRON, animated giant robots in Force Five, and a discovery about JediShua’s weekly introduction.
EarBuds Toy Catalog: Action Figures The results of the second bracket of the EarBuds Toy Catalog are in as four sets of “action figures” of times past go head-to-head against each other (via EarBuds’ voting). Madballs, Micronauts, Mego Superheroes, and Mattel’s He-Man and She-Ra lines face off for the EarBuds’ favorite. With many more participants this week, the challenge was more intense. Find out if the ‘70s or ‘80s take the prize in this episode! Sadly, the Mego Superheroes (including Superman) didn’t make it very far in this round, but you can always be a part of the brackets as these rounds continue over the next two weeks. Keep checking various social media outlets for updates and ways you can vote for your favorite toys in the EarBuds Toy Catalog contest.
Superman (the Movie) Christopher Reeve filled out the blue spandex (“That is one bad outfit!”) in 1978 as Superman is pitted against arch villain Lex Luthor in a real estate scuffle that brings out the best in Clark Kent. Standing for truth, justice, and the American Way, the orphan from Krypton becomes the altruistic hero we all love as he saves the day for Lois Lane, Jimmy Olsen, and everyone else in California when Otisville nearly becomes a reality.
Vinyl Scratchback: Superman Soundtrack The score for Superman helped make this movie iconic, branding Superman with the John Williams theme that can be recognized almost anywhere — even when sung a bit off-key! In an era when disco was driving everyone wild, another orchestral score turned out to be a hit among movie goers.
Thanks for tuning in to TechnoRetro Dads, EarBuds! While you’re watching Superman, be sure to subscribe on iTunes or Apple Podcasts. Don’t forget to rate and review TechnoRetro Dads on iTunes, share us and with us on social media, vote in the EarBuds Christmas bracket, get TechnoRetro merch at TeePublic, and join discussions on Discord about toys, cereal, games, movies and/or shows from the ‘70s and ‘80s by giving the ‘Dads your feedback via voice mail at (209) 878-7323 or sending us your mp3dback via electronic-M to
Share and enjoy. |
Mon, 3 December 2018
It’s been over a week since Thanksgiving, and we’ve just awakened from the full-belly naps we’ve enjoyed over the holidays. As college football season closes and anticipation arises for upcoming bowl games (Outback Bowl in Tampa, anyone?), the season’s greetings turn towards trees, snowmen, reindeer, and Santa Claus! Don’t worry, we’re sure that Ernest Saves Christmas just in time (like he has for the past three decades). In the NEWS Looks like there’s something strange in the neighborhood for the third time according to Dan Aykroyd. Ghostbusters 3 is confirmed to be a sequel to the original Ghostbusters movies from the ‘80s. Great news! Sadly, however, Bikini Bottom mourns the loss of SpongeBob Squarepants creator Stephen Hillenburg who ended his fight with ALS. He was 57.
EarBuds Toy Catalog: Games The results of the first category of the EarBuds Toy Catalog brackets are in as four games of times past go head-to-head against each other (via EarBuds’ voting). Hungry Hungry Hippos, Trivial Pursuit, Battleship, and the Nintendo Entertainment System face off for the EarBuds’ favorite. Perhaps the ultimate winner isn’t all that unexpected. But you can always be a part of the brackets as these rounds continue over the next two weeks. Keep checking various social media outlets for updates and ways you can vote for your favorite toys in the EarBuds Toy Catalog contest.
SuperFriend Hunter Wahl Laika’s newest addition to their amazing stop-motion features is coming this April, and SuperFriend Hunter Wahl joins us to tell us about the movie and gives us insight into behind-the-scenes activities that go into making a stop-motion feature in the 21st Century. Missing Link will premier on April 12th of next year and we’re excited to see this movie.
Ernest Saves Christmas Hunter (who was, at least in part, raised by a TechnoRetro Dad) sticks around for some fun chatter about Ernest Saves Christmas as Ernest P. Worrell helps Santa fulfill his mission to pass the torch (or magic sack) to the next Santa to carry on the tradition and ensure that Christmas continues. Ernest Saves Christmas turns 30 this year as the iconic ‘80s character invented and portrayed by Jim Varney appears in what some consider his best movie role.
Thanks for tuning in to TechnoRetro Dads, EarBuds! While you’re watching Ernest Saves Christmas, be sure to subscribe on iTunes or Apple Podcasts. Don’t forget to rate and review TechnoRetro Dads on iTunes, share us and with us on social media, vote in the EarBuds Christmas bracket, get TechnoRetro merch at TeePublic, and join discussions on Discord about toys, cereal, games, movies and/or shows from the ‘70s and ‘80s by giving the ‘Dads your feedback via voice mail at (209) 878-7323 or sending us your mp3dback via electronic-M to
Share and enjoy. |
Mon, 19 November 2018
Thanksgiving is a time to remember and confess the things for which we are thankful, and thankfully, you’re still listening to TechnoRetro Dads even after this past Saturday’s Holiday Special! Thanks for tuning in, EarBuds! There’s enough in this episode for a full meal with leftovers to boot. In the NEWS It’s Thanksgiving week, so don’t forget to defrost that turkey NOW! Laika discovers the Missing Link in an upcoming film (Hunter, one of JediShua’s former students, worked on this movie). Fettmatic on Discord spotted the animated Dungeons & Dragons characters in maquette form through Iron Studios. Jim Henson’s Christmas specials (Emmet Otter’s Jug-Band Christmas and The Bells of Fraggle Rock) are coming to theaters in December.
We Love Our Cereal… …even if the Golden Girls cereals are never gold. Funko announces more colors for their very popular offering coming soon. The Roving Spoonster (Shane in GR) has more bowls of cereal news this week, too!
TechnoRetro Arcade Hunters and gamers could find common ground on Thanksgiving in 1984 with Nintendo’s release of Duck Hunt in arcades and at home. An effective light-sensing zapper allows players to shoot digital ducks and pixelated clay pigeons on CRT monitors in a fun (and sometimes frustrating) game that everyone can play. However, the dog can be a jerk.
Thanksgiving Television From the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade on Thanksgiving morning to the holiday specials (nope, not that Holiday Special — see last Saturday for that one), while Gramma works in the kitchen, the kids and dads watch TV with traditional programming that marks the fourth Thursday in November. Dallas and Detroit are sure to play and Bugs plays “Diet Doctor” in a Looney Tunes special.
Planes, Trains, and Automobiles Thanksgiving is about spending time with family, but when you’re out-of-town trying to get home to be with your loved ones and transportation problems threaten your relaxing holiday, you may have to team up with a stranger to make everything work out. Steve Martin and John Candy star in Planes, Trains, and Automobiles, a John Hughes film. Everyone has met “that guy” — just a common, ordinary guy who doesn’t seem to have everything figured out as much as he thinks he does. He means well and has a positive attitude, but his optimism doesn’t always work out. Settle down for raucous laughter with family and friends for a gut-busting good time this weekend with Planes, Trains, and Automobiles.
Thanks for tuning in to TechnoRetro Dads, EarBuds! Be sure to subscribe on iTunes or Apple Podcasts. Don’t forget to rate and review TechnoRetro Dads on iTunes, share us and with us on social media, vote in the EarBuds Christmas bracket, get TechnoRetro merch at TeePublic, and join discussions on Discord about toys, cereal, games, movies and/or shows from the ‘70s and ‘80s by giving the ‘Dads your feedback via voice mail at (209) 878-7323 or sending us your mp3dback via electronic-M to
Share and enjoy. |
Sat, 17 November 2018
Forty years ago today, 17 November 2018, The Star Wars Holiday Special aired for its one and only appearance on television. For years, fans have sought out black market copies of the program in order to see it for themselves. As for the TechnoRetro Dads, they have adored this heart-warming story for four decades.
Today, thanks to a discovery in Ralph McQuarrie’s personal items in 2012, shazbazzar and JediShua present a rendition of an early story treatment of the Star Wars Holiday Special as made available on
We hope you will share and enjoy this audio tribute to the “Could’ve Been but Wasn’t Actually the Star Wars Holiday Special”.
Special thanks to: High Adventure “Light the Sky on Fire” and “Happy Life Day” Supernova “Chewbacca” Donny & Marie Osmond Kevin Rubio TROOPS Battlestar Galactica CHipS Mork & Mindy Wheel of Fortune WKRP in Cincinnati
Mon, 12 November 2018
Hobbits, a Dragon’s Lair, and The Lord of the Rings make for a great Dungeons & Dragons campaign in the ‘70s and ‘80s as shazbazzar and JediShua take a trip back 40 years (and more) into the past for this episode of TechnoRetro Dads. Feedback From the Misfits of Science to pumpkins, from snowmen to bubblegum, and a brand new mini-store from the people who brought us Toys ‘R’ Us — several EarBuds send pics and electronic-Ms about several things we’ve been talking about (and should be talking about).
The Lord of the Rings (1978) Animator Ralph Bakshi committed J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings to film in 1978 with a combination of animation styles from traditional cels to rotoscoping to make a very ‘70s movie that challenged young viewers and made an imprint on impressionable young minds. Even Peter Jackson was not immune to the magic of Ralph Bakshi’s The Lord of the Rings, evident in his 2001 version of the first third of the story with scenes derived from this mind-blowing masterpiece that kept kids coming back for more.
Vinyl Scratchback When JediShua introduced shazbazzar to “The Ballad of Bilbo Baggins”, the younger ‘Dad sought out more music from Leonard Nimoy, and shazbazzar discovered the album Spaced Out featuring Leonard Nimoy and William Shatner. With original songs and covers of popular tunes, Captain Kirk and Mr. Spock got groovy in the late ‘60s with an album that boldly went where no record had gone before.
TechnoRetro Arcade Sword and sorcery continue in the arcade with the impressive and challenging Don Bluth cartoon video game Dragon’s Lair. For only two quarters, gamers could control Dirk the Daring in his quest to rescue Princess Daphne from the Dragon’s Lair.
Thanks for tuning in to TechnoRetro Dads, EarBuds! Be sure to subscribe on iTunes or Apple Podcasts. Don’t forget to rate and review TechnoRetro Dads on iTunes, share us and with us on social media, vote in the EarBuds Christmas bracket, get TechnoRetro merch at TeePublic, and join discussions on Discord about toys, cereal, games, movies and/or shows from the ‘70s and ‘80s by giving the ‘Dads your feedback via voice mail at (209) 878-7323 or sending us your mp3dback via electronic-M to
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Mon, 5 November 2018
The pumpkins have fallen out of fashion, Christmas commercials invaded televisions the day after Halloween, the smell of peppermint is in the air, and it won’t be long before there’s enough snow on the ground to build a snowman. Do you want to? You know… build a snowman?
In the NEWS A YouTube channel has compiled “all” Ready Player One references in one gigantic video list. You can soon build your own virtual reality bedroom (Ready Player One style) will memorabilia, movies, TV shows, and even classic video games! Beetlejuice is now a musical stage production on its way to Broadway.
TechnoRetro Arcade Star Wars landed on home game consoles everywhere in 1982 with the release of The Empire Strikes Back, a scrolling shooter that pitted players’ snowspeeders against AT-ATs on the march towards Echo Base. The low-resolution game (hey, it was 1982) did not diminish game play in the least. The walkers looked like walkers. The snowspeeder looked like a snowspeeder. The snow-covered terrain looked like snow-covered terrain. And the FORCE… Well, it was multicolored flashing and had cool music. The Empire Strikes Back on Atari may not have been “winnable”, but it sure did provide hours of fun reliving the “Battle in the Snow”.
Saturday Mornings In 1985, Bill Watterson brought the dark imagination of a small boy to life in the funny papers under the title Calvin and Hobbes. Calvin, a bright, energetic, and playful boy, teamed up with his striped friend Hobbes to remake the world as they wanted it to be. From transmogrification to snowmen in somewhat disturbing positions, Calvin and Hobbes kept parents on their toes as the pair (?) delivered joy to newspaper subscribers every day as the paperboy completed his neighborhood route. JediShua and shazbazzar recall some memorable “snowman” strips from the ‘80s and ‘90s. (Thanks for the idea, Russ!)
They Live Evil-Lynn returns from Masters of the Universe to fill her role in this John Carpenter film from thirty years ago. They Live is a creepy look at ‘80s culture through the eyes of the filmmaker as Carpenter warns his audience of the dangers lurking beneath the surface in our capitalistic economy. But theater-goers weren’t as interested in the underlying message of the director (who claimed the film is a documentary), they just wanted to be entertained by the likes of pro wrestler “Rowdy” Roddy Piper. From muscles to mullet to mouthing-off, Roddy Piper drew in audiences to see this sci-fi thriller about friendship, aliens, magic glasses, and street brawling. Featuring Roddy Piper, Keith David, and Meg Foster, They Live is an essential part of ‘80s pop culture.
Thanks for tuning in to TechnoRetro Dads, EarBuds! Be sure to subscribe on iTunes or Apple Podcasts. Don’t forget to rate and review TechnoRetro Dads on iTunes, share us and with us on social media, get TechnoRetro merch at TeePublic, and join discussions on Discord about toys, cereal, games, movies and/or shows from the ‘70s and ‘80s by giving the ‘Dads your feedback via voice mail at (209) 878-7323 or sending us your mp3dback via electronic-M to |
Mon, 29 October 2018
He’s the ghost with the most: a moldy, decaying, concoction of phlegm and philandery who is eager to help rid your home of those pesky living people who can make your death a living hell. Michael Keaton’s portrayal of Beetlejuice in the 1988 film rapidly became a staple of late ‘80s pop culture and continues to be recognized today. From the film to television to the toy aisles, Beetlejuice wormed his way into our homes and lives in one way or another (or all three). In the NEWS Warner Brothers cuts Six Billion Dollars in upgrades as the anticipated and updated Steve Austin movie gets yanked from their release schedule. News from Thra continues to enthrall fans of The Dark Crystal as producers confirm that the upcoming Netflix series will be free from computer generated effects. That galaxy far, far away draws ever nearer as China plans to build an artificial moon (“That’s no moon.”) and NASA floats the concept of Cloud City on Venus in future plans. Christmas presents are already being anticipated with Target’s Big Book, an announcement about a Toys ‘R’ Us reemergence, and a Kurt Russell Christmas movie. There is a lot to talk about in the world of #TechnoRetro goodness!
We Love Our Cereal… …and the Roving Spoonster has bowls full of sweet breakfast goodies to share with a unique cereal cup, Golden Girls cereal, a Canadian pop-up cereal cafe, and the first Christmas-based cereal to hit store shelves.
Beetlejuice Tim Burton’s 1988 Halloweenish movie (released in March of that year) introduced movie-goers to a disgusting and deadly creature from the other side who enjoys scaring the life out of the living in Beetlejuice. Stinky, filthy, and foul-mouthed, Beetlejuice specializes in his own brand of haunting in this unique and oddly funny addition to the ever-growing library of movies you might enjoy around Halloween. If you’ve never seen Beetlejuice, take a trip down to your local video rental store and grab a VHS for viewing this Wednesday. Parental guidance definitely suggested.
Saturday Mornings From the silver screen to the small screen, kids could get in on the fun of Beetlejuice in the ‘80s and early ‘90s, too. The animated version of the green-haired weirdo from who-knows-when engaged younger viewers who may have missed the Michael Keaton version when they turned on their TVs on Saturday mornings. Voiced by Stephen Ouimette, the titular antagonizer isn’t quite as villainous as his live-action counterpart, but the grodinous of the character isn’t a far cry from the 1988 version.
Toys in the Attic Not enough Beetlejuice for you, EarBuds? Perhaps you remember the action figures that featured Beetlejuice in various outfits from the film as well as his “friends” in the netherworld. From film to television to plastic, Beetlejuice continued to entice the unsuspecting world to call out his name three times so he could wreak havoc on the land of the living.
Feedback We’re able to dip into the mail bag for some great pics of Jack o’ Lanterns created by our EarBuds. You can view them on our Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Thanks for tuning in to TechnoRetro Dads, EarBuds! Be sure to subscribe on iTunes or Apple Podcasts. Don’t forget to rate and review TechnoRetro Dads on iTunes, share us and with us on social media, get TechnoRetro merch at TeePublic, and join discussions on Discord about toys, cereal, games, movies and/or shows from the ‘70s and ‘80s by giving the ‘Dads your feedback via voice mail at (209) 878-7323 or sending us your mp3dback via electronic-M to
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Mon, 22 October 2018
Dungeons & Dragons was part of every GenXer’s experience growing up, whether they played the game or not. From the “Satanic Panic” to the toys, magazines, and cartoon, D&D prevailed in the late ‘70s and early ‘80s. Even today, as comic book stores and specialty shops host in-house role-playing games, Dungeons & Dragons continues to be an important part of pop culture. This week, shazbazzar and JediShua invite SuperFriend Michael Witwer to talk about Dungeons & Dragons Art and Arcana, his second publication centered around this “Daddy of Modern Gaming”.
Dungeons & Dragons Art and Arcana Co-authored by Michael Witwer, Kyle Newman, Jon Peterson, and Sam Witwer, this oversized hardcover focuses on the artwork essential to understanding a game that was often played with little more than a pencil, some paper, strangely-shaped dice, and a lot of imagination. Yet, as the book’s subtitle proclaims, this 400+ page tome is more than a high-quality art book, it is indeed a Visual History of the game itself as well as its impact on the culture of the ‘70s and ‘80s and even today. The history of the game and its various editions runs throughout the course of the book, as original artwork from the ‘70s to the ‘10s fills every page in brilliant, full color reproductions. From artwork created for the game itself to images surrounding the game, such as actual advertisements and flyers, photographs of items that inspired aspects of the game, and even early drafts and sketches of the game’s most memorable features, Dungeons & Dragons Art and Arcana is a treasure worthy of the adventure — and it’s available for purchase tomorrow. Join shazbazzar and JediShua as they talk to co-author Michael Witwer about the contents of the book, its origins, and general discussion about Dungeons & Dragons itself. TechnoRetro Dads recommend not only the book itself, but (if you can get a copy, the Special Edition of the book with some great ephemera for those with a penchant for history and rarities of days gone by). You’ll love Dungeons & Dragons Art and Arcana — and we hope you enjoy this episode of TechnoRetro Dads, too.
Thanks for tuning in to TechnoRetro Dads, EarBuds! Don’t get burned by missing a single episode of TechnoRetro Dads — subscribe on iTunes or Apple Podcasts. Don’t forget to rate and review TechnoRetro Dads on iTunes, share us and with us on social media, get TechnoRetro merch at TeePublic, and join discussions on Discord about toys, cereal, games, movies and/or shows from the ‘70s and ‘80s by giving the ‘Dads your feedback via voice mail at (209) 878-7323 or sending us your mp3dback via electronic-M to |
Wed, 17 October 2018
The winds and rains ceased, but the trees kept tumbling down after Hurricane Michael pounded the SouthEast last week, but even with the lights out, shazbazzar got his MacGyver on by fashioning a light from a pumpkin, a candle, and a knife. Discover more about October Oddities and a classic ‘80s TV show on this “better late than never” episode of TechnoRetro Dads.
In the NEWS
October Oddity: Jack o’ Lanterns From the Irish folk tales of “Stingy Jack” to front porch adornments, Jack o’ Lanterns have a rich history that will surely surprise you.
Halloween Candy With the ingenuity of MacGyver, Jack o’ Lanterns were transformed from actual pumpkins with carved faces with lights inside into plastic buckets for carrying candy for Trick or Treaters. JediShua and shazbazzar remember some of the popular candies from the ‘80s to warm up your sweet tooth and get you ready for the upcoming holiday.
MacGyver “The Secret of Parker House” The secret agent with an engineer’s mind solved problems each week on MacGyver for seven seasons from the ‘80s to the ‘90s. Thirty years ago, MacGyver aired a spooky episode for Halloween with mystery, music, intrigue, and a skeleton. How will Angus “Mac” MacGyver save Penny from certain doom? Find out as we spoil the ending of “The Secret of Parker House”.
Thanks for tuning in to TechnoRetro Dads, EarBuds! Don’t let the ghosts of the ‘70s and ‘80s fade from your memory by missing an episode of TechnoRetro Dads — subscribe on iTunes or Apple Podcasts. Don’t forget to rate and review TechnoRetro Dads on iTunes, share us and with us on social media, get TechnoRetro merch at TeePublic, and join discussions on Discord about toys, cereal, games, movies and/or shows from the ‘70s and ‘80s by giving the ‘Dads your feedback via voice mail at (209) 878-7323 or sending us your mp3dback via electronic-M to
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Mon, 8 October 2018
Whether you need something to pick up your spirits or make ghosts float, the hair-raising spookiness of this week’s TechnoRetro Dads will possess you with urges for cereal and cartoons, snack cakes and TV shows, toys, games, and even more canned laughter. Cover your eyes and plug in your ear buds, EarBuds, and the ‘Dads will heighten your October outlook with fun and frights (and few insights) this morning or tonight.
In the NEWS Star Wars is all over the news this week and it looks like TechnoRetro Dads are the last to cover it when it’s actually new. Besides Star Wars Reads Month, the ‘Dads speculate on rumors surrounding The Mandalorian, a live-action series helmed by Jon Favreau and Dave Filoni’s part in the series (of course, since recording this episode, much more information has been forthcoming). But not all the news is old Star Wars news. Oh, no! EarBud T-Bird provides even older news for the ‘Dads with 3500 year-old ingredients for pumpkin spice (or is it purple-yam pie spice?). Now that’s news!
We Love Our Cereal… …and the Roving Spoonster loves fruity-shaped Trix coming back some twenty years after being discontinued, JediShua loves looking for Elvira cereal by Funko, and shazbazzar loves getting visions of ghosts from his past upon seeing a picture of a box of OJ cereal.
October Oddity: Pop-Culture Ghosts Although their presence is sensed throughout the year, our cultural fascination with ghosts only increases during the month of October. People love getting spooked by the idea of discorporate beings floating around to advise, prank, or otherwise involve themselves in the daily lives of the living. JediShua and shazbazzar remember some pop-culture ghosts from their childhood. Strangely, the ghosts of Poltergeist and Ob-Wan from The Empire Strikes Back didn’t jump out at them. It’s at times like these when there’s something strange in TechnoRetro minds that you just ask yourself, “Who am I gonna call?”
TechnoRetro Arcade In 1988, Capcom released the third arcade game in the Ghosts ’n Goblins series of games, Ghouls ’n Ghosts. Arthur the knight must once again rescue his sweetheart Princess Prin Prin from the clutches of ghosts, goblins, ghouls, and other inhabitants of the Great Demon World Village. This time, Arthur’s abilities increase as do the opponents who attack him from the underworld and the damage they can inflict if he doesn’t DUCK!
Saturday Mornings When the world outside your window is just a bit too normal on a Saturday morning, you could embrace the paranormal with The Real Ghostbusters, the animated version of the characters introduced in the 1984 movie Ghostbusters. Egon, Venkman, Ray, and Winston are joined by Slimer and a host of other ghosts in every episode of The Real Ghostbusters were gleefully welcomed to the televisions of kids in the mid-eighties to early-nineties.
Toys in the Attic Not only did The Real Ghostbusters find their place on the small screen during this time, but they graced the pegs and shelves of toy stores and toy boxes in kids’ rooms everywhere. Like many movies and TV shows of the time (Star Wars, Transformers, G.I. Joe), The Real Ghostbusters seized the opportunity to turn plastic ghosts into profits with Kenner figures that enabled kids to continue the adventures of Slimer, Ray, Winston, Peter, and Egon as they interact with the paranormal in an effort to protect the public (for a fee, of course).
Feedback EarBuds submit questions, ideas, and memories through electronic-M, Twitter, and Discord about a variety of techno and retro topics.
Thanks for tuning in to TechnoRetro Dads, EarBuds! Don’t let the ghosts of the ‘70s and ‘80s fade from your memory by missing an episode of TechnoRetro Dads — subscribe on iTunes or Apple Podcasts. Don’t forget to rate and review TechnoRetro Dads on iTunes, share us and with us on social media, get TechnoRetro merch at TeePublic, and join discussions on Discord about toys, cereal, games, movies and/or shows from the ‘70s and ‘80s by giving the ‘Dads your feedback via voice mail at (209) 878-7323 or sending us your mp3dback via electronic-M to
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Mon, 1 October 2018
Welcome to October, EarBuds! Pass through the creaky garden gate and step cautiously as you wind your way along the weedy cobblestone path. Once you’ve passed under the schpooky tree from whence Gramma gained her schtick, step up on the porch and open the door to our haunted house party for a month of creepy-crawly kooky fun. Only 30 days ’til Hallowe’en!
In the NEWS Star Wars is all over the news this week as Gary Kurtz is fondly remembered by family, friends, and fans alike. From American Graffiti to Star Wars and The Empire Strikes Back to The Dark Crystal, Gary Kurtz produced many great memories of our childhood. Disney’s Galaxy’s Edge is garnering attention as the countdown to the launch of “Star Wars Land” continues. Luke Skywalker dons the garb of a Knight Templar in the History Channel’s Knightfall.
We Love Our Cereal… …and some cereal would be right at home in the pantry of any reputable haunted house. In addition to the annual appearance of General Mills’ Monster Cereals, Reese’s Puffs adds some seasonal spice to its appearance with Reese’s Puffs Bats. The Roving Spoonster keeps us updated on the cereal trademark controversy Down Under as a judgment is made in the Weet-Bix vs Weetabix conundrum plaguing Australasia in New Zealand.
October Oddity: Haunted House All month, the ‘Dads will talk about the marks of the Hallowe’en (Halloween) season with their memories of the traditional fare that can send chills up your spine and warm your heart at the same time. This week, we dare to journey into a haunted house (or two, or three, or…) from the ‘80s when everyone paid to be afraid. Whether your experience was in a mall or storefront location, a dilapidated old house or building, an amusement park or carnival ride, or even out in the woods, the Haunted House continues to be an iconic part of October.
TechnoRetro Arcade Atari gathered their pixels to join this haunted house party, too, with their Adventure-like maze/puzzle cartridge for the Atari 2600, Haunted House. This game program features four floors of fun (?) for gamers who move their square eyes around in the dark to find Mr. Graves’ urn so they can escape his haunted house. Watch out for ghosts, bats, and spiders in this confusing and challenging game from 1982.
Toys in the Attic Finally, shazbazzar and JediShua tone down the scare factor just a tad with miniature versions of the haunted house. From the Weebles Haunted House to Colorforms Castle Dracula to Ideal’s Haunted House game and Disney’s Haunted Mansion Game, these plastic, vinyl, and cardboard toys and games are not for those easily frightened by glowing ghosts, hooting owls, or wobbly witches. Oh, and don’t forgey Remco’s Mini-Monsters!
Thanks for tuning in to TechnoRetro Dads, EarBuds! Don’t be afraid of missing an episode of spooky and kooky trips to the ‘70s and ‘80s — subscribe to TechoRetro Dads on iTunes or Apple Podcasts. Don’t forget to rate and review TechnoRetro Dads on iTunes, share us and with us on social media, get TechnoRetro merch at TeePublic, and join discussions on Discord about toys, cereal, games, movies and/or shows from the ‘70s and ‘80s by giving the ‘Dads your feedback via voice mail at (209) 878-7323 or sending us your mp3dback via electronic-M to Share and enjoy. |
Mon, 24 September 2018
Now that Autumn has fallen upon us, you’re permitted to savor the flavor of the season — so grab a bowl of Pumpkin Spice Frosted Flakes and settle in for 77 minutes of fun in past, present, and future tense on this episode of TechnoRetro Dads (where time-traveling takes a clever and curious turn in the 1984 sci-fi spoof Ice Pirates).
In the NEWS
We Love Our Cereal… …and cereal flavored donuts from a certain fast food chain. Yep, shazbazzar taste-tests the Froot Loops mini donuts from Hardees and the results are in! The Roving Spoonster reports with monstrous cereal/adult beverage mash-ups and Kellogg’s acknowledgement and correction to their sexist marketing. PLUS: EarBuds tell about what’s in their cereal aisles and JediShua discovers the next fall flavor trend at Cereal Box, Inc. Of course, the discussion deteriorates into the scourge of the season, pumpkin spice, with a few undocumented “memories” of how the flavor imbedded itself into pop-culture over the decades on TV, radio, and the big screen.
Ice Pirates In the far flung reaches of outer space in a distant future, a band of private entrepreneurs embark on a quest to open convenient $2 ice shacks along the space lanes in Ice Pirates. Actually, no, that’s not the plot of the campy Stewart Raffill flick from 1984 that continues the trend of pushing the limits of what audiences will pay for at the box office on the heels of Return of the Jedi. Starring Robert Urich, Mary Crosby, Michael D. Roberts, and more familiar faces from the mid-80s, Ice Pirates threatens to raid your freezer while pillaging your wallet to cash in on the continuing craze for space-movies combined with a taste of Police Academy comedy. SuperFriend Adam O’Brien (The Fantha from Down Under) joins shazbazzar and JediShua for a chat about Ice Pirates with some stunning revelations about how the movie came to be the campy ‘80s spoof we remember from childhood. Can you believe that Ice Pirates was initially slated to be a serious attempt at a science fiction film? Find out how and why the script was altered to become classic camp that still elicits a laugh with its illicit humor aimed squarely at teenage boys in 1984. Target acquired: it’s a hit!
Thanks for tuning in to TechnoRetro Dads, EarBuds! Keep sailing the high seas (and space lanes) with Ice Pirates and share us with your friends and families. Don’t forget to rate and review TechnoRetro Dads on iTunes, share us and with us on social media, get TechnoRetro merch at TeePublic, and join discussions on Discord about toys, cereal, games, movies and/or shows from the ‘70s and ‘80s by giving the ‘Dads your feedback via voice mail at (209) 878-7323 or sending us your mp3dback via electronic-M to
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Mon, 17 September 2018
Chris Hamilton kicks off this Monday morning with a little ditty called, “Mamma’s in the Minivan” from his Boogie Child album. And that’s just the beginning of the insanity this week, since "Talk Like a Pirate Day” is coming up Wednesday and the ‘Dads are already getting into the spirit of things by stealing several minutes from this week’s show in their high seas hijinks! Whether you feel like Captain Jack Sparrow, Captain Hook, or Captain Power, you’re sure to feel the waves breaking the ocean of the internet with this very odd episode of TechnoRetro Dads.
In the NEWS Henry Cavill gets an opportunity to continue being the villain with rumors that his cape has been torn away from him as Superman stands to be recast. Jonathan Clark (no, shaz, not the one from Man of Steel) gets down to boogie with other retro celebrities on Dancing with the Stars. Sir Paul McCartney churns out yet another album with Egypt Station. Nerdist suggests a fun drink for your Monster Cereal Tiki cups.
We Love Our Cereal… …and young Oliver does, too! However, both the ‘Dads and the Roving Spoonster question this youth’s taste in cereals. But that’s not the big cereal news this week. Nope. The big news is that Oliver found an eight inch bran flake in his cereal box! Huge.
TechnoRetro Arcade Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future is a blend of ‘80s TV show, action figures and toys, and interactive video game. One of several “blast the screen” interactive games that gained some popularity in the mid- to late-eighties, Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future merged live-action television with electronic plug-in gaming for additional excitement for your Saturday mornings. Thanks to Jedi Holmes for introducing us to this one!
Feedback Derek (Raising Fangirls) remembers NFL Quarterback Club for Nintendo64. Jorbex rebukes us for not remembering “Weird” Al Yankovic’s UHF. Kendall remembers the local UHF channel. Fettmatic, Jorbex, and Joey all chime in with their lunch box memories.
Thanks for tuning in to TechnoRetro Dads, EarBuds! Don’t forget to rate and review TechnoRetro Dads on iTunes, share us and with us on social media, and join discussions on Discord about toys, cereal, games, movies and/or shows from the ‘70s and ‘80s by giving the ‘Dads your feedback via voice mail at (209) 878-7323 or sending us your mp3dback via electronic-M to |
Mon, 10 September 2018
Are you ready for some football? Ready or not, the football season has arrived. As tonight marks the beginning of Monday Night Football, shazbazzar and JediShua are dealing with all sorts of activities surrounding and honoring the festivity of the oblong ball. So plug in your ear buds, EarBuds for 77 minutes of joyful reminiscing and hopeful anticipation of some of the funner things in life.
In the NEWS
We Love Our Cereal…
TechnoRetro Arcade When video games mimic actual sports and games the results could be good or bad. If the game play is similar enough to the real thing, sports fans may love it…but geeky gamers may not. However, if the game fails to closely resemble the actual sport, fans may reject the game but gamers may love the concept. With a variety of Football video games in arcades and home consoles in the ‘70s and ‘80s the hits and misses are to be expected, but the value of nostalgia — that’s where the magic happens!
Saturday Morning Fall ushers in school, football, and new seasons and series on television. JediShua and shazbazzar take a look back at the big three networks’ fall lineup on Saturday mornings thirty years ago.
Toys in the Attic Non-Expanding Recreational Foam doesn’t sound like a great toy at first, but when it’s pronounced “NERF” you know that fun is the game. Created by Parker Brothers in 1969, NERF continues to thrill kids and adults with their made-for-indoor-play balls, darts, boomerangs, swords, and more. Of course, shazbazzar and JediShua kick off this discussion with NERF football, basketball, and bullets, but the stories continue with ping-pong, billiards, and other NERF products not everyone remembers. But everyone remembers the fun of NERF.
Thanks for tuning in to TechnoRetro Dads, EarBuds! Don’t forget to rate and review TechnoRetro Dads on iTunes. Then share with others on social media, and join us on Discord for discussions about toys, cereal, games, movies and/or shows from the ‘70s and ‘80s. While you’re at it, give the ‘Dads your feedback via voice mail at (209) 878-7323 or sending us a message or mp3 via electronic-M to
Share and enjoy.
Mon, 3 September 2018
One of the greatest things about elementary school was the school cafeteria. The smells, the lighting, the squat milk cartons, and the sounds of metal lunchboxes opening somewhat simultaneously. As the latches released and the hinges creaked, the anticipation grew as kids looked inside to see what their moms had packed for them. Just wait till you see what the ‘Dads have packed into this episode of TechnoRetro Dads.
In the NEWS
We Love Our Cereal… School Lunch: Lunchboxes and Snack Cakes JediShua consumes the calories of some of the ‘Dads’ favorite snacks from their school days after discussing the history of lunchboxes (metal, vinyl, and plastic), their own lunchboxes, and the lunchboxes of several EarBuds. From Mickey Mouse to Hopalong Cassidy to Luke Skywalker and Luke Duke, the cafeteria was a funner place (yes, Shua said, “funner”) with the heavily decorated lunchboxes of days gone by. With input from Puddingsbane, Chris the Arvadinian, Jedi Holmes, Shane in GR, Courtney Martin, Joe Tavano, Fettmatic, Kendall Shroeder, and Bill from DorkLair, our virtual lunchboxes are filled with
Vinyl Scratchback This week in 1978 and 1988 had some memorable hits from Olivia Newton-John, Huey Lewis and the News, Robert Palmer, Whitney Houston, and George Michael. Both shazbazzar and JediShua show their knowledge and lack thereof regarding these artists, their songs, and the videos.
Thanks for tuning in to TechnoRetro Dads, EarBuds! Don’t forget to rate and review TechnoRetro Dads on iTunes. Then share with others on social media, and join us on Discord for discussions about toys, cereal, games, movies and/or shows from the ‘70s and ‘80s. While you’re at it, give the ‘Dads your feedback via voice mail at (209) 878-7323 or sending us a message or mp3 via electronic-M to
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Mon, 27 August 2018
After Star Wars thrilled audiences in theaters, everyone wanted to tap into the collective consciousness of pop culture that had embraced that galaxy far, far away. Some saw an opportunity to for storytelling in an exciting new way while others simply rushed out to cash in with anything somewhat similar to Star Wars. How Battle Beyond the Stars fits into those categories must be judged by the eye of the beholder, however, shazbazzar, JediShua, and SuperFriend Paul Bateman agree that without Star Wars, Battle Beyond the Stars would never have seen the light of day.
Battle Beyond the Stars On the surface, Battle Beyond the Stars is a fitting tribute to the popularity of Star Wars. A tyrant with a planet destroying “super-weapon” threatens to destroy Akir, a planet populated by peaceful folk with no weapons. A young “farm boy” named Shad (Richard Thomas) volunteers to find willing fighters for his aged mentor, the last Akira warrior (Jeff Corey) before Sador (John Saxon) returns. Add a rogue’s gallery of a space cowboy (George Peppard), a Valkyrie (Sybil Danning), a dangerous-looking creature (Morgan Woodward), a wealthy assassin (Robert Vaughn), five hive-minded clones (Earl Boen et al), and a beautiful love interest (Darlanne Fluegel) and you get a Magnificent Seven worthy of Kurosawa’s namesake.
Beyond the caricatures, names, and concepts similar to the original Star Wars (1977), Battle Beyond the Stars borrows heavily from Akira Kurosawa’s Seven Samurai (1954). Those familiar with the origins of Star Wars will immediately recognize that George Lucas based his initial space opera on The Hidden Fortress (1958), another Kurosawa film. In this regard, Battle Beyond the Stars delves deeply into the planetary crust in this spacey adaptation of a Star Wars influence.
Share and enjoy this special episode of TechnoRetro Dads as Paul Bateman joins shazbazzar and JediShua for a fun, loving, and fun-loving look back at Battle Beyond the Stars. |
Mon, 20 August 2018
Whether you’ve been lost in Pine Apple, Alabama or busy blasting Asteroids in outer space, it’s time to get up, grab your supplies, and head out to school because summer vacation is gone — at least summer vacation 1988 is over. But with kids returning to school, we thought it would be cool to recall some classic ‘80s essentials while trading tips about how to (and how not to) play Atari’s Asteroids. All this and a look back at 1988’s summer cinema fare, too! All it will cost you is 77 minutes — so tune in.
In the NEWS Remembering Aretha Franklin and Charlotte Rae Peter Weller may return as RoboCop.
We Love Our Cereal… …and our Roving Spoonster, Shane in GR suggests a popping-good time with his discovery of a Sea of Thieves styled “cereal cannon”, a collage of his daughters’ cereal tarts from his commercial, and a report of “on-the-go” cereals from General Mills and Nestle.
TechnoRetro Arcade JediShua fondly remembers Atari’s 1979 vector-based arcade hit Asteroids while shazbazzar flees the scene in inexplicable panic. Asteroids, a rather simplistic game that is fraught with harrowing consequences from any false move, continues to challenge and thrill visitors to any video arcade. Maybe shaz will learn to quit hitting the thrust button.
Let’s Go to the Movies EarBuds chime in with their memories of movies from the summer of 1988: Above the Law Beetlejuice* Big The Blob Bloodsport Coming to America Crocodile Dundee II Die Hard A Fish Called Wanda Funny Farm Police Academy 5 Poltergeist 3 Rambo III Red Heat Who Framed Roger Rabbit Willow Young Guns
School Supplies Gear for your feet, your Trapper Keeper, and your pencil box — and all of it was plastic! Going back to school meant school supplies and in the ‘80s that meant stickers, shoes of the Jelly kind, shaped erasers, and more. The ‘Dads remember some common school-day fare and fashion that made the end of summer a little easier to bear.
Feedback From Garfield to Opus to Foofur, the EarBuds chimed in with their “Pooh Bears” and stuffies from childhood. Find out what Glen Nelson, Mike MacDonald, and Mark Ham(All) have in common with JediShua before hearing an endearing tale of a love lost and gained with the help of a friend of Melmac thanks to Steven Chopchik and Gordon Shumway. After all, we all want to know what happened to Alf after the final cliffhanger episode. Maybe he was attacked by cat-shaped asteroids!
Thanks for tuning in to TechnoRetro Dads, EarBuds! Don’t forget to rate and review TechnoRetro Dads on iTunes. Then share with others on social media, and join us on Discord for discussions about toys, cereal, games, movies and/or shows from the ‘70s and ‘80s. While you’re at it, give the ‘Dads your feedback via voice mail at (209) 878-7323 or sending us a message or mp3 via electronic-M to |
Mon, 13 August 2018
From the stories by A. A. Milne to Walt Disney’s adaptations, Winnie the Pooh has been a joyful childhood classic for nearly one hundred years. The ‘Dads are certainly fans of these imaginative stories. Mixed with tears and laughter, Christopher Robin continues the tradition with a story of Pooh’s grown-up friend’s return to the Hundred Acre Wood in a movie that thrills audiences of any age.
In the NEWS Patrick Stewart returns to Star Trek. Star Trek Discovery comes to Blu Ray and DVD. Supergirl returns to the big screen. More Carrie Fisher footage coming to Episode IX. Jon Favreau’s Star Wars gets a big budget.
We Love Our Cereal… …and so does EarBud Brian who has found Funko Pop cereals. PLUS: Hear the cereal commercials for the contest and find out who wins the grand prize! Thanks to all who participated. Keep sending in your imaginative radio commercials to TechnoRetro Dads — even when there is no contest. We love them!
Vinyl Scratchback Mac from Canadia submits a short dystopian playlist (probably because the world ended as he was making it) with tunes from the Ramones, Bruce Springsteen, The Clash, Johnny Cash and U2, and The Specials.
TechnoRetro Arcade JediShua and shazbazzar focus on video games that were featured in movies but don’t exist — or at least they didn’t exist when the movies came out. From Wreck-It Ralph to The Last Starfighter to WarGames to TRON to Ready Player One, everyone wants a shot at playing the games the characters played on the silver screen. Come on, game designers, let’s get these made!
Christopher Robin and Winnie the Pooh Now that both TechnoRetro Dads have seen Disney’s new Christopher Robin movie with their families, it’s time to talk about Christopher Robin and The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh. Disney’s adaptations of the written word and artist illustrations to film never fail to excite the emotions, entertain the brain, and provide a lasting theme. JediShua and shazbazzar continue to love the “silly old bear” in this ingenious live-action feature. We think you will, too.
Toys in the Attic Like Christopher Robin, shazbazzar and JediShua had their own cast of characters with stuffed toys from their childhood days. From popular characters to homemade toys from garage sales, these plush and plump friends provided endless hours of play and creativity that the ‘Dads fondly remember decades later.
Thanks for tuning in to TechnoRetro Dads, EarBuds! Don’t forget to rate and review TechnoRetro Dads on iTunes. Then share with others on social media, and join us on Discord for discussions about toys, cereal, games, movies and/or shows from the ‘70s and ‘80s. While you’re at it, give the ‘Dads your feedback via voice mail at (209) 878-7323 or sending us a message or mp3 via electronic-M to
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Mon, 6 August 2018
Even though summer vacation is winding down, summer is still in full effect as shazbazzar and JediShua enjoy their last full week before school starts back again at the beach, at the arcade, and in a puppetry museum in South Metropolis.
In the NEWS Data from Star Trek: The Next Generation lands on Supergirl with Sam Witwer. Biff joins the cast of Legends of Tomorrow. Anakin ends his stint on Timeless. An Indiana cornfield emerges from Stranger Things’ Upside-Down. Transformers: The Movie returns to theaters next month. Billy Vann from The Hilarious House of Frightenstein is honored in a museum. Cats’ nine lives will soon be tested if a new ALF series gets the green light for television.
We Love Our Cereal… …and EarBuds do, too. The Cereal Commercial Contest continues with a few submissions, but you still have time to send us your 30-60 second spot. Imagine a cereal and waffle dessert while playing a Monster Cereals’ card game in your brand new cereal sneakers with a bowl of quinoa before realizing that Coco Pops drops 40% of their sugar content.
Vinyl Scratchback Summer vacations need their own playlists, and EarBud Andy Lindemann has one for his trip to Pensacola Beach before returning to his responsibilities at school.
TechnoRetro Arcade JediShua and shazbazzar are introduced to the “portable” Vectrex video game system from the early ‘80s. PLUS: Robocop is added to the TechoRetro Arcade.
Feedback Jedi Holmes shares his Godzilla knowledge.
Thanks for tuning in to TechnoRetro Dads, EarBuds! Don’t forget to rate and review TechnoRetro Dads on iTunes. Then share with others on social media, and join us on Discord for discussions about toys, cereal, games, movies and/or shows from the ‘70s and ‘80s. While you’re at it, give the ‘Dads your feedback via voice mail at (209) 878-7323 or sending us a message or mp3 via electronic-M to
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Mon, 30 July 2018
Greetings, PROGRAMS!
The greatest dystopia is when the story ends with a brighter hope for the future. Comic Con always has some exciting things to enjoy now and in the future. This year, one of the first panels celebrated ten years of The Clone Wars with a stunning announcement: The Clone Wars will return with promises of a fitting conclusion to this Emmy award-winning animated series.
In the NEWS Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald, Shazam, Godzilla, and Aquaman have exciting trailers to get everyone hyped for the movies. Matt Groenig and Neil deGrasse Tyson fans are promised with the introduction of Disenchanted and the return of Cosmos. And in a stunning move that has had a positive effect on Star Wars fandom, Lucasfilm announced the return of The Clone Wars with 12 new episodes to air on the upcoming Disney streaming service.
The Clone Wars JediShua and shazbazzar revisit The Clone Wars, describing their affection for the series as well as giving reasons for anyone who missed out on the first 6 seasons to go back NOW and catch some of the best Star Wars ever on Netflix (so Disney can know how valuable great storytelling can be for the company). From character development to amazing revelations about the Force to the story behind that cool reveal at the end of Solo: A Star Wars Story, more than 40 hours of Star Wars content is currently at the fingertips of anyone with access to Netflix.
Disappearing Dystopia As the summer of dystopia dwindles to its inevitable close and the sunrise of school lingers just beyond the horizon, the ‘Dads take a final look at some notable, retrotastic, dystopian movies, shows, books, and radio dramas. The Running Man, Total Recall, Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, Ice Pirates, V, 12 Monkeys, and Max Headroom all find their home in the annals of dystopian fun.
Feedback Chris the Arvadinian and Andy Lindemann love Herculoids. Shane in Grand Rapids shows us Karate Kid action figures. Kendall chimes in with a Ready Player One video and a cool retro Kickstarter from Matt Kindt. JediHolmes provides another cool video — a 2112 motion comic from Rush’s website. And the Spider-Pan from Neverland ices the dystopian cake with a high school class on the various types of futures from dystopias to negative utopias and the differences between the two.
Thanks for tuning in to TechnoRetro Dads, EarBuds! Don’t forget to rate and review TechnoRetro Dads on iTunes. Then share with others on social media, and join us on Discord for discussions about toys, cereal, games, movies and/or shows from the ‘70s and ‘80s. While you’re at it, give the ‘Dads your feedback via voice mail at (209) 878-7323 or sending us a message or mp3 via electronic-M to
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Mon, 23 July 2018
Summertime is a funner time with your EarBuds, as long as the internet is being friendly. Take a 77 minute trip with TechnoRetro Dads along for the ride on your family vacation for a dystopic change of pace this Monday morning afternoon.
In the NEWS Ready Player One arrives in stores tomorrow. Robocop returns in the future.
We Love Our Cereal… Do not eat those Honey Smacks! No matter how much you “Dig ‘em."
Vinyl Scratchback Distopian and Pre-Dystopian tunes are on the playlist this week with “Mr. Roboto” by Styx, Rush’s “2112”, “It’s the End of the World as We Know It” by R.E.M., “Road to Nowhere” by Talking Heads, “Eve of Destruction” by Barry McGuire or Joey Scarbury, and Billy Joel’s “We Didn’t Start the Fire”.
Let’s Go to the Movies JediShua and shazbazzar mix-and-mash yesterday’s dystopian characters with today’s heroic movies. Where did they come up with that?
TechnoRetro Arcade The Anato No Warehouse in Japan is a journey into a dystopian cityscape with arcade amusement games everyone can enjoy. Dress appropriately.
Feedback Funko Pops cereal, Mego toys, and Fraggle Rock.
Thanks for tuning in to TechnoRetro Dads, EarBuds! Don’t forget to rate and review TechnoRetro Dads on iTunes. Then share with others on social media, and join us on Discord for discussions about toys, cereal, games, movies and/or shows from the ‘70s and ‘80s. While you’re at it, give the ‘Dads your feedback via voice mail at (209) 878-7323 or sending us a message or mp3 via electronic-M to
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Mon, 16 July 2018
Remember a time when arcade games could capture your imagination so effectively that read-along books with cassette tapes and even “radio drama” styled records would draw dollars out of you faster than you could put a quarter in the slot? This week is just like that. As the Zardonians prepare for the Krytolian attack, shazbazzar and JediShua train cadets for Missile Command.
We Love Our Cereal… …and JediShua got some cool swag at Cereal Box, inc for his birthday (and for our EarBuds), so stay tuned for more on that… In the meantime, shazbazzar talks about his experience with Post Nilla Wafers Banana Pudding cereal and JediShua enjoys a bowl of Lion Cereal with a Cap’n Crunch Slurpee to wash it down. PLUS: loads of information from our Roving Spoonster Shane in GR and other cereal correspondents Jeffrey Fischbach and Jonathan Bell.
Saturday Mornings The Herculoids have always been a favorite of shazbazzar and JediShua, and with their amalgamation of style (prehistory fused with the future), the cartoon looks a bit dystopia. The eight-member team is heavily weighted against the humans on this super team of good guys.
History Lesson In May 2013, shazbazzar mentioned a movie’s release on May 20, 1983. That movie was Spacehunter: Adventures in the Forbidden Zone. Guess what? We watch it again.
The Future’s Not So Bright (Dystopian Summer) If Spacehunter: Adventures in the Forbidden Zone even remotely resembles the future, we’re all going to be disappointed. That’s nothing against the 1983 film’s effects, props, story, or acting chops and everything with all the bad things that happen to Wolff and Niki during their 3-D adventures in the Forbidden Zone. Even if you’ve never seen this movie, you should check out the discussion. It’s a good movie!
TechnoRetro Arcade Atari’s Missile Command put the power in your hands with a roller ball, three buttons, three bases, and six cities to protect. The game has always been popular at arcades, and it even ported to home consoles really well. Grab a few quarters and join us at the arcade.
Thanks for tuning in to TechnoRetro Dads, EarBuds! Don’t forget to rate and review TechnoRetro Dads on iTunes. Then share us and with us on social media, and join us on Discord for discussions about toys, cereal, games, movies and/or shows from the ‘70s and ‘80s. While you’re at it, give the ‘Dads your feedback via voice mail at (209) 878-7323 or sending us a message or mp3 via electronic-M to
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Thu, 12 July 2018
After Star Wars thrilled audiences in theaters, everyone wanted to tap into the collective consciousness of pop culture that had embraced that galaxy far, far away. After Battlestar Galactica was declined a second season, Glen A Larson made another attempt to seize audiences’ interest in futuristic space shows. This time, he chose to update an iconic character to suit the culture of the late 1970s. Buck Rogers, a character created by Philip Francis Nowlan in 1928 had already been featured in print, film, and on radio, and was ripe for a modern makeover. NBC picked up the pilot which was packed with movie-style special effects, classic characters, and a light-hearted spirit that quickly caught on with young and older viewer. Buck Rogers in the 25th Century sated our appetites for two seasons while we awaited the anticipated sequel to Star Wars.
Buck Rogers in the 25th Century The pilot episode of the television series Buck Rogers in the 25th Century was released theatrically in March 1979 as a prelude to the TV show which would air later that year. Reworked and edited as a two-part first episode, “Awakening” revealed Buck’s backstory and his return to Earth five hundred years after being cryogenically frozen soon after lift-off in 1987. We watched as Captain Buck Rogers (Gil Gerard) was captured by Princess Ardala’s (Pamela Hensley) flagship and subsequently set back on course to return to Earth at its previously programmed destination, Chicago. Upon his return “home”, Buck encounters a world alien to his senses as he comes to realize his planet had undergone devastating changes. Colonel Wilma Deering (Erin Gray), Dr. Elias Huer (Tim O’Connor), and a pint-sized drone called Twice (Felix Silla) curiously and cautiously befriended Buck as the adventures began in the 25th Century. The first season of Buck Rogers in the 25th Century was a hit with audiences as Gerard’s portrayal of a confident 70s "macho man” with a penchant for twentieth century references and an attractive personality (and sufficient chest hair) was alluring to female characters on screen and young viewers at home. The characters’ interactions with each other week-after-week made this NBC program “must see TV” until the show radically changed course in the second season, losing audiences and frustrating members of the cast and crew. However, as is evident in this discussion between shazbazzar, JediShua, and SuperFriend Paul Bateman, the show is still remembered fondly by those who saw it in its initial run from 1979-1981. With audio from Gil Gerard’s appearance at Alabama Phoenix Festival in 2013 and “Keep on Sailin’”,a musical piece by High Adventure with lyrics by shazbazzar, this episode of TechnoRetro Dads Star Wars Aftershocks is sure to get you ready to don some white spandex and groove to a rockin’ disco beat in a 70s’ version of the 25th Century. For a look back at more Star Wars connections with Buck Rogers and Flash Gordon, check out shazbazzar’s article on! Thanks for tuning in to TechnoRetro Dads, EarBuds! Don’t forget to rate and review TechnoRetro Dads on iTunes. Then share us and with us on social media, and join us on Discord for discussions about toys, cereal, games, movies and/or shows from the ‘70s and ‘80s. While you’re at it, give the ‘Dads your feedback via voice mail at (209) 878-7323 or sending us a message or mp3 via electronic-M to
Direct download: TRDads_Star_Wars_Aftershocks_Buck_Rogers.mp3
Category:TechnoRetro Dads -- posted at: 12:00pm EST |
Mon, 9 July 2018
This week marks another great moment in history as JediShua’s birthday returns a week after Independence Day. Armed with a 7/11 slurpee, a microphone, and Suckerman, Shua celebrates his birthday with shazbazzar and all EarBuds across the globe (including Australia) for this maddening voyage into the not-so-distant future for 77 minutes (listen all the way to the end) as TechnoRetro Dads continue looking to the past for clues about the looming dystopian future.
In the NEWS
We Love Our Cereal… …and Cereal Correspondant (or whatever we finally decide to call him) Shane in Grand Rapids finds multi-grain Nestle’s cereal in India and sends us a link to some cereal recipes for those new Post cereals JediShua definitely doesn’t crave. Jovial Jay (yes, the Trix cereal singing Jovial Jay) shares a fantastic video of a gourmet chef attempting to remake Lucky Charms.
Saturday Mornings In honor of JediShua’s 47th birthday (no, really, he’s just 47), we scour the Saturday morning lineup for the Saturday adjoining the day of his birth to figure out what he would have been watching, had he been offered the choice. Surprise, BabyShua, you only have three channels to choose from. Archaic, we know.
Toys in the Attic Both shazbazzar and JediShua recall some of their most memorable birthday presents from the ‘70s and ‘80s. Ranging from Big Wheels to Chevy Vegas, with The Beatles in-between (with a CD boombox and Sony Walkman, respectively), the all-around winner of a birthday present, edging out six (6) Yodas by the width of a plastic orange snake, is “Suckerman”!
The Future’s Not So Bright (Dystopian Summer) Adam O’Brien, the Fantha from Down Under, joins shazbazzar and JediShua for a journey through the wastelands of the future in Mad Max, a low budget film that has spawned two or three sequels (depending on how you fit Fury Road into the canon) and successfully defined the look and feel of the genre for nearly forty years. Follow Rocketansky down the rabbit hole as he deals out retribution to those who destroyed his life and murdered those he loves.
Thanks for tuning in to TechnoRetro Dads, EarBuds! Don’t forget to give JediShua a birthday present by rating and reviewing TechnoRetro Dads on iTunes. Then share us and with us on social media, and join us on Discord for discussions about toys, cereal, games, movies and/or shows from the ‘70s and ‘80s. While you’re at it, give the ‘Dads your feedback via voice mail at (209) 878-7323 or sending us a message or mp3 via electronic-M to
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Mon, 2 July 2018
Run, Logan, Run! Before we heard Jenny’s cry for Forrest to flee from danger, Jessica was helping the sandman-turned-runner Logan flee from his imminent doom in the 23rd Century. SuperFriend, Paul Bateman (art director and concept designer) lends his filmatic expertise to the conversation about Logan’s Run as shazbazzar and JediShua face a frightening future in the dystopian movies of the ‘60s, ‘70s, and ‘80s.
We Love Our Cereal… …but not necessarily every cereal equally. Before JediShua, shazbazzar, and the shazlings give their thoughts about the new Dippin’ Dots cereals and a Cold Stone Creamery / Malt-O-Meal mashup, Shane in Grand Rapids chimes in with news that Cliff Bars are dipping their granola into the cereal bowl. Are they macadamia nuts? PLUS: Darth Taxus debates his dilemma with an abandoned (?) box of Special K Blueberry with Lemon Clusters.
Logan’s Run Summertime is a funner time when you’re not living in a bleak dystopia. Still, the ‘Dads are embarking on a voyage into one of science fiction’s shadowy realms this summer by looking back at dystopian movies from decades past. This week, art director and concept artist Paul Bateman brings his wit and wisdom to the conversation as the projector plays Logan’s Run. Saul David’s seemingly utopian city belies a hidden dystopian truth as technology encourages the young to placate themselves with peaceful pleasure until some begin to realize that being “renewed” at thirty years-old isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.
Toys in the Attic After several long days in 2074 mixed with the heat of summer, we’re all due for something cold and refreshing, and Snoopy gives us the perfect treat — snow cones! JediShua and shazbazzar recall, not only their memories of the Snoopy Sno-Cone Machine, but also Kool-Aid and Lemonade stands from the yonder years of youth. After all, who can forget that catchy tune from the old commercial?
Feedback Andy “Let Me Google that for You” Lindemann sends in an electronic-M with mp3dback because he has music on his mind. From Rush to Cheap Trick to playing a benefit concert for kids (filled with tunes from the ‘60s, ‘70s, and ‘80s), Andy brings a musical flair to graying hair. Puddingsbane on Discord (#TeamSteve!) reveals the answer to a lingering question about Burger Chef and Burger King regarding Star Wars glasses and the words “only eight million” escape shazbazzar’s lips.
Thanks for tuning in to TechnoRetro Dads, EarBuds! Don’t forget to rate and review TechnoRetro Dads on iTunes, share us and with us on social media, and join discussions on Discord about toys, cereal, games, movies and/or shows from the ‘70s and ‘80s by giving the ‘Dads your feedback via voice mail at (209) 878-7323 or sending us your mp3dback via electronic-M to
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Mon, 25 June 2018
When a serious Private Investigator takes a cartoonish case, the possibility of insanity (or at least inanity) increases by a factor of 88. To prove the point, Robert Zemeckis, Steven Spielberg, and Alan Silvestri combined film noir with cartoon antics in a live action/animated movie named Who Framed Roger Rabbit. Tune in for ‘toons this week on TechnoRetro Dads.
In the NEWS The Hilarious House of Frightenstein looks to get a reboot, eh? Eggo’s boost in sales from the Stranger Things craze has abated. Showbiz Pizza’s house band, The Rockafire Explosion is back together, playing at an arcade in Kansas City. Everyone’s favorite video game hedgehog (Sonic) is getting his own movie.
We Love Our Cereal Shane in Grand Rapids lets us know about the Cold Stone Creamery mashup with Malt-O-Meal for ice cream cereal. After hearing about the Dippin’ Dots cereals last week, we think this might be a trend. PLUS: JediShua gives his first thoughts on Chips Ahoy! cereal and shazbazzar reviews Dippin’ Dots Banana Split cereal.
Who Framed Roger Rabbit Bob Hoskins, Christopher Lloyd, Kathleen Turner, and Charles Fleisher combined forces in 1988 to create the one-of-a-kind live action/animation movie Who Framed Roger Rabbit. It’s a tale of mystery, murder, and maroons in a world where cartoons are people, too. The trouble doubles when Roger Rabbit is framed for the murder of Marvin Acme and Judge Doom’s goon squad searches high and low for the scared hare. Reluctant detective Eddie Valiant goes against his long-standing practice of avoiding ‘toons and protects Roger long enough to get to the bottom of the case. Speaking of bottoms, Lou Hirsch portrays Baby Herman, a baby-faced ‘toon actor who is in dire need of a diaper change. If you haven’t seen Who Framed Roger Rabbit, you need to get to it immediately! (WARNING: Parental Guidance Suggested)
Feedback Mike MacDonald spots Star Wars in The Great Outdoors so shaz and Shua identify the fast food premiums from 1980 and 1983. Jonathan Bell lets us know what he thought about Won’t You Be My Neighbor and The Dark Crystal. Jeff Baucom pulls out the Brian Daley Han Solo novels and reminds us about the Lando Calrissian Adventures (which, evidently, Lando didn’t forget to chronicle in Solo: A Star Wars Story).
Thanks for tuning in to TechnoRetro Dads, EarBuds! Don’t forget to rate and review TechnoRetro Dads on iTunes, share us and with us on social media, and join discussions about toys, cereal, games, movies and/or shows from the ‘70s and ‘80s by giving the ‘Dads your feedback via voice mail at (209) 878-7323 or sending us a message or mp3 via electronic-M to
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Mon, 18 June 2018
School’s out and this week marks the official start of summer and the longest day of the year (in the northern hemisphere), so shazbazzar and JediShua kick off the season with a trip to the great outdoors. Grab a tent, a pack, and all your camping gear and join TechnoRetro Dads for news, cereal, and fun as we travel down life’s pizza-paved pathway together this Monday morning.
In the NEWS Alexa goes full-on L3-37 in the hands of a hacker. Entertainment Earth turns Monster cereals into Tiki cups. The Power of Myth with Joseph Campbell is on Netflix. Disney Jr. will kick-off its new Rocketeer animated series with a six year-old lead character. Galaxy’s Edge gets closer and closer to “reality” as news about the Star Wars themed resort is released. PLUS: Wreck It Ralph 2, Dumbo, and a Willow sequel.
We Love Our Cereal Does granola cereal? That’s what Shane wants to know. But that’s not all. He’s also interested in the Funko horror cereals like the Freddy Krueger FunkO’s and the Pennywise cereal. Dippin’ Dots cereals should be in Wal*Mart today. PLUS, Shane in GR turns us on to a Twitch video of Apology Man nuking his cereal bowl (with milk) for a minute before adding his cereal. #NukeYourBowl Thanks to @JediMasterJBell for more pics of new cereals at WalMart.
The Great Outdoors With Dan Akroyd and John Candy, this 1988 movie written by John Hughes and directed by Howard Deutsch is a great catch. The Great Outdoors is a comedy of horrors. Imagine taking a summer vacation in the woods with your wife and kids and then, suddenly and unexpectedly, your annoying, know-it-all brother-in-law shows up (uninvited) with his family. What can go wrong does go wrong, even with the ever-heroic and Zeus-like Chet Ripley on the case. With bears, bats, and bandit-like raccoons, this movie still keeps you laughing with its wild life and wild antics in the wilderness of The Great Outdoors.
Feedback Matt Marks sends in his mp3dback with his thoughts on the Avengers (spoiler alert!). Chris Hardy yearns for more positivity in geekdom as the Star Wars tweet-wars persist. Darth Hound suggests The Writers’ Journey by Christopher Vogler (3rd Edition) as a companion book for Joseph Campbell’s The Hero with a Thousand Faces. Jacob Roth likes Corvette Summer. Jeff Baucom plugs potholes with pizza (well, he tells us about Domino’s doing it).
Thanks for tuning in to TechnoRetro Dads, EarBuds! Don’t forget to rate and review TechnoRetro Dads on iTunes, share us and with us on social media, and join discussions about toys, cereal, games, movies and/or shows from the ‘70s and ‘80s by giving the ‘Dads your feedback via voice mail at (209) 878-7323 or sending us a message or mp3 via electronic-M to
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Mon, 11 June 2018
Greetings, PROGRAMS!
No need to fret when shazbazzar isn’t around — at least not when SuperFriend Tony Soehner and the lovely and loquacious Mrs. Shua are already a mile high in the sky. It’s a very special “mile-high” episode of TechnoRetro Dads.
In the NEWS Galaxy’s Edge will feature Black Spire Outpost, Nien Nunb, and a handsome space pirate who can really dance (Go Hondo! Go Hondo!). The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy is coming out on vinyl. Antony Soehner’s Unite the Party continues the story where Gather the Party left off. Ready Player One hits your TV on DVD, Blu-ray, and 4K in July.
TechnoRetro Arcade Gather the quarters, crank up the air, grab a paddle, and get ready for air hockey. JediShua, Tony, and Mrs. Shua talk about the fast-paced action of this classic two-player game. Shua provides advice for those who want to win: “Don’t hit the puck into your own goal.”
Big With Robert Loggia and Tom Hanks, this movie had to be Big. Of course, it was Big, and as it hits the thirtieth anniversary of its release, Zoltar made sure it was covered in this episode. Josh Baskin just wanted to be Big, but before long, he realized being a grown-up isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. Revisit Big with a big floor piano, a big robot that turns into a building, and big stars who made Big a huge success.
Thanks for tuning in to TechnoRetro Dads, EarBuds! Don’t forget to rate and review TechnoRetro Dads on iTunes, share us and with us on social media, and join discussions about toys, cereal, games, movies and/or shows from the ‘70s and ‘80s by giving the ‘Dads your feedback via voice mail at (209) 878-7323 or sending us a message or mp3 via electronic-M to
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Mon, 28 May 2018
Forty years ago, after huge success with Star Wars, Mark Hamill showed up in a down-to-earth comedy about a boy and his car in Corvette Summer. Join shazbazzar and JediShua as they get revved up in high speed at 77 minutes per episode on this Memorial Day TechnoRetro Dads.
In the NEWS Thundercats return to the small screen, but they don’t appear to be like the classic ‘80s cartoon. A She-Ra reboot looks like it will be more faithful to the original. Kitsis and Horowitz line up to run the Amazing Stories reboot overseen by Steven Spielberg. Galaxy’s Edge gets a release date…sort of. And in sadder news, legendary movie poster artist Bill Gold and Lois Lane Margot Kidder both leave this life.
We Love Our Cereal… …and other sweet, sugary, and colorful breakfast foods. This coming Friday is National Doughnut Day…again! It seems like it comes twice a year, doesn’t it? PLUS: Cereal Feedback from Jonathan, Adam, and Shane.
Corvette Summer Mark Hamill and Annie Potts make an unlikely couple in 1978’s Corvette Summer, a RomCom featuring a boy’s automotive dreams, a girl’s effort to make it in the world, and the love they find along the way. Although JediShua saw this one in theaters in 1978, shazbazzar didn’t see it until a week ago. But in the end, the ‘Dads both love this movie! Check it out when you can. It’s a fun flick with lots of surprises and flashbacks to ‘70s culture for GenXers.
TechnoRetro Arcade Drop a quarter in the slot and take off with a shot in some great driving games we played in arcades and at home. From the confusing axonometric driving in Super Off Road to the “behind the car” perspective of Pole Position, driving games have always been popular in the arcade. We remember Rally X, Spy Hunter, futuristic F-Zero, and (of course) Super Mario Kart as we put one foot on the brake and one on the gas at the TechnoRetro Arcade.
Feedback Mike MacDonald agrees that Twiki and Dr. Theopolis are similar to Bollux and Blue Max from the Brian Daley Han Solo novels, but Mac admits he hasn’t seen Willow, yet. Shane in GR recalls the blue Hot Wheels carrying cases he used to have as a kid and wonders if they’re still in his parents’ house. Jimmy in GA submits some sketches of Tony the Tiger and Buzz from Honey Nut Cheerios. John Schepler helps shazbazzar out with the identity of Chris Claremont.
Thanks for tuning in to TechnoRetro Dads, EarBuds! Don’t forget to rate and review TechnoRetro Dads on iTunes, share us and with us on social media, and join discussions about toys, cereal, games, movies and/or shows from the ‘70s and ‘80s by giving the ‘Dads your feedback via voice mail at (209) 878-7323 or sending us a message or mp3 via electronic-M to
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Mon, 21 May 2018
Thirty years ago, Ron Howard and George Lucas teamed up to make a movie. That movie was Willow. This Friday, the Howard/Lucas connection returns with Solo: A Star Wars Story. And we’re kicking the hype up a notch by revisiting Willow, replaying video games featuring the Millennium Falcon, rereading the Brian Daley Han Solo novels, and joking around. And if you don’t think it’s worth 77 minutes of your day, listen at 2x the speed and only waste 38 1/2 minutes!
In the NEWS Sledgehammer might get a reboot, but The Greatest American Hero reboot pilot didn’t get picked up by ABC. A potential G.I. Joe spinoff featuring Snake Eyes is in early stages of writing. A Willow sequel has been hinted by Ron Howard. PLUS: some new details about Disney’s Star Wars resort and next year’s Celebration!
We Love Our Cereal… …with Star Wars masks on the back or plastic droids inside. With Solo: A Star Wars Story coming this week, we chat about some of our favorite Star Wars cereal crossovers and premiums. Plus, Shane in Grand Rapids lets us know about Toucan Sam’s nose and a new version of Froot Loops cereal.
Willow Val Kilmer and Joanne Whalley met on the set of Willow more than thirty years ago. And though they didn’t last in real life, their chemistry still reacts well on screen thirty years later. Willow premiered on May 20, 1988 to appreciative audiences who loved seeing Warwick Davis as the lead as Willow, the reluctant hero who achieves greatness through persistence and a little help from friends, both big and small. With magic, swashbuckling, and special effects, Willow continues to thrill the homes of TechnoRetro Dads today!
TechnoRetro Arcade Fly the Millennium Falcon in Atari’s vector-graphic The Empire Strikes Back arcade game or the axonometric Return of the Jedi game just a couple years later. Play Falcon Gunner on your iPhone or iPad or dust off your Super Nintendo for a sluggish ride through hyperspace in Super Star Wars Return of the Jedi. On modern consoles, you can soar in the iconic ship in Battlefront and Disney Infinity. And for those who can deal with the vertigo of immersive gaming, Star Wars Battle Pods allows you to climb into the pilot seat and punch it with Chewie.
Star Wars Scrapbook Not long after Splinter of the Mind’s Eye enjoyed success in bookstores, Brian Daley’s Han Solo at Star’s End kicked off a trilogy of late-seventies / early-eighties novels featuring our favorite scoundrel, Han Solo. Rounding out the Daley novels were Han Solo’s Revenge and Han Solo and the Lost Legacy. These books were shazbazzar’s introduction to the Expanded Universe and still hold up as a fun look into Han Solo’s life before meeting Luke and Leia.
Thanks for tuning in to TechnoRetro Dads, EarBuds! Don’t forget to rate and review TechnoRetro Dads on iTunes, share us and with us on social media, and join discussions about toys, cereal, games, movies and/or shows from the ‘70s and ‘80s by giving the ‘Dads your feedback via voice mail at (209) 878-7323 or sending us a message or mp3 via electronic-M to
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Mon, 14 May 2018
It was forty years ago this year when Sgt. Pepper taught the band to steer. They were playing up on top of the bus, causing everyone to make a fuss. They were the Gibb brothers and Peter Frampton and the movie was 1978’s Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band. Get set for psychedelia, disco, and colorful digital gaming on this episode of TechnoRetro Dads.
In the NEWS We’ve mentioned it before, but now Bill and Ted are officially returning for the long-awaited sequel, Bill and Ted Face the Music as these definitive TechnoRetro Dads try to save the world with a little help from their friends daughters. A unique theatrical experience is just around the corner as the Choose Your Own Adventure books make the move into movies with interactive technology that gives the audience the choice of what they want the story to be.
Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band Not the 1967 Beatles album but the 1978 rock opera featuring the Bee Gees, Peter Frampton, Steve Martin, Alice Cooper, Earth, Wind & Fire, George Burns, Aerosmith, and more! Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band took its influence from the Beatles’ song and crafted a story about love, joy, peace, and the business side of the music industry and threw it all together with bright colors, lots of dancing, and some trippy effects to make one of the most controversial films of 1978. Don’t miss out on this classically good (or bad) piece of music and movie history!
Vinyl Scratchback Although we’ve already covered the Bee Gees, disco isn’t far from our minds when we spin some records with Earth, Wind & Fire. Featured in Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band, Muppets in Space, and Rock and Rule, Earth, Wind & Fire is a bit of everything: funk, soul, boogie, disco, pop, rock, Latin, and African. They stormed the scene in the ‘70s and are still performing today. After getting a taste of this amazing band, you’re going to want to rush out to the record store to start your own collection.
TechnoRetro Arcade Shoot wave after wave of robots to save the last human clones: Daddy, Mommy, and Mikey. With two joysticks and no buttons, players move their digital character around the screen, avoiding obstacles and blasting robots and their spawning sources on colorful levels of frenzied action in Robotron 2084, an iconic arcade game from 1982. JediShua and shazbazzar revisit their experience at Flashback Games in Loganville, GA before digging into the full description of the game itself. We hope you have greater success than shazbazzar.
Thanks for tuning in to TechnoRetro Dads, EarBuds! Don’t forget to rate and review TechnoRetro Dads on iTunes, share us and with us on social media, and join discussions about toys, cereal, games, movies and/or shows from the ‘70s and ‘80s by giving the ‘Dads your feedback via voice mail at (209) 878-7323 or sending us a message or mp3 via electronic-M to Share and enjoy. |
Mon, 7 May 2018
Whether they’re from Switzerland or they’ve been Lost in Space multiple times over decades and even centuries, the Robinsons are an adventuresome lot regardless of their past or future. Future and past are the name of the game today — your present from TechnoRetro Dads! Get ready for 77 minutes of pop-culture, fandom, and geekiness with shazbazzar and JediShua.
In the NEWS The bad news this week is about Kevin Bacon (though, thankfully, he has not passed). SyFy has passed on the pilot to a new Tremors series. Sorry, Mr. Bacon. We still like you sizzlin’ hot. Another male icon is getting his own movie — and two directors have been named; Adam and Aaron Nee (they’re brothers) have been announced as the directors who will head up the new He-Man movie. Bill Nye (yes, the science guy) has published three new children’s books. Steven Spielberg hints that a new “Indy” may be female. What this means for Indiana Jones 5, we don’t know. Disney announces a digital series that will stream this summer called Star Wars: Season of the Fan.
Lost in Space The Robinsons were first known as a Swiss family lost in the jungle, but became even more familiar to the X Generation for being Lost in Space. Created and produced in 1965 by Irwin Allen, the original show centered around a family of space pioneers whose mission was interrupted by a saboteur, Dr. Zachary Smith. Smith and the youngest Robinson (Will) became the central humans on the three season series as did Robot’s familiar phrase, “Danger, Will Robinson!”. Thirty years after the series ended, New Line Cinema produced a Lost in Space film including nods, homages, and cameos from the television program. It was a fun movie with some hope for a sequel, but due to its lackluster reception in the box office and somewhat lacking special effects for 1998, the sequel never happened. Not to be stopped by one “poor” performance, however, the Robinsons re-emerged with a pilot for a TV reboot. Directed by John Woo and penned by Irwin Allen, The Robinsons: Lost in Space was dead on arrival, sabotaged, not by Dr. Smith, but by a teen-drama feel that was really, really, really bad. Really. Totally 2004. Some good things came from this version, however, including plot points that would be resurrected in the brand-new series from NetFlix. Lost in Space returned to the small screen (iPhones, iPads, and anything else that streams NetFlix) in April to raucous praise. And for good reason. The cast is good, the story is good, the character development is excellent, the effects are effective, and a second season has been approved. Haven’t seen it yet? Stop what you’re doing and watch all ten episodes!
Vinyl Scratchback The Bee Gees were topping the charts this week in 1978 with “Night Fever” and three other tunes from the band and/or a Gibb brother. Since their foundation in 1958, the Bee Gees have gone through various and vibrant changes. They’re best remembered for their work during the disco era with popular songs like “Tragedy”, “Jive Talkin’”, “How Deep Is Your Love”, “Stayin’ Alive”, and “You Should Be Dancin’”. For a band called “Bee Gees”, they sure like to leave out their “g”s in song titles. Weird, isn’t it?
Thanks for tuning in to TechnoRetro Dads, EarBuds! Don’t forget to rate and review TechnoRetro Dads on iTunes, share us and with us on social media, and join discussions about toys, cereal, games, movies and/or shows from the ‘70s and ‘80s by giving the ‘Dads your feedback via voice mail at (209) 878-7323 or sending us a message or mp3 via electronic-M to Share and enjoy. |
Mon, 30 April 2018
What do you get when you combine wrestling with genetic experiments in space gone awry and mix it up with some skyscrapers? Rampage! And the ‘Dads have more than their share this week with the classic arcade game and the new movie featuring Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson.
In the NEWS More sad news as we say goodbye to jazz musician/School House Rock composer Bob Dorough and WarGames soundtrack composer Arther B. Rubenstein. Their music will live on indubitably. Labyrinth returns to theaters and will likely make its musical debut on the theatre stage in the near future. Nickelodeon spends a dime to reboot the ‘80s kids’ game show Double Dare — few details known at the moment, but we’re sure slime will be involved. Shooting for Stranger Things 3 is underway with a fourth season already confirmed. Star Wars Resistance will debut this fall on Disney Channel promising that Oscar Isaac and Gwendoline Christie will reprise their roles as Poe Dameron and Captain Phasma. Han Solo’s Lando Calrissian’s YT-1300 will be on display (at least the interior) over the next few weeks in select cities as The Millennium Falcon Experience travels cross-country to promote Solo: A Star Wars Story.
We Love Our Cereal… …and cereal snacks, be they frozen or refrigerated. PLUS: Purdue engineering students show off their talents with a Rube Goldberg machine that not only pours a bowl of cereal, but adds the milk in a most imaginative and enjoyable way.
TechnoRetro Arcade Midway Games’ Rampage showed up in arcades, bowling alleys, and skating rinks in 1986 to pockets full of quarters as gigantic beasts George (gorilla), Lizzie (lizard), and Ralph (wolf) begin their 128-day journey across the nation to wrestle skyscrapers to the ground as they eat people, smash cars, and often end up reduced to normal-sized humans sans clothing, sliding off the side of the game screen. This classic arcade game was a staple of the late ‘80s and early ‘90s when shazbazzar and JediShua were in high school and college. PLUS: Jovial Jay shares a story about an unboxed, mint condition Robotron 2084 game that was discovered in a warehouse filled with floors of “brand new” video games and pinball machines from the ‘70s and ‘80s. Oh, to be a millionaire!
Rampage Dwayne Johnson (yes, he even calls himself “Rock” in this movie) and Jeffrey Dean Morgan star in a movie adaptation of Midway Games Rampage in this spring’s Rampage. Focusing on George, an albino gorilla whose growth is accelerated by secret experiments conducted in space, this popcorn flick is full of action and humor in a movie that’s light on life lessons and heavy on simple fun. It’s a great catch on the silver screen that doesn’t take itself too seriously.
Feedback Wes comments on Prince and his guitar collection. Jeremy the Spider-Pan from The Neverland Podcast provides an update on the TRON ride at Walt Disney World. Mark All mentions Cheap Trick’s rendition of the Transformers theme and shAbbeyzzar chooses a Cheap Trick theme song for her class assignment podcast.
Thanks for tuning in to TechnoRetro Dads, EarBuds! Don’t forget to rate and review TechnoRetro Dads on iTunes, share us and with us on social media, and join discussions about toys, cereal, games, movies and/or shows from the ‘70s and ‘80s by giving the ‘Dads your feedback via voice mail at (209) 878-7323 or sending us a message or mp3 via electronic-M to
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Mon, 23 April 2018
In the wake of recent losses shazbazzar and JediShua recall good times from the ‘70s, ‘80s, and even the early ‘90s with television, music, and an animated movie that stays fresh every time shaz sees it.
In the NEWS We lost R Lee Ermey, Harry Anderson, and former First Lady Barbara Bush. Billy Mitchell lost all his video game high scores for allegedly cheating on Donkey Kong. Netflix releases a reboot of Lost in Space. Steven Spielberg finds another movie to helm — DC’s Blackhawk.
We Love Our Cereal… …and cereal loves sugar. Mmmm! Cereal companies discover the age-old cure for low sales — a teaspoon (or more) of sugar! PLUS: professional wrestlers open a totally geeky cereal cafe in Rochester, New York.
Night Court In tribute to the magically comedic talent of Harry Anderson, shazbazzar and JediShua turn on the tube to remember the long-running Thursday night sitcom Night Court. Play a clip on YouTube and you’re guaranteed to laugh out loud…a lot.
Vinyl Scratchback Rockford, Illinois produced an all-too-often overlooked rock band with a real penchant for covers and original content — Cheap Trick. From 1977 to today, Cheap Trick has been strumming the six strings and kicking the bass with hooks that are sure to catch more than fish. We all remember “I Want You to Want Me” and “Surrender”, but do you remember “The Flame”, “Dream Police”, and “Mighty Wings”? Did you know Cheap Trick is the band that plays the theme from That 70s Show? Were you aware of their performances in movies like Transformers, Heavy Metal, and Rock and Rule?
Rock and Rule Another time. Another place. The war was over and dogs, cats, and rats became the dominant sentient beings on the planet. Hitting heavy chords over the “sell your soul to the devil” trope, Nelvana involved Blondie, Cheap Trick, Iggy Pop, Lou Reed, and Earth, Wind, and Fire for an animated feature from 1983 that draws its inspiration of a future Earth from Moebius and 70s rockers. Mok recruits Angel to summon a demon from the underworld, but Omar won’t let her go so easily. If you haven’t checked out Rock and Rule, now is the time to sit down and enjoy one of the best lesser-known movies.
Thanks for tuning in to TechnoRetro Dads, EarBuds! Don’t forget to rate and review TechnoRetro Dads on iTunes, share us and with us on social media, and join discussions about toys, cereal, games, movies and/or shows from the ‘70s and ‘80s by giving the ‘Dads your feedback via voice mail at (209) 878-7323 or sending us a message or mp3 via electronic-M to
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Mon, 16 April 2018
Adventure. Excitement? Well, at least puzzling. Whether you’re in the mood for three keys to three castles with three dragons and an Easter Egg or want to groove with the artist formerly known as Prince before he was knows as Prince again, you’ll have at least something fun for your morning run on this week’s TechnoRetro Dads. So put on your pajamas (since you’re evidently allowed to wear them to work today) and tune in for a 77-minute dose of nostalgenergy. In the NEWS In the wake of Ready Player One, Ernest Cline’s second novel Armada gets the go-ahead for filming. Gary Whitta’s The Last Starfighter is getting attention. Spyro the Dragon gets an upgrade. You can “play” Ready Player One as you read it on Pick up as many NECCO wafers as you can, because they’re nearly extinct. And TRON Light Cycles go Lego.
We Love Our Cereal… …and Funko is promising more reasons to love cereal. With mini-pops in every box of pop culture themed cereal, Funko is showing their love for sugary grains in artificial colors!
TechnoRetro Arcade In the Home Console section of the arcade, our Atari 2600 gets enchanted with Adventure, the original Easter Egg game that inspired Halliday’s game (Thanks, Warren Robinett). Due to the ‘Dads’ limited experience in actually playing the game (as opposed to watching others play it), JediShua brought “Dolly”, A.K.A. Mrs. Shua, the resident expert on wacky bats, shiny chalices, and passive dragonslaying techniques (and mercury-filled stickers, evidentally). Mrs. Shua lends her voice to this entertaining and informative look at Atari’s hit puzzle-game, Adventure. You’re guaranteed to score more just by tuning in this week!
Vinyl Scratchback Have you ever Batdanced with the devil in the pale moonlight? What about in the Purple Rain? Would you drive to the Distracted Globe in your “Little Red Corvette”? This morning, we’re going to party like it’s 1999 with Prince and our memories about the uber-talented ‘80s icon’s music.
Toys in the Attic They’re round. They’re squishy. They’re gross! Madballs were a throwable tribute to kids’ obsession with disgusting concepts in the mid-1980s, and they just might help you out in a jam when you run into Director Krennic. From toys to comics to cartoons (well, maybe), Madballs continue to captivate kids with their gross caricatures of scary and silly faces.
Feedback Jeff Baucom plays Galaga. Cereal Connoisseur Sheldon Norton enjoys Ready Player One. We love feedback!
Thanks for tuning in to TechnoRetro Dads, EarBuds! Don’t forget to rate and review TechnoRetro Dads on iTunes, share us and with us on social media, call-in with HalfBowl of Cap’n Crunch Mystery tips, and join discussion about toys, cereal, games, movies and/or shows from the ‘70s and ‘80s by giving the ‘Dads your feedback via voice mail at (209) 878-7323 or sending us a message or mp3 via electronic-M to |
Fri, 6 April 2018
If you are one who is ready to watch Ready Player One (again), you’re gonna be egg-static about this episode of TechnoRetro Dads as shazbazzar and JediShua as all the signs combine to form the number six — but not for Sixers. Or are they? Dive in to the deep well of wonder as we enter a world of pure imagination with Ernest Cline, Steven Spielberg, and James Halliday in the audio-only version of the OASIS called “Active Unlimited Dive Into Our Open Nostalgic Liquid Youth” (also called TechnoRetro Dads). In the NEWS Monty Python (there are six of them, you know, but that’s not important right now) are coming to Netflix in U.K. and CAN next week. We’ll get it later. Shane in GR suggests you #ChillYourPothole with a big breakfast on the road…literally on the road. The extended version of Superman is playing at select Alamo Draft House Theaters and 2001: A Space Odyssey is celebrating its fiftieth anniversary in theaters this year. The Ready Player One soundtrack is available, and so are the tunes from various artists digitally.
We Love Our Cereal… …and unicorns, too. If you can find the elusive cereal that’s nearly as rare as unicorns themselves, you can make some fun concoctions as suggested by
TechnoRetro Arcade It’s not Galaxian. It’s not Galaxian II. It’s Galaga, the natural evolution of a game filled with space bugs that shoot, dive-bomb, and even capture your defense fleet starship in this much-beloved game played by David Lightman and recognized by Tony Stark from across a computer-filled room. JediShua promises to help shazbazzar achieve a perfect score in the bonus round next time they go to the arcade together.
Ready Player One We’ve been waiting a long time for this. Longer than there’ve been fishes in the ocean. Well, not really, but longer than TechnoRetro Dads have been on-the-air, shazbazzar and JediShua have been waiting for Ready Player One to make its way to theaters. And we weren’t disappointed at all. Neither were you, EarBuds. The TechnoRetro novel became a TechnoRetro movie and we’re totally #TechnoRetro about the whole thing — except for glitches in theaters from time-to-time. Steven Spielberg hits a home run with this film adaptation of James Halliday’s Egg Hunt. EarBuds Kermmit the Frog, James Burns, Obi-Roth Kenobi, T-Bird, JunkMan, Tony Soehner of Nerds Gallery podcast, and families all contribute to our initial post-screening discussion of Ready Player One. With just 10 minutes of (announced) spoilers, you can listen to almost the whole conversation without being spoiled (if you haven’t yet seen Ready Player One in theaters). But the discussion isn’t enough for EarBuds; if you haven’t seen the movie, yet, gather your party and head down to the theater to check it out time and time again. PLUS: the grand prize winner of the TechnoRetro Dads EggHunt is revealed!
Feedback Jeff Baucom gets into the discussion of movies Star Wars influenced, inspiring ideas for more Star Wars Aftershocks. Jonathan Bell suggests watching The Theory of Everything starring James Halliday as Stephen Hawking. John Schepler pops off with news about Funko Cereal Pops. Ted Adam Green adds to the cereal news with pics snack bags of Cap’n Crunch. Adam O’Brien compares Clint Eastwood with Harrison Ford in a truly TechnoRetro matchup. Chris from Arvada calls in with his excitement about Ready Player One, Cereal Box, Inc., and his own recipes for cereal mixes. PLUS: Chris remembers the TRON/WarGames mashup from TRON: Decoding the Grid from a few years back. If you’re interested in what he’s talking about, check it out here.
Thanks for tuning in to TechnoRetro Dads, EarBuds! Don’t forget to rate and review TechnoRetro Dads on iTunes, share us and with us on social media, call-in with HalfBowl of Cap’n Crunch Mystery tips, and join discussion about toys, cereal, games, movies and/or shows from the ‘70s and ‘80s by giving the ‘Dads your feedback via voice mail at (209) 878-7323 or sending us a message or mp3 via electronic-M to
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Sun, 1 April 2018
Greetings, PROGRAMS!
This news brief will catch you up on the most significant TechnoRetro NEWS hitting the airwaves as March concludes and April begins, so WAKE UP! In the NEWS Feelin’ Newsy? You will be when you wake up to this morning’s News Blast. Superman turns 80 later this month on the anniversary of the release of Action Comics #1. Direct Current Comics will release a limited edition of the premiere issue of Aluminum Boy. With Facebook’s popularity fading in recent weeks, The WELL (Whole Earth ‘Lectronic Link) was recently purchased by Innovative Online Industries in a move to reintroduce this early ISP/forum to users. Hasbro and Twentieth Century Fox reveal plans to make a movie based on the classic game Operation. Jonah Hill and Rowlf are confirmed to star in the film which will begin filming soon. And in a story that’s truly out-of-this-world, a miniature space station has been discovered in orbit around Earth equipped with a rocket that will evidently be launching for Mars in the near future. SETI and NASA confirm the construction crew plans to colonize the red planet before man will plant his flag on Mars. Vinyl Scratchback The Doobie Brothers, Bjork, Beatles, Def Leppard, Queen, and more fill your ear buds with folly before the ‘Dads replay some favorites from the past five years. |
Mon, 26 March 2018
Spring is here, and March is all set to go out like a lion with the bombastic retrorific movie adaptation of Ernest Cline’s bestselling novel, Ready Player One. JediShua and shazbazzar have a few important influences to prepare all EarBuds for the movie release this week! In the NEWS Indiana Jones and the Fifth Chapter not only has a release date, but a filming date as Steven Spielberg anticipates his next blockbuster after Ready Player One. Toys ‘R’ Us is closing, but Kay-Bee Toys is coming back? Maybe so. Muppet Babies has returned to TV in a reboot format. Of course, Ready Player One is everywhere.
We Love Our Cereal… …and peanut butter? Well, with cereal, we certainly do. Spread some up on a couple pieces of bread and you will, too! (Have plenty of milk handy.)
Vinyl Scratchback Ready Player One influences this week’s Vinyl Scratchback with one of Ernie Cline’s audio influences: Rush. The Canadian Prog Rock band features heavily in all of Cline’s work and plays an important role in Ready Player One with their 1976 album 2112.
TechnoRetro Arcade Wade Watts played Dungeons of Daggorath on a TRS-80 in Ready Player One. This predecessor of hits like Castle Wolfenstein and Doom earns its place in the TechnoRetro Arcade with its sparse sound effects, basic vector graphics, yet immersive gameplay.
Saturday Mornings Cartoons weren’t the only fare on Saturday mornings. Sometimes, live-action “cartoons” made their way to American television with shows like Ultraman that captured the imaginations of kids everywhere.
WarGames David Lightman is an intelligent underachiever who really likes playing video games on his computer. He will do just about anything to play them — even hacking into Protovision (or some other computer in the Sunnyvale area). Will he inadvertently cause World War Three? WarGames capitalized on the Cold War worries of Generation X with a fun and somewhat frightening film featuring Matthew Broderick, Ally Sheedy, John Wood, Dabney Coleman, and Barry Corbin. An all-time favorite of shazbazzar and one of many rewatchable movies for JediShua, WarGames not only influenced young computer programmers to become hackers, it influenced at least two stories by novelist Ernest Cline, namely Ready Player One and Armada. JediShua and shazbazzar make a strong case for watching WarGames one more time before heading to theaters this week for Ready Player One.
Thanks for tuning in to TechnoRetro Dads, EarBuds! Don’t forget to rate and review TechnoRetro Dads on iTunes, share us and with us on social media, call-in with HalfBowl of Cap’n Crunch Mystery tips, and join discussion about toys, cereal, games, movies and/or shows from the ‘70s and ‘80s by giving the ‘Dads your feedback via voice mail at (209) 878-7323 or sending us a message or mp3 via electronic-M to And be sure to watch WarGames one more time before going to the movies later this week!
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Mon, 19 March 2018
What do you do when your daughter brings home her first boyfriend? Well, EarBuds, it’s best to think that question over before it actually happens. Take it from shazbazzar. But it’s all going to be alright as we come roaring back after a week filled with fun, friends, and six Star Wars movies playing in the evenings for visiting Spring Breakers at “shaz sha-toh” (chateau). So pop open a can of 9 Lives and curl up with the cat for a 77-minute blend of past, present, and future with shazbazzar and JediShua on TechnoRetro Dads. In the NEWS Stephen Hawking outlives doctors’ expectations by over fifty years. Ready Player One VR rave was available for test runs at SXSW. Director Steven Spielberg experienced some anxiety as he attended the premiere of Ready Player One with a few technical glitches. Flux capacitors are not currently in stock at O’Reilly Auto Parts. The “Anniversary Edition” of The Dark Crystal is now available on Blu-Ray and 4K.
We Love Our Cereal… …and SuperFriend Jorbex thinks JediShua would love Honey Hooplahs, too — if only because of the awesome name. In the meantime, Tony the Tiger goes to the dark side with Chocolate Frosted Flakes, and Shua is convinced that shaz would think “they’re great!”
Vinyl Scratchback With a retrotastic movie like Ready Player One coming in less than two weeks, this seemed like the perfect time to speculate about songs we think might be on the soundtrack as well as what we wish would be on the soundtrack. And, since we’re not making the movie anyway, your opinions are as good as ours, so if you have thoughts about songs that could work into Ready Player One, let us know right away at (209) 878-7323.
TechnoRetro Arcade Ernest Cline has it in his own home. Wade Watts played it from an entirely different perspective in Ready Player One. It’s called Black Dragon in Japan. But you know it as Black Tiger and shazbazzar and JediShua take a few minutes to revisit the dungeons of Capcom and reminisce about the scantily-clad barbarian’s adventure game and how it likely has influenced both the book and the movie, Ready Player One.
Black Panther JediShua gathered his brood for a trip to the local cinema for a MARVELous afternoon in Wakanda watching Black Panther. Although shazbazzar has yet to see it, Shua’s glowing review of the movie doesn’t really spoil anything (surprised?)! It’s no wonder this movie continues to impress at the box office this month.
Feedback Isaiah Caldeira lets us know about his interesting strategy for Defender and how it didn’t quite produce the results he wanted. Jeff Baucom follows the rabbit trail from Star Wars actors in Flash Gordon to the Queen soundtrack to Toto’s soundtrack for Dune to the VHS data sheet, PLUS: Dungeons & Dragons, Knight Rider, Cylons, and Boney M! Jeff proves the value of a well-archived catalog of old podcasts. Jonathan spots Sean Astin’s buff brother…maybe. Wes shares pics of his collection in his “space for being creative” as Jeffrey Fischbach shows off a TRON cabinet and Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom game. Lost Boy Eric volunteers to get an annual pass to Walt Disney World to keep everyone up-to-date with the TRON ride’s progress.
Thanks for tuning in to TechnoRetro Dads, EarBuds! Don’t forget to rate and review TechnoRetro Dads on iTunes, share us and with us on social media, call-in with HalfBowl of Cap’n Crunch Mystery tips, and join discussion about toys, cereal, games, movies and/or shows from the ‘70s and ‘80s by giving the ‘Dads your feedback via voice mail at (209) 878-7323 or sending us a message or mp3 via electronic-M to And be sure to submit your final guesses for the TechnoRetro Dads’ Easter Egg as the TechnoRetro EggHunt concludes.
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Mon, 12 March 2018
With just a couple weeks until Ready Player One hits theaters, shazbazzar and JediShua are here with over two hours of hype for the movie with SuperFriend and co-host of TRON: Decoding the Grid JAMIE! (And, by the way, if you haven’t set your clock forward an hour by now, you’re probably late for work, so…) In the NEWS John Williams will retire from Star Wars after Episode Nine. Jon Favreau (Pre Vizsla) joins a Star Wars series again, but this time in the role of writer and director! Disney renews their relationship with McDonald’s with new “Happy Meal” toys for The Incredibles and Wreck It Ralph this year. The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy gets its sixth installment of the trilogy in a new radio drama on BBC. Retro posters promote Ready Player One in some cities and more games are available for you to share and enjoy on the movie’s website.
Lazy Book Club Four years ago this month, TechnoRetro Dads aired the first three meetings of the Lazy Book Club with Jamie, long-time SuperFriend and co-host of TRON: Decoding the Grid. It took three (segments and EarBuds) to cover Ernest Cline’s Ready Player One four years ago, and we’re not sure we could do any better even now! So if you’re not avoiding potential spoilers and you want to revisit the book with some friends, tune in for two hours of the Lazy Book Club from March 2014.
Thanks for tuning in to TechnoRetro Dads, EarBuds! Don’t forget to rate and review TechnoRetro Dads on iTunes, share us and with us on social media, call-in with HalfBowl of Cap’n Crunch Mystery tips, and join discussion about toys, cereal, games, movies and/or shows from the ‘70s and ‘80s by giving the ‘Dads your feedback via voice mail at (209) 878-7323 or sending us a message or mp3 via electronic-M to
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Mon, 5 March 2018
The final week of the TechnoRetro EggHunt is upon you — at least the clue segment. So listen closely for hints regarding this week’s Easter Egg and look for more clues in the artwork, guess correctly, and discover the full picture in order to solve the final puzzle and enter the drawing for the Grand Prize to be awarded on the Monday before Ready Player One hits theaters! But that will pale in comparison to the pure joy of eating Teddy Grahams on terry cloth towels under an umbrella in Cleveland with Dr. Jones. Even better, however, are 77 minutes of Indy films, Indy games, and Indy tunes. No, Oscar fans, not “indie” — Indy, and in Indiana Jones. And we’re loaded with Indiana Jones this week where we’re guaranteed to contain more than 30% Indiana Jones related content or your money back. In the NEWS Dwayne Johnson’s upcoming Jungle Cruise promises to feel as if Indiana Jones might be just around the bend in the upcoming movie with Emily Blunt. Ready Player Two is under construction as a book before novelist Ernest Cline flips over into screenplay mode again to co-write the expected sequel to the movie. Neflix teases Lost in Space with a scene of the Robinson family walking onto the Jupiter 2. PLUS: the end of Wilhelm?
We Love Our Cereal… …and JediShua wants to find more cereals to love. But he’s really looking for one that could be his king of the Briton cereals. If you have a suggestion from his list of ten, let us know at our cereal choice hotline (209) 878-7323.
Classic TV Tunes To introduce a new segment to JediShua, shazbazzar hosts a “Name That Tune” game that ends up giving Shua the easy win. Even better than a successful one-guess-win, though, is John Williams’s repertoire of tunes made for TV, from movies to news to sports to classic series, the Star Wars / Indiana Jones soundtrack composer will surprise most EarBuds with the credits he’s amassed over decades of work in the field.
TechnoRetro Arcade Two games worthy of the name Henry Jones, Jr. are added to the TechnoRetro Arcade this week with Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom from Atari and the Atari 2600 classic puzzle game, Raiders of the Lost Ark (featuring, yep, you guessed it, Indiana Jones). But there’s even more Indiana Jones in this episode with “The Ballad of Indiana Jones” by High Adventure and a look back at the 1989 movie…
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade Rats! “X” marks the spot — this time — in an on-the-nose reversion to Raiders, Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom hits all the right beats for the third movie of the then trilogy of Indiana Jones adventures. Remember River Phoenix as young Indy? How about Sean Connery as Henry Jones, Sr.? Or that sad old knight guarding the Holy Grail? Or the event that forever scarred Indy with a fear of snakes? It’s all here in the first Indy film with a PG-13 rating, although Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom earned the addition of the rating to the MPAA in 1984. Wilhelms and whip-snaps included.
Retro Gameshow Monty Hall continues to be synonymous with wild audiences, kooky costumes, and bad deals. Let’s Make a Deal was a big deal in the 60s, 70s, and 80s. It continues even today with Wayne Brady hosting the show. Mention the word “deal” to a GenXer, and you’ll likely hear, “This deal’s getting worse all the time,” just before a reference to Let’s Make a Deal.
Thanks for tuning in to TechnoRetro Dads, EarBuds! Don’t forget to rate and review TechnoRetro Dads on iTunes, share us and with us on social media, call-in with HalfBowl of Cap’n Crunch Mystery tips, and join discussion about toys, cereal, games, movies and/or shows from the ‘70s and ‘80s by giving the ‘Dads your feedback via voice mail at (209) 878-7323 or sending us a message or mp3 via electronic-M to And be sure to listen for hints and watch for clues for the TechnoRetro Dads’ Easter Egg as the TechnoRetro EggHunt concludes.
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Mon, 26 February 2018
Pronunciations and enunciations are better than renunciations of almost every kind, even when the former are terrible. But mispronouncing city names isn’t the only error. Oh no! The Spider-Pan from Neverland (podcast) catches the TechnoRetro Dads in another April Foolish prank from the tourism industry Down Under. But after shazbazzar and JediShua get humbled by multiple corrections from the past couple weeks, the ‘Dads lunch into space for some alien felines. You’ll want to be on the lookout for hairballs at breakfast and dinner today. Ha!
In the NEWS Hairlips or hairy lips, it makes little difference to the Flowbee, with Jay Hernandez playing Magnum P.I. in the upcoming reboot, we’re wondering if the classic mustache will be making a comeback in the new version. Hopefully so! Daniel and Johnny are back at it on the west coast in YouTube Red’s new original Karate Kid series Cobra Kai. And the hype for Ready Player One kicks it up a notch with more puzzles, clues, and an opportunity to play Joust online.
We Love Our Cereal… …but Lucky loves his newest charm — a mythical friend of the little leprechaun joins Lucky Charms cereal in disembodied form. Your next bowl of Lucky Charms may be full of unicorn heads if you’re really Lucky. Delicious! And the HalfBowl of Cap’n Crunch Mystery gets some updates from one of our EarBuds as well as a peek into the TechnoRetro Bureau of Investigation. Cicero D. Swampaluffagus thinks he may have seen King Vitamin fleeing the scene of the crime in Richmond, Virginia. PLUS: Steve Glosson from the Big Honkin’ Show continues to help shazbazzar and JediShua in the cereal crime investigation. If you have any information about this still unsolved mystery, let us know at our cereal crime hotline (209) 878-7323.
TechnoRetro Arcade The mouse chases the cats in Mappy, a digital version of playing cat and mouse with a twist. The mouse detective seeks to catch the Meowkies red-pawed by retrieving the goods stolen by the criminal felines. And if that’s not enough to entice you, Namco added trampolines to the game play in order to give it a much-needed bounce. If you’re looking for something different at the arcade, check out Mappy.
The Cat from Outer Space After an alien life form crash lands on Earth, the military gets involved (including both Colonels from M*A*S*H) only to discover that we haven’t been invaded by little, green, squishy guys, but by a furry feline with a glowing collar. Featuring Sally Duncan, Ken Berry, Harry Morgan, McLean Stevenson, and Ronnie Schell as Zunar-J-5/9 Doric-4-7 (Jake), this 1978 flick provides loads of fun with humor, comedy, and unlikely combinations as Boss Hogg and Cornelius show up for Disney’s sci-fi prelude to The Black Hole. The Cat from Outer Space is a must-see for every fan of fun or fiction, especially since it seems to be a secondary inspiration for The Phantom Menace!
Saturday Mornings Spacecats (not to be confused with the “Space Cats” episode of Heathcliff) was a short-lived (pronounced with a long “i” sound — thanks, Scott Ryfun) animated/puppet TV show from the early ‘90s. Paul Fusco voices the leader of the Spacecats, Captain Catgut, in every episode’s introduction as a short, furry puppet. Charles Nelson Reilly is the Disembodied Omnipotent Ruler of Cats (D.O.R.C) in a role that suited his Hollywood Squares personality. In the cartoon segment, the voice talents of Townsend Coleman, Pat Fraley, and Rob Paulsen bring the two-dimensionally drawn Spacecats to life for a single season before the show didn’t last longer than a single fall and subsequent spring reruns. Too bad, too, since we never really discovered that the real reason the Spacecats came to Earth was to investigate tales of an alien life form who threatened the indigenous feline population with his voracious appetite and complete lack of willpower.
Feedback Darth Taxus answers lingering questions about Garfield and Friends. Steve Bennett (#TeamSteve) adds fragrance to our Olfatrix smell towers with a Hot Topic exclusive that shouldn’t expire until 2045 at least with Ready Player One “Gunter Life” cologne. Speaking of Ready Player One, EarBuds went wild with comments about Easter Eggs in the official poster. PLUS: Mark Reingrover, Jovial Jay, James Burns, and Mike MacDonald with fantastic feedback!
Don’t forget to rate and review TechnoRetro Dads on iTunes, share us and with us on social media, call-in with HalfBowl of Cap’n Crunch Mystery tips, and join discussion about toys, cereal, games, movies and/or shows from the ‘70s and ‘80s by giving the ‘Dads your feedback via voice mail at (209) 878-7323 or sending us a message or mp3 via electronic-M to And be sure to listen for hints and watch for clues for the TechnoRetro Dads’ Easter Egg with the ongoing TechnoRetro Egg Hunt.
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Mon, 19 February 2018
From snowstorms up north to the feel of summertime in the south, the past week of the Winter Olympics have challenged both athletes and couch potatoes in more ways than one. But we’ll never ask you to choose between watching skiing or going skiing. We will never push you into a conundrum of choosing between mowing the lawn and keeping up with the figure skating finals. You can take TechnoRetro Dads with you wherever you can take your ear buds, EarBuds, as we remember Saturday morning cartoons enjoyed with a bowl of cereal, revisit the arcades of our youth, and reminisce about the best parts of being kids in the ‘70s and ‘80s. So whether you are Farmers or freelance photographers, we’re your friendly neighborhood podcast — even if you don’t remember the glory days of GenX! In the NEWS As we anticipated, the upcoming incarnation of The Greatest American Hero features a female lead as Hannah Simone is cast as the next unlikely superhero to wear the red pajamas. We wonder who her counterpart will be. Before V was for vendetta, the Roman numeral signified visitors from another planet who have come to earth to feast on human flesh. Creator of the original mini-series, Kenneth Johnson, will be directing a big screen adaptation of the iconic ‘80s TV show. Whether Dar or Freddy Kruger will appear in the new version is unknown at the moment. Doc Brown could soon find a replacement for the demolished DeLorean from Back to the Future 3 in Humble, Texas as brand new DMC-12s begin rolling off the assembly line next year. Built from unassembled original parts from the early ‘80s, these DeLoreans will combine the classic look with updated and upgraded engines and electronics assembled on “x” frames. Do we want them? Yes! Can we afford them? Uh…no. WarGames is making a comeback through a new game about hackers produced in collaboration with Eko. Matthew Broderick? We doubt it.
We Love Our Cereal… …and so do burglars in Richmond, Virginia. Olivia Davis came home recently to discover her apartment had been ransacked, her toilet paper had been stolen, and someone had been eating a bowl of Cap’n Crunch on her bed…and left before finishing the bowl! When the criminal is this smooth (or maybe not-so-smooth), there’s only one person we could call to make sense of this crime — Steve Glosson. The host of the Big Honkin’ Show joins shazbazzar and JediShua to investigate the details of this very strange tale of missing cleaning supplies, tables of wigs, and a half bowl of Cap’n Crunch cereal.
TechnoRetro Arcade Seems like sequels are the rage in early ‘80s video games. Last week, we talked about Ms. Pac-Man. This week, the success of Centipede gives rise to Millipede, a faster, more intense version of the rollerball shooter with more arachnids, insects, and dangerous mushrooms that might put you in a panic if you’re not expecting the onslaught of tiny creatures attacking your bug blaster in this fun and frenetic game that will get your heart racing.
Saturday Mornings He’s orange. He’s striped. He loves lasagna. He’s the iconic fat cat with a very Presidential name. He’s Garfield. If you’re a child of the ‘80s, you remember him, not only from the funny pages of your local newspaper, but from Saturday mornings on CBS from 1988 to 1995. Garfield and Friends featured not only Garfield and Odie, but also several friends from the farm as Jim Davis’s creation gets animated on a weekly basis in this cartoon. JediShua does discover that Garfield was inspired by the creator’s grandfather, a cantankerous man named James A. Garfield Davis. Does the “A” stand for “Andrew”? We just don’t know.
Feedback Isaiah Caldeira tries Steve Glosson’s chocolate super cereal surprise and enjoys watching Animaniacs. Jonathan Bell geeks out with his TechnoRetroGrandDad on the Input Junkie podcast. Dave Atteberry sends us pics of his “super” man cave and we’re amazed because it’s spectacular. The talents of Jimmy in Georgia and Uncle Ben Foster are on display with Jimmy’s Dungeons & Dragons art and Ben’s pen-and-ink drawings and musical repertoire. Chef Armando is thoroughly enjoying The Toys that Made Us on Netflix and Twitter. Jason from The Colony, Texas shares his thoughts and Darth Taxus embraces Flash Gordon with his whole family. Michael Goldtrap tastes Nutter Butter cereal. Jeffrey Fischbach suggests names for the Pac-Fam and The Neverland Podcast solves the mystery of Ms. Pac-Man’s name. Ahh-choo!
Don’t forget to rate and review TechnoRetro Dads on iTunes, share us and with us on social media, and lend your voice to our discussion about toys, cereal, games, movies and/or shows from the ‘70s and ‘80s by giving the ‘Dads your feedback via voice mail at (209) 878-7323 or sending us a message or mp3 via electronic-M to And be sure to listen for hints and watch for clues for the TechnoRetro Dads’ Easter Egg with the ongoing TechnoRetro Egg Hunt.
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Mon, 12 February 2018
As important as learning your ABCs, getting a fundamental education in the glory days of the ‘70s and ‘80s will prepare you for success in today’s pop-culture climate. The TechnoRetro Dads continue to serve the public with 77 minute interstitials to reawaken the hearts and minds of GenXers while providing Millennials more than a basic introduction to the movies, music, TV shows, games, and toys that made these decades some of the best times to be a kid. Who knows when you might have an opportunity to put the knowledge of timeless trivia to the test in order to win an OASIS of treasure (and free prizes) in a contest the likes of Ready Player One? Make sure you’re tuned in every Monday morning for TechnoRetro Dads — just the thing to get your work week off to a great start. Hurray! In the NEWS What do you mean Pluto still isn’t a planet? EarBuds from all over the world rapidly responded to the news from last week to let us know that, no, Pluto has not been reclassified as a planet. Aw! Maybe someday. But things are looking up for TRON fans as construction begins in O’Lando for the Lightcycle Power Run. If only they would start filming TR3N. But the biggest news is about the star of Nintendo games, Mario! Whether you’re talking about seeing the original “Jump Man” on the silver screen or seeing the popular plumber sans shirt, Mario is super at making headlines on the GRID!
We Love Our Cereal… …and Post is boxing up bowls of great tastes, it seems. Start looking for Great Grains Coconut Almond Crunch, Grape Nuts Trail Mix Crunch, Double Chocolate Brownie Crunch, Cinnamon Dino-Bites, Golden Honey O’s, and MOM’s Best Crispy Cinnamon Rice. With two cinnamon additions to cereal aisle shelves this year, it looks like things are heating up for your taste buds, EarBuds!
Vinyl Scratchback They may go “Crazy on You” if you’re a “Magic Man”, and that might not be a bad thing. Sisters Ann and Nancy Wilson have been the thrumming heartbeat of Heart for the past four decades with loads of familiar songs from the ‘70s and ‘80s, even as the band’s sound developed alongside the times as the heavier beats and guitars gave way to cleaner, pop-centric synthesized choruses that matched well with high school dances (and even movies about high school dances). PLUS: JediShua discovers a Heart-shaped cover of Led Zeppelin’s “Immigrant Song”.
TechnoRetro Arcade How do you follow up a hit video game? With a sequel that’s not only more colorful, faster, and smoother, but wrap it up with a big bow — on top of the main character’s head. Ms. Pac-Man debuted in the States in 1982, with cut scenes showing how Pac-Man met Ms. Pac-Man, their fast-paced love affair, and (with implied promises of a third game in the series) Pac-Man, Jr. Bouncing fruit added to the challenge of the game as gamers guided Ms. Pac-Man around mazes to avoid colorful ghosts (monsters), eat up fruit (and pretzels), and chomp down on the power pill that lets her eat up her enemies. Ms. Pac-Man is the perfect game for this Valentine’s Day!
Let’s Go to the Movies: Young Love He’s the everyman, the dork, the kickboxer who keeps getting kicked in the face by love. From the iconic image of the lonesome lover hoisting his boombox over his head in Say Anything to a cross-country road trip to find The Sure Thing, John Cusack became the face of teen romance movies and rom-coms of the ‘80s. Remember Lane Meyer fleeing from the persistent paperboy in Better Off Dead? This budding cartoonist brought burgers to life in his “real job” before nearly killing himself skiing the K12 in hopes of finding love (from France). Retaining his role as a teenage cartoonist in a warmer season, Cusack played Hoops McCann in One Crazy Summer with Bobcat Goldthwait playing Godzilla in a movie about a boat race that helps our hero win love, yet again. Not to be forgotten is Danny, Lauri’s slacker boyfriend who ends up saving his girlfriend’s family from psychotic killers with the help of some mellow islanders and an off-kilter boat captain with a penchant for Robert Louis Stevenson. Hot Pursuit, directed by Steven Lisberger, may indeed be shazbazzar’s favorite romantic comedy of all time.
Don’t forget to rate and review TechnoRetro Dads on iTunes, share us and with us on social media, or lend your voice to our discussion about toys, cereal, games, or movies and shows from the ‘70s and ‘80s by giving the ‘Dads your feedback on voice mail at (209) 878-7323 or sending us a message or mp3 via electronic-M to And be sure to listen for hints and watch for clues for the TechnoRetro Dads’ Easter Egg with the ongoing TechnoRetro Egg Hunt.
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Mon, 5 February 2018
It's all over! The month of January, the lunar eclipse with a blue and blood super moon, Groundhog Day, and the Super Bowl are all behind us, but shazbazzar and JediShua keep the action going with New York Jets Quarterback Flash Gordon, digital Xs and Os on a black-and-white screen on a cocktail table version of football from Atari, paper triangles on lunchroom tables, and an explanation of the first week of the TechnoRetro EggHunt by Matt Marks. This episode of TechnoRetro Dads will transform your winter blues with warm feelings of nostalgia, humor, and perhaps some deceptive humor for the next 77 minutes of your life.
In the NEWS Scientists admit their error (sort of) by reclassifying Pluto as the ninth planet of the Solar System because...popular opinion? We discover that Mr. Rogers will be represented on screens, not only in documentary format, but in a full movie starring Tom Hanks as everyone's favorite neighbor in You Are My Friend. Indiana Jones 5 is slated as Steven Spielberg's next project and should hit screens sometime in 2020. Crocodile Dundee gets lost in the Outback in a new trailer for the fourth movie in the franchise. And thousands of baby names from 2017 may sound as if they've arrived from a galaxy far, far away.
TechnoRetro Arcade Ratchet up your rollerball arm for some seriously cool game play from 1978 with the cocktail table head-to-head arcade hit Atari Football when a quarter could buy you 90 seconds of play time to get your Os past your opponent’s Xs to score a touchdown on the black and white scrolling screen. By choosing your formation from an onscreen menu and then controlling your players by spinning the rollerball with some hot rod moves. Run, pass, tackle, and intercept as you see the “players” move smoothly across the digital football field. The game keeps players going from huddle to huddle as gamers take brief breaks for their right arms. Although a few four-player versions were produced, the two-player tables were the most popular machines in arcades in the late ‘70s and early ‘80s. Some of these are still around and would be great for next year’s Super Bowl party at your house!
Toys in the Attic Sometimes the toys we remember best were those we made ourselves. Back in school, we all learned to fold paper into various shapes for passing notes, but we also learned how to transform leaves of wide-ruled paper into hefty triangles to compete with our friends in the school cafeteria or at home on the kitchen table. Tabletop football was popular among kids in the ‘70s and ‘80s because with a single piece of paper, an entire game of football was possible. If you could “flick” your football to the opposite edge of the table without falling off the side, you could score a touchdown. Then set up for the extra point by “kicking” the paper triangle through your opponent’s goal posts and you were on your way to winning the game. It was fun then, and its fun still. Just the thing to keep football season alive in the off season.
Flash Gordon Ming the Merciless is set on destroying Earth — for fun! But Dr. Zarkov is prepared for this attack with his homemade rocket — if only he could find someone to help him blast off. When Flash Gordon and Dale Arden arrive at his front door (well, through his front door, on their crashed airplane), he got more than he bargained for. The three heroes find themselves in the weird and wild world of Mongo on a psychedelic trip into a 1980 version of Flash Gordon with an unforgettable soundtrack by Queen. This cult-classic continues to thrill audiences today as parents introduce their kids to this crazy, campy sci-fi, comic-book movie that seems more than a little disjointed. With loads of actors from a galaxy far, far away, this space opera owes a lot to the popularity of Star Wars, just like Star Wars owes its existence to Flash Gordon.
Feedback JediHolmes chimes in with his memories of The Last Starfighter and Beastmaster 3. Andy Lindemann asks about Atari comics, remembers Dungeons & Dragons, and totally relates to the Cylonic appearance of K.I.T.T. in Knight Rider. Adam O’Brien is back with some memories of Dungeons & Dragons, as well, as he recalls a show from his childhood called Boris’s Breakfast Club.
Don’t forget to rate and review TechnoRetro Dads on iTunes, share us and with us on social media, or lend your voice to our discussion about toys, cereal, games, or movies and shows from the ‘70s and ‘80s by giving the ‘Dads your feedback on voice mail at (209) 878-7323 or sending us a message or mp3 via electronic-M to And be sure to listen for hints and watch for clues for the TechnoRetro Dads’ Easter Egg with the ongoing TechnoRetro Egg Hunt. Share and enjoy.
Mon, 29 January 2018
Call me. Call me Ishmael. Call me Horatio. I don’t care what you call me, as long as you call me for breakfast. Speaking of which, it’s Monday morning, and that means it’s that time again — so grab a box of cereal, pour it into your favorite bowl, add the milk, pick up a spoon, and enjoy your morning meal with your ear buds, EarBuds, because TechnoRetro Dads is part of a good, balanced breakfast that will get your work week started right!
In the NEWS Etsy has become a place to find some really cool #TechnoRetro gadgets, like a Blu-Ray/DVD player disguised as an Apple Floppy Disk Drive. Totally awesome! Superman dons the red underwear for Action Comics #1000, and we’re pleased to see the classic design back in action. The New York Times publishes a complete compilation of the publication’s Star Wars coverage over the past 45 years. Yes. 45 years. From 1973 to today. So cool. PLUS: Ready Player One continues to make news with a Virtual Reality peek into Aech’s garage. It might make you run out and buy a PS4.
We Love Our Cereal… …and so do our EarBuds! Although we have no new reviews and no new news about cereal, @Im_Goobs chimes in on the Cinnamon Toast Crunch “puffs” that we’ve been hearing about. According to his research, yep, it’s crunchy. Michael Goldtrap expands the discussion of cereal-flavored milk with three jugs of “Cereal Milk” at Wal*Mart. it looks like a #TechnoRetro trend is on like TRON at the supermarket!
Vinyl Scratchback “The Tide Is High”, and we’re not talking about another Alabama championship. The Videodrome queen, the Angel that Omar loves, Deborah Harry captured our hearts with her unique voice and Blondie’s disco-punk sound from the late ‘70s and early ‘80s. We take a spin on the turntable with some memories of Blondie through the years and discover that the band is still together after all this time. And you thought they had a “Heart of Glass”.
TechnoRetro Arcade Though not exactly a “home console” game, Zork was a text-based computer game highlighted in Ernest Cline’s best-selling novel, Ready Player One, where Gunters could get the Jade Key by blowing a specific whistle after assembling the full collection of trophies in the case located inside a dilapidated old house on the planet Frobozz. Like other text-based games, Zork relied on brief commands to move to the next section of the game as players tried to solve the game in a computer-simulation of a role-playing adventure game like Dungeons & Dragons.
Saturday Mornings Combining cartoon characters from different titles to create a new show was not an original idea in 1978, but by setting this Wacky Race-styled cartoon in space with a Star Wars-esque font was. Well, maybe not original or unique, but it was pretty cool. Yogi’s Space Race capitalized on the space-craze of the late ‘70s by pitting Yogi, Scare Bear, Quack Up, Huckleberry Hound, Jabberjaw and more against each other in weekly races between teams on their speedy space ships hurtling through a space race course. In case you never saw it, Yogi’s Space Race was exactly what you’d expect: Cartoon Captains led their crews toward victory against other teams while avoiding the treachery of the rotten villains of the program. Everyone should check this out for 22 minutes of good ole fun every now and then.
Ladyhawke No, it’s not deja-vu. We have covered Ladyhawke before, but it’s been a while since we talked with Michael Witwer: The Last Gen-Xer (Empire of Imagination) about this romantic tale of fantasy, magic, and shape-shifting soul-mates starring Matthew Broderick, John Wood, Rutger Hauer, and Michelle Pfeiffer set in middle-ages France to the tune of synthesized music from Alan Parsons. You can listen to the episode from three years ago here after listening to this week’s show if you want to hear more.
Prime Time: Captain America Before The First Avenger, before the Winter Soldier, before Civil War, there was a wacky and wild attempt at another superhero show on prime time television with the made-for-television movie event, Captain America. To no one’s surprise, this pilot didn’t get picked up for a season. We said everything good we could think of in a very short Prime Time segment this week.
Feedback Radio Free Endor is using the 1979 Star Wars calendar this year. Geeky Dad finds the Fall Guy plane from Tonka. Eric from The Neverland Podcast reminisces about The Last Starfighter before Adam O’Brien talks about a possible sequel to the 1984 film, The Lost Starfighter. Chris from Arvada gets in a few words about Queen after hearing last week’s episode of TechnoRetro Dads.
Don’t forget to contribute to Cure Childhood Cancer through the Annual GOLiverse Marathon by making your tax deductible donation to by January 31st. Then, feel free to rate and review TechnoRetro Dads on iTunes, share us and with us on social media, or lend your voice to our discussion about toys, cereal, games, or movies and shows from the ‘70s and ‘80s by giving the ‘Dads your feedback on voice mail at (209) 878-7323 or sending us a message or mp3 via electronic-M to And be sure to listen for hints and watch for clues for the TechnoRetro Dads’ Easter Egg with the ongoing TechnoRetro Egg Hunt.
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Mon, 22 January 2018
Whether you’re thawing out from a southern ice storm or you’re just waking up to piles of snow in your front yard, you’re in for a special treat this medieval Monday morning on TechnoRetro Dads as we plunge into dungeons, plow through dragons, embark on a quest for a queen, and even watch a dark Knight ride a bird into battle — a TransAm Firebird, that is — as shazbazzar and JediShua watch Knight Rider. The Eighties are turned up to eleven for seventy-seven minutes of #TechnoRetro fun!
In the NEWS The Incredibles 2 is likely to be the first Pixar movie to become a LEGO game and we think that’s just incredible! Ralph Breaks the Internet with a single piece of concept art from Wreck It Ralph 2 with ads, avatars, and cat pics. Childhood neighbor Fred Rogers earns a tribute with an upcoming documentary chronicling the life and legacy of Mr. Rogers. Nintendo’s Game Boy is coming back, and Nintendo isn’t the one making it!
Vinyl Scratchback This brand new segment takes the ‘Dads back to the ‘70s and ‘80s with recollections from their record collections as they recall their musical memories from Queen. From “Another One Bites the Dust” to “Who Wants to Live Forever”, Queen thrilled audiences with front man, Freddie Mercury, on stage, on screen, and on the radio.
TechnoRetro Arcade Adding to the “home console” section of the ever-growing imaginary TechnoRetro Arcade, the legendary Atari series Swordquest comes under scrutiny as shazbazzar and JediShua dive deep into Waterworld, dig into Earthworld, burn through Fireworld, and soar with the storks in Airworld. Although Atari was unable to complete the intense, imaginative contest, the concept is an unforgettable part of the history of Atari games.
Saturday Mornings Dungeons & Dragons continues to occupy the ‘Dads’ minds as we return to the short-lived series that began as an amusement park attraction based on the beloved role-playing game. This time, shazbazzar and JediShua think about which characters from the cartoon best emulate who they were (or wanted to be) in the ‘80s.
Prime Time: Knight Rider David Hasselhoff played a man who did not exist in Knight Rider, an hour-long episodic action-drama on NBC that began in 1982. Michael Knight championed the oppressed, the down-trodden, and the helpless each week as he rode around in a talking car with an indestructible, molecular-bonded armor shell. The Knight Industries Two-Thousand (K.I.T.T.) looked like a nice, new Pontiac Firebird TransAm with a cylon visor on its grill, but it was actually crime-fighting supercar with an A.I. brain. Knight Rider thrilled car-loving kids week after week as Hasselhoff drove the car, beat the bad guys, and got the girl in almost every episode.
Don’t forget to rate and review TechnoRetro Dads on iTunes, share us and with us on social media, or lend your voice to our discussion about toys, cereal, games, or movies and shows from the ‘70s and ‘80s by giving the ‘Dads your feedback on voice mail at (209) 878-7323 or sending us a message or mp3 via electronic-M to And be sure to listen for hints and watch for clues for the TechnoRetro Dads’ Easter Egg with the ongoing TechnoRetro Egg Hunt.
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Mon, 15 January 2018
The hunt for the #TechnoRetro Easter Egg has begun, and though we have no idea what the ultimate reward will be, we’re sure it will be fun to play along the way, with creepy-kooky puzzles that could confuse even a Duke’s son. So listen carefully, whether you’re a cultured sophisticate, an elitist intellectual, a nerdy geek, or even a bumbling barbarian.
In the NEWS Tetris player Jonas Neubauer (NubbinsGoody on Twitch) inadvertently broke a record while trying to set an entirely different record on the classic Russian block game. Thanks to observant watchers of his Twitch stream, he found out he’s better than even he thought he was! Holy Hollywood! Los Angeles welcomes a museum devoted to the 1966 Batman movie and TV show with Adam West and Burt Ward. It’s got everything from heroes to villains to (you guessed it) merchandise. Mark your calendars for another eclipse this year, America! The blue moon eclipse will hit skies near you at the end of the month.
We Love Our Cereal… Steve and Chip from Too Much Scrolling find their way back in time to our present with a largely positive review of General Mills’ successful trolling of Kellogg’s with its challenge to make Frosted Flakes better — by combining sugar-coated corn flakes with the iconic Lucky Charms dehydrated marshmallows. The guys from Too Much Scrolling will make your mouth water for a milk-filled bowl of Lucky Charms Frosted Flakes. PLUS: The Emperor of turns us on to a new brand of milk: Bottom of the Bowl Milk is just what you would expect: the remnants of great cereals flavoring the milk from the bottom of the cereal bowl.
Saturday Mornings Although cartoons are no longer just Saturday morning fare, we still link sugary cereal with Saturday mornings and cartoons since that’s how we did it in the old days. Back in the early ‘80s, a futuristic barbarian with his knock-off Wookiee counterpart and well-educated princess take down the baddies every week in a post-1994, cosmic-disaster Earth that borrows the TechnoRetro mysticism that captured pop-culture in 1977 and has maintained a healthy share of the market for the past forty years. Thundarr the Barbarian wields his sunsword as Princess Ariel figures out how to defeat evil wizards and their minions on Saturdays as Ookla the Mok attempts to speak. We think Ookla’s lack of communications skills is what causes him to resort to violence so often.
The Beastmaster The son of a king born of a cow (no, that’s not a slam on the queen) is gifted with the ability to communicate with animals in a very insightful way as he strives to defeat an evil priest who has seized power on an alien world. Dar, played by Marc Singer, teams up with a black tiger, two ferrets, and a golden eagle to confront Maax in Rip Torn’s breakout role as a villain. Tanya Roberts comes along for the ride as the token scantily-clad female in The Beastmaster, another iconic movie from 1982.
TechnoRetro Arcade “He’s hooked! He’s hooked! His brain is cooked!” Before the song, there was the game. Space crabs, squid, and various other invaders invaded spaces in bars, retail outlets, restaurants, and arcades in the late 1970s with this challenging and colorful game that was designed to get your heart beating faster and faster as you successfully eliminate enemies from outer space. It’ll make you want to drop a quarter in the slot and grab a joystick when you hear the sound effects and music and remember the smell of popcorn at Hills Department Store…well, shazbazzar does. Space Invaders may be the TechnoRetro Dad of all arcade games.
Feedback Jonathan Bell discovers Pumpkin Spice at a local Steak N Shake. Geeky Dad tries to tempt shazbazzar to try Kellog’s Frosted Flakes with pics of boxes of Chocolate Frosted Flakes. SpiderShan gets blue with Cap’n Crunch when his wife brings home a box of Cap’n Crunch’s Blueberry Pancake Crunch. Darth Hound discovers Freddy Krueger was almost played by Sark (from TRON, another great movie from 1982, Dave Dollar). And speaking of TRON, the dark-side dog continued on Twitter with a chuckle about the computer jargon noted by Flynn. PLUS: voice mails and voice messages from Darth Taxus and Adam from Wisconsin.
So send in your feedback, play along with the Ready Player One contest, and please don’t forget to rate and review TechnoRetro Dads on iTunes, share us and with us on social media, or lend your voice to our discussion about toys, cereal, games, or movies and shows from the ‘70s and ‘80s by giving the ‘Dads your feedback on voice mail at (209) 878-7323 or sending us a message or mp3 via electronic-M to |
Mon, 8 January 2018
Cold, cold, cold. Well, what do you expect in winter? But even for those who prefer it 80, 90, or 100 degrees, there are lots of things to love this week and look forward to in weeks to come. Like spring. And Ready Player One. JeduShua and shazbazzar turn up the funmeter even when the thermometer drops with cereal, Atari games, and The Last Starfighter.
In the NEWS Bill Finger gets credit for his part in writing the dark detective who dresses like a flying mammal as New York dedicates a street in the name of the co-creator of Batman. Fledgling Star Wars composer John Powell will get some help from the original oxygenator of that galaxy far, far away as John Williams is tapped to score the theme of Solo: A Star Wars Story. Maybe Disney thinks this will help make up for the fans’ growing disillusionment with Lucasfilm in the modern era. Maybe they just think John Williams is awesome and realize he should be the one to provide an iconic motif for the most lovable scoundrel in the universe.
We Love Our Cereal… Super Mario cereal finds its way to JediShua’s pantry as Cinnamon Toast Crunch Blasted Shreds fill shazbazzar’s bowl with sweetness for their tastebuds. Hey EarBuds, let us know which cereals you’re enjoying during this cold snap.
Ready Player One Although the ‘Dads have already discussed the official trailer for Ready Player One, shazbazzar and JediShua dig deeper into the trailer by comparing screen shots to scenes they’ve envisioned from the book and discover something interesting: this movie will not be spoiled by reading the book. It’s almost entirely rewritten.
The Last Starfighter Ernie Cline’s second novel might have more in common with Jonathan Betuel’s screenplay for 1984’s The Last Starfighter, but when you have a video gamer stepping up a level to save the world, especially when he’s from a trailer park, you have to see the similarities. JediShua and shazbazzar revisit The Last Starfighter and still like it. Even though the coifs, clothes, and cars are definitively ‘80s, the storyline is timeless and endearing every time you watch it.
TechnoRetro Arcade From the late 1970s to the early 1980s, first person space shooters took control of home video game consoles with the likes of Star Fire, Star Raiders, and StarMaster. Though lacking the quality of the Starfighter game featured in The Last Starfighter, these games kept fans of Star Wars and other sci-fi/space fantasy films engaged between movies.
Feedback Shane seems to think that General Mills is trolling Kellogg’s with the new Lucky Charms Frosted Flakes cereal we talked about last week. Armando reminisces about his days as a barber, trimming hair of all colors at the Fuzzy Pumper Barber Shop. You could get birthday cake cupcakes with Fruity Pebbles at the Sprinkles Cupcake Shop last week, according to John. Han’s dice and Rose’s Resistance ring from The Last Jedi will soon be available on Etsy. Thanks, Dan!
Don’t forget to rate and review TechnoRetro Dads on iTunes, share us and with us on social media, or lend your voice to our discussion about toys, cereal, games, or movies and shows from the ‘70s and ‘80s by giving the ‘Dads your feedback on voice mail at (209) 878-7323 or sending us a message or mp3 via electronic-M to And get ready to play for the TechnoRetro Dads’ Easter Egg with the upcoming TechnoRetro Egg Hunt starting next week.
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Mon, 1 January 2018
The last two weeks of the year are always loaded with enough activity to keep shazbazzar and JediShua running hither, thither, and yon, so the first January 1st episode of TechnoRetro Dads is the perfect time to slow down and take stock of the things that really matter. Fix yourself a bowl of your favorite cereal — maybe even two — and take a break on the first holiday of 2018 by kicking back in the recliner, plugging in your earbuds, and tuning in to TechnoRetro Dads.
We Love Our Cereal… …and General Mills is doing their part to keep it that way. The Big G is making Frosted Flakes magically delicious, providing aging fans of Cinnamon Toast Crunch with the shredded wheat they need in their diet, and Cheerios that are “peachy keen”. PLUS: JediShua’s family makes a cameo appearance on The Daily Blast live from The Cereal Box, Inc.
Feedback TRON gets some shout-outs (and interesting ideas) from EarBuds Chris in Arvada and Hasan. SuperFriend Chris Hamilton adds another audio audition for The Voice with a Christmas song with #TechnoRetro flair. Andy Lindemann spots The Star Wars Holiday Special in Supergirl. The Deucecast’s own Michael Nipp uncovers an animated feature from the ‘80s. Original EarBud Kermmit the Frog (Jeremiah) sends an audio message of gratitude. The Cereal Connoisseur posts some Star Wars Christmas gifts. Mike Tarkin of The Sandcrawler watches Christmas morning home movies. SpiderShan pieces together cereal in an exciting way. Twitteriffic Darth Hound gives more insight into Luke Skywalker’s lightsaber from Return of the Jedi. ObiRothKenobi chimes in from the Mixlr Zoo Crew about Magnum P.I. and the Cap’n’s Christmas Crunch. Jeremy, the Spider-Pan from Neverland, reminisces about when E.T. came home on video. And the ever-present Chef Armando makes our mailbag tasty as always.
Coming Soon to Theaters As 2018 rolls out, new movies will be hitting the theaters. From space pirates to superheroes to video games, the number of truly #TechnoRetro movies will keep you in the dark (seated in your favorite seat) all year long. The new year has begun, EarBuds, and we’ll do our best to bring memories of the past and hope for the future all wrapped up in the present on TechnoRetro Dads. Thanks for listening. Don’t forget to rate and review TechnoRetro Dads on iTunes, share us and with us on social media, or lend your voice to our discussion about toys, cereal, games, or movies and shows from the ‘70s and ‘80s by giving the ‘Dads your feedback on voice mail at (209) 878-7323 or sending us a message or mp3 via electronic-M to
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Mon, 18 December 2017
Who is a Star on 45? You know. Today is shazbazzar’s birthday, and it’s time for a trip back to when the ‘Dads were 5 and 6 in the final seven days before Christmas as the anticipation became unbearable! After all, seven days to kids is like a year to forty-somethings. For the next 77 minutes, sit back and enjoy bad puns, sad jokes, mad banter, and virtually endless drivel.
In the NEWS Speaking of “virtually endless drivel”, the virtual realm is where everyone lives in 2045 (are you seeing a trend developing in the numbers, yet?). A second trailer for Ready Player One has been released, and the hype is in full force with the first one sheet poster. And that’s not all. Ernest Cline has signed on to pen the sequel to Ready Player One and we have all the details here on TechnoRetro Dads. Find out whether the sequel will be called “Ready Player Two” or “Game Over”. PLUS: The Dark Crystal is returning to theaters in February. Be on the lookout for listings in your area.
Emmet Otter’s Jug-Band Christmas A washboard, a washtub, a broom handle, a cigar-box banjo, a kazoo, and a tub all come together to create Emmet Otter’s Jug-Band in the 1977 Jim Henson special on HBO. Back in ’77, more than a few of us were interested in putting another hole in another washtub to string up a cable to a broomstick and get famous like the woodland creatures along the riverside in Frog Hollow. Mama and Emmet both want to win a talent contest to give the other a gift for Christmas, but a late entry from Riverbottom surprises everyone with a hard-rocking tune that clobbers the competition. It’s forty years old, so the spoiler statute of limitations is right out by now. It’s about family, friends, and a fish that likes to spit during rock concerts. It’s Emmet Otter’s Jug-Band Christmas.
Aftershocks of 1977: Christmas Toys It’s the last week before Christmas, and in 1977 that usually meant that Christmas lists had been finalized long ago and there was no more time for late additions. Still, the anticipation for what might be under the tree in a week grew more and more as we continued thumbing through the JCPenney Christmas catalog and the Sears Wish Book. From actual houses to leisure suits, the Sears catalogues had long been the standard for mail-order shopping. JediShua and shazbazzar check out the catalogs from 1977 and remember the toys they got that year straight from the mail-order maestroe
Don’t forget to rate and review TechnoRetro Dads on iTunes, share us and with us on social media, or lend your voice to our discussion about toys, cereal, games, or movies and shows from the ‘70s and ‘80s by giving the ‘Dads your feedback on voice mail at (209) 878-7323 or sending us a message or mp3 via electronic-M to
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Mon, 11 December 2017
Forty years ago Debby Boone was lighting up the charts for her tenth week in the number one position with “You Light Up My Life”. Forty years later, she could be singing “You Light Up My Lightsaber” as the final days leading up to the widespread release of Star Wars: The Last Jedi rapidly approaches. This week on TechnoRetro Dads is (understandably) Star Wars oriented as shazbazzar and JediShua enjoy the hype before the movie spoils all the speculation — and we all know how Shua hates spoilers (tongue-in-cheek).
In the NEWS Joe Dante’s infamous Christmas movie is now showing at select theaters across the country. If you want to see it, you have to follow the rules: (1) no exposure to sunlight, (2) don’t get them wet, and (3) don’t ever feed them after midnight. And you’ll probably want to check out to find out where you can see it over the next few weeks. Columbia outer wear takes you to Hoth with their new line of winter gear in the stylings of Han, Luke, and Leia from Echo Base. Disney has Star Wars options at the Bibbidi Boppidi Boutique, including dress-up play for adults!
We Love Our Cereal… …and Nintendo games. Super Mario Cereal is coming soon from Kellogg’s. Kellogg’s, by the way, is the cereal company who carried the notorious C-3POs with “double-os” from the mid-eighties. And we remember C-3POs cereal with fondness (and trading cards).
TechnoRetro Arcade Nothing says “Christmas at the Arcade” like the classic Atari Star Wars arcade game from 1983. With music, sound effects, and vocal clips from the original movie, this vector-graphic first-person flight simulator still beckons gamers to immerse themselves in Star Wars as they engage TIE Fighters in dogfights, try to knock out turbolaser emplacements and towers, and destroy the Death Star (over and over and over again) in an effort to restore freedom to the galaxy and score millions of points for bragging rights among your friends at middle school.
TechnoRetro Speculations With fewer than four days from the “early” premiere of Star Wars: The Last Jedi, shazbazzar invites JediShua (and all EarBuds) to speculate about several unanswered questions which have arisen since The Force Awakens began this new era of Star Wars movies. From Rey-Buns to Snoke’s Smokes and every color of “You Light Up My Lightsaber”, this fast-paced discussion might finally shut shaz up about bringing Mortis into the film franchise.
Aftershocks of 1977: Christmas Toys Remember Christmas 1977? We do — sort of. Stores were well-stocked with toys. From RC cars to skateboards to electronic games, kids were looking forward to waking up to something amazing under the tree. But merchandise from the hottest movie in theaters was not well represented. The unprecedented popularity of Star Wars enabled Kenner to successfully sell an empty box and a promise to Santa’s helpers across America as kids awakened on Christmas morning to discover that Santa’s elves can’t always deliver everything by December 25th. Although the actual toys weren’t available, the promise of four figures arriving in as soon as six to eight weeks was sufficient to launch perhaps the most powerful toy franchise in the galaxy. PLUS: shazbazzar and JediShua talk about all the Star Wars toys kids can’t get for Christmas this year. (Father, Son, and Daughter from Mortis are on this list yet again.)
Don’t forget to rate and review TechnoRetro Dads on iTunes, share us and with us on social media, or lend your voice to our discussion about toys, cereal, games, or movies and shows from the ‘70s and ‘80s by giving the ‘Dads your feedback on voice mail at (209) 878-7323 or sending us a message or mp3 via electronic-M to
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Mon, 4 December 2017
December has arrived and JediShua’s excitement is contagious. The Christmas hype is in full force even with questions about the Force hyping everyone up about The Last Jedi. From jingle bells to lights strung along the eaves, the season is festive and shazbazzar gets bit by the bug, as well. Join TechnoRetro Dads all month for nostalgia-laced travels through the past four decades week after week!
In the NEWS Can you believe that ABC reported 40 years ago today that the files on the JFK assassination were about to be released? And still, we wait. But that’s old news. The new news surrounds three fantastic fantasy franchises! The Lord of the Rings will be televised — sort of — in a new streaming series coming soon. The Chronicles of Narnia will begin filming The Silver Chair next year with Joe Johnston at the helm for his last directing gig before retirement. The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance has commenced filming, promising to be a return to the mysticism and magic of the 1982 movie.
We Love Our Cereal… …and cereal socks. From “Odd Socks” to stylish old man colors, cereal is moving up on the sock market, it seems. But we’re not just talking about cereal boxes represented on footwear. It’s December, and that means it’s time for some Christmas cereal. The ‘Dads are on the hunt for the best seasonal cereals in stores this year. From Cinnamon Vanilla to Hot Cocoa to Gingerbread Spice, the Christmas flavors are flowing with milk and cereal this month!
TechnoRetro Arcade After Hallowe’en games and a Thanksgiving Turkey Shoot, it’s time to open up another section of the TechnoRetro Arcade with a fun game from the early ‘90s — Lemmings. Nope, make that Xmas Lemmings. It’s just like the original game, but more festive with snow, Santa hats, and seasonal tunes. PLUS: shazbazzar wants to add something he fantasized about back in 1977… a home-version, stand-up pinball machine — The Fonz. Ayyyyy!
Bob Hope All Star Christmas Comedy Special (1977) One thing that a Bob Hope special was sure to do for families in the seventies and eighties was to assemble families in the den to watch these fun, filmed-before-a-live-audience productions. This special does not disappoint with Perry Como, Olivia Newton-John (who repeats her singing performances from three years before), the Muppets, and Mark Hamill. Of course, having Mark Hamill on the show means there will undoubtedly be a Star Wars parody. Yep. Scar Wars with Barf Vader and Luke Sleepwalker.
Aftershocks of 1977: Christmas Toys Remember Christmas 1977? We do — sort of. Stores were well-stocked with toys. From RC cars to skateboards to electronic games, kids were looking forward to waking up to something amazing under the tree. But merchandise from the hottest movie in theaters was not well represented. Never fear, Pooh Bear is here — in the form of an egg-shaped piece of plastic that likes to wobble but won’t fall down. The ‘Dads remember Weebles from 1977, specifically shazbazzar’s Winnie-the-Pooh Hunny Tree. JediShua would not be outdone, though, calling back to a classic retro game that has made its way back into stores this year: Mattel’s Electronic Football. This handheld LED game continues to confuse and thrill players forty years after its interception, er, uh, inception.
Don’t forget to rate and review TechnoRetro Dads on iTunes, share us and with us on social media, or lend your voice to our discussion about toys, cereal, games, or movies and shows from the ‘70s and ‘80s by giving the ‘Dads your feedback on voice mail at (209) 878-7323 or sending us a message or mp3 via electronic-M to
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Mon, 27 November 2017
Who knows what’s on the menu this week after a weekend of stuffing themselves like turkeys—or hobbits—over the weekend. TechnoRetro Dads is a jumbled mess of T-Day leftovers with a few nuggets of fun and ideas for geeky dads and those who love them.
We Love Our Cereal… JediShua discovers that Quisp cereal can be found at Cereal Box and shazbazzar finds a box of Cinnamon Vanilla Lucky Charms — so they give it a review. PLUS: a question from @livetheforce needs answering. Help us EarBuds, you’re our [only] hope.
Cyber Monday If you’re taking the morning off to check out online deals today (or even if you’re checking them out while you’re “working”), be sure to tune in to TechnoRetro Dads while surfing the web and discover some gems for the geeks in your life.
Close Encounters of the Third Kind Steven Spielberg’s classic science-fiction story is forty and has had more revisions and editions than Star Wars (believe it or not)! JediShua and shazbazzar look back at Close Encounters of the Third Kind with an eye for how well it holds up with the next generation and comment on some of the behind-the-scenes nuances that came together to tell this amazing story.
Aftershocks of 1977 Not only did Close Encounters of the Third Kind cause ripples on earth for forty years and counting, but the Rankin/Bass TV rendition of The Hobbit has continued to produce waves of fun for pop-culture to ride for more than a generation. Two fine musical examples are sure to get your toes tappin’ with Moosebutter’s Star Wars and High Adventure’s Knocking on the Stone.
Don’t forget to rate and review TechnoRetro Dads on iTunes, share us and with us on social media, or lend your voice to our discussion about toys, cereal, games, or movies and shows from the ‘70s and ‘80s by giving the ‘Dads your feedback on voice mail at (209) 878-7323 or sending us a message or mp3 via electronic-M to
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Mon, 20 November 2017
Greetings, PROGRAMS! We’re talking turkey this week with stories about seeing family during Thanksgiving, tuning in for some tunes (both new and old), discovering odd clips from 1977, and an early Christmas present for JediShua from an old friend. Don’t miss these 77 minutes!
In the NEWS… Disney dominates the news with announcements about their online streaming service and some Star Wars comments that have opened the floor for discussion all across the galaxy far, far away.
TechnoRetro Arcade According to the future as envisioned in 1984, a turkey blight overruns the nation in 1989, turning unsuspecting humans into giant turkeys that team-up for a life of crime and it’s up to you, PLAYER ONE, to put an end to it. Roast those turkeys on Williams Electronics’ Turkey Shoot!
Thanksgiving Specials (1977) JediShua remembers Barney Miller, What’s Happenin’, and more from Thanksgiving 1977.
Don’t forget to rate and review TechnoRetro Dads on iTunes, share us and with us on social media, or lend your voice to our discussion about toys, cereal, games, or movies and shows from the ‘70s and ‘80s by giving the ‘Dads your feedback on voice mail at (209) 878-7323 or sending us a message or mp3 via electronic-M to
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Mon, 13 November 2017
Figs and Flagons? No. Jigs and Wagons? Nope. Pigs and Dragons? Exactly. That’s what’s on the ‘Dads’ minds this week as they dive into 77 minutes of fun from 1977 (and other days of youth) for memories and laughs on this week’s episode of TechnoRetro Dads.
In the NEWS… There’s a new Hershey bar coming soon and it’s gonna be gold! IDW comics chronicle the further adventures of Jules Verne, er Jules and Verne Brown in a new Back to the Future miniseries. Disney Infinity isn’t over after all! Though the game is now defunct, the stylized characters will be repurposed for a new cartoon.
We Love Our Cereal You might call her the “Queen of Cereal”. She’s certainly royalty, and she begins her day with a bowl of cereal with fresh fruit. Who is she? Tune in and find out!
Aftershocks of 1977 Captain Link Hogtrob, First Mate Piggy, and Dr. Julius Strangepork first boarded the Swinetrek in November 1977 during the second season of The Muppet Show as the “Pigs in Space” segment was introduced. The success of the segment secured it’s reappearance on the variety show thirty-one times over the next four years plus spots on an album and even launching into space on the Space Shuttle Columbia.
TechnoRetro Arcade Although it was never a coin-operated video game, the Atari rendition of “Pigs in Space” launched in 1983 as the last game in Atari’s children’s line. The game was divided into three parts, one for each of the main characters aboard the Swinetrek. Link Hogthrob fought off “Chicken Invaders” in a stylized version of “Space Invaders”. First Mate Piggy had to navigate her way back to the Swinetrek through lanes of noodles and meatballs in “Pastaroids” which more resembled “Frogger” than “Asteroids”. Dr. Julius Strangepork pilots the Swinetrek through an abandoned pizza mine guarded by weirdos in “Escape from the Planet of the Gonzoids”. The games are fun, but tough to get going on a computer ported version.
Pete’s Dragon (1977) One of the first movies the ‘Dads ever watched in theaters was Pete’s Dragon, a Disney musical that combined an animated dragon with live action actors in an anachronistic adventure of unbelievable proportions. With the combined talents of Mickey Rooney, Helen Reddy, Red Buttons, Jim Dale, and Jim Backus, this tale of an orphaned boy and his protective dragon engaged the imaginations of ‘70s kids everywhere.
Don’t forget to rate and review TechnoRetro Dads on iTunes, share us and with us on social media, or lend your voice to our discussion about toys, cereal, games, or movies and shows from the ‘70s and ‘80s by giving the ‘Dads your feedback on voice mail at (209) 878-7323 or sending us a message or mp3 via electronic-M to
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Mon, 6 November 2017
After catching the latest Marvel Studios movie in theaters, shazbazzar and JediShua thought it might be fun to slam another mix tape in Shua’s cassette player he just happens to carry under his cape for a truly TechnoRetro Awesome Hero Mix full of heroic tunes from the past and nearly present. (Yes, it fits on a Memorex 90 minute tape.)
The Tunes: “Comic Book Hero” (The Tearjerkers) “Superpowered Superhero“ (Chris Hamilton) “Legion of Doom Roll Call“ “We Are Number One“ (from Lazytown) “Arkham Asylum” (High Adventure) “The Joker Is Wild” (Jan and Dean) “Joker’s Song” (Miracle of Sound) “Mwahaha” (Ookla the Mok) “Call the Roll” (Songs and Stories of the Justice League America) Super Powers (Ookla the Mok) “Plastic Man Theme” (Sounds and Stories of the Justice League America) “Metamorpho Theme” (Sounds and Stories of the Justice League America) “Superman” (R.E.M.) “Kryptonite” (Three Doors Down) “The Escape” (Burgess Meredith) “The Riddler” (Frank Gorshin) “Catwoman” (Shakespeare’s Sister) “Love Theme from Superman” (MECO) “Superman’s Song” (Crash Test Dummies) “Superman (It’s Not Easy)” (Five for Fighting) “Comic Book Heroes” (Rick Springfield) “I’m Your Superman” (Rick Springfield) “The Batusi” (Neal Hefti) “Miranda” (Adam West) “Boy Wonder, I Love You” (Burt Ward) “Flight of the Batmobile” (Jan and Dean) “Batman to the Rescue” (Lavern Baker) “The Mind of the Bat” (Miracle of Sound) “Hero of the Day” (Iron Horse)
The Tropes: Like any cartoonish superhero serial or comic, once our heroes have gained their powers, evil versions of themselves from another dimension appear and make a mess of things. Of course, the trope in this troupe is that the ‘Dads’ “twins” are as bumbling as the ‘Dads themselves. Neither pair gets the recognition (or notoriety) they feel they deserve, but our hometown heroes are pleased that, in the end, they land a place among the real heroes as sidekicks. As for their evil counterparts…well…
Don’t forget to rate and review TechnoRetro Dads on iTunes, share us and with us on social media, or lend your voice to our discussion about toys, cereal, games, or movies and shows from the ‘70s and ‘80s by giving the ‘Dads your feedback on voice mail at (209) 878-7323 or sending us a message or mp3 via electronic-M to
Direct download: TRDads_Awesome_Hero_Mix_Vol_6.mp3
Category:TechnoRetro Dads -- posted at: 6:00am EST |
Mon, 30 October 2017
Learn the origin of Gargoyles. Discover the amazing cartoon from 1994. Taste the hardened taffy goodness (?) of peanut-butter “chews” from the Hallowe’en pillowcase. Try to determine why Stretch Armstrong may actually be a gargoyle. It’s all here in this Hallowe’en Eve edition of TechnoRetro Dads.
In the NEWS… Who is the best movie character ever according to fans? Here’s a hint, his alter-ego is Han Solo. Ready Player One gets a LEGO treatment. Australia gets recognized for something other than strange and venomous creatures — big and scary animatronic creatures! Stretch Armstrong gets the Saturday morning treatment. Magnum P.I. will be rebooted with some interesting alterations.
Hallowe’en Candy Every decade has its own flavor of candies, especially when Trick-or-Treaters come to your door. JediShua and shazbazzar recall some of the best and worst candy memories from around 1977. Which ones would you keep and which ones did you always trade away?
Gargoyles (1972) Swamp Angel’s suggestion for a Hallowe’en movie earns an Emmy as well as the appreciation of the ‘Dads as shazbazzar and JediShua watch the really weird but cool made-for-TV movie, Gargoyles. The effects are certainly pre-Star Wars, but the story, music, and other aspects make this a retrotastic movie worth checking out — and it’s on YouTube!
Gargoyles (1994) Although uncredited as creator for Gargoyles in its first few episodes, Greg Weisman created and wrote this inventive serial style cartoon while working for Disney in the mid-nineties. Although this series all but escaped the ‘Dads’ notice back then, a rewatch of the first season reminds shazbazzar and JediShua that this series earns its position in the modernization of cartoons during the ‘90s.
Aftershocks of 1977 We know him as Wesley Crusher, but did you know that Will Wheaton was a Star Wars fan before he ever knew about Star Trek? At age five, he donned a Ben Cooper Darth Vader costume for Hallowe’en and his geekiness began in earnest.
Don’t forget to rate and review TechnoRetro Dads on iTunes, share us and with us on social media, or lend your voice to our discussion about toys, cereal, games, or movies and shows from the ‘70s and ‘80s by giving the ‘Dads your feedback on voice mail at (209) 878-7323 or sending us a message or mp3 via electronic-M to
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Mon, 23 October 2017
They’re creepy. They’re kooky. They’re mysterious. They’re spooky. But their Halloween special from 1977 is altogether ookey. What is “ookey”, anyway? And how do you spell it? We don’t know, but we do know how we feel about Gomez, Morticia, Uncle Fester, Grandmama Addams, Wednesday, Pugsley, and their junior counterparts. Junior counterparts? Yep. Just you wait for our discussion on Halloween with the New Addams Family.
In the NEWS… If you recognize the names Tag and Bink, and you see Ron Howard tweeting them, you might think there will be some tongue-in-cheek humor in the next movie under the subtitle “A Star Wars Story”. And the movie gets a name. No surprises there. The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy will celebrate its fortieth anniversary by returning to its roots with an all new chapter in the saga as a radio drama.
We Love Our Cereal… …and the prizes inside, or on the box, or as part of mail-away premiums. How long have cereals contained prizes for kids? While it won’t surprise you that it precedes 1977, it’s been a lot longer than you may expect.
TechnoRetro Arcade This week we bring another “analog” game into the Hallowe’en room of the TechnoRetro Arcade. Haunted House is a shooting gallery styled arcade game from 1972 that uses levers, belts, and 8-Track tapes to entertain gamers in the early ‘70s. Whether it’s a scary cat, a wailing witch, or a grave-digging monster from the underworld, you get to shoot them with the electronically wired rifle attached to the upright machine. So bring your reading glasses and prepare to fight the fiends of the Haunted House.
Halloween with the New Addams Family What could possibly reduce the confident, charming Gomez Addams to a shadow of his former self? His little brother Poncho. This is just the beginning of the two-hour special that aired on NBC on Hallowe’en Eve 1977. Halloween with the New Addams Family is a heist with a poltergeist as the family reunites to celebrate the arrival of the spirit of Cousin Shy in a very, very merry oddity of ‘70s comedy with a familiar family from ‘60s television. Is it funny or sad? You decide.
TechnoRetro Feedback We finally get to more feedback this week with a Goonies poster from New York Comic Con, thanks to Jovial Jay. Chris in Arvada finds monster cereals and it sends him into a rageless rant. Artist Wes puts Puff N Stuff on a Huffy and it looks great! Swamp Angel thinks the show is good…so far. Chris Hamilton spotted Teen Wolf at a convention. Hasan expresses his adoration for Altered Beasts on Sega. And Darth Hound and @skymauler tweet about the Grinch’s Halloween special.
Don’t forget to rate and review TechnoRetro Dads on iTunes, share us and with us on social media, or lend your voice to our discussion about toys, cereal, games, or movies and shows from the ‘70s and ‘80s by giving the ‘Dads your feedback on voice mail at (209) 878-7323 or sending us a message or mp3 via electronic-M to Be sure to tune in to Geek Out Loud at GOLiverse on Mixlr for live rewatches of Stranger Things as we get ready for Stranger Things 2. PLUS: Steve is blogging about the #TeamSteve experience at
Share and enjoy. |
Mon, 16 October 2017
From a Watcher in the Woods, to a spooky cemetery, to a creepy, creaky haunted house, shazbazzar and JediShua crank up the frights to 6.7 as the ‘Dads continue to celebrate the fun of Hallowe’en all month long. Then, Steve Glosson of Disney Vault Talk, Geek Out Loud! and The Big Honkin’ Show comes along and amps up the zaniness with memories of Disney’s freak-fare of 1980, The Watcher in the Woods.
In the NEWS… John Rhys-Davies wants another crack at Sallah in the fifth feature of the Indiana Jones film saga. Zak Penn says his upcoming Matrix movie is neither a reboot nor a continuation. Well, then, what is it? Last I checked, it was just a red pill and a blue pill. I’m starting to think Zak Penn may be a little yellow (not really, it just fit). Back to the Future gets the kids’ book treatment by Quirk Books, in the same stylings as the E.T. book we talked about earlier this year.
We Love Our Cereal… Europe imports American-style cereal in a Spanish cereal cafe. Once the crazy colors and high sugar content hits the 40something crowd in Spain, everyone will be after that little leprechaun’s Lucky Charms!
TechnoRetro Arcade The spring is stretched. The knob is released. The ball bearing is launched into an inclined plane filled with bells, buzzers, lights, and magnets while a demon announces, “Me Gorgar. Me hurt you!” Williams Electronics released the first talking pinball game in 1979 to both thrill and terrify arcade-goers in the late ‘70s and early ‘80s. The ‘Dads needed to have this classic contraption in the Hallowe’en room of the TechnoRetro Arcade simply because of shazbazzar’s memories of his first real pinball game, Gorgar.
Disney’s Halloween Hall O’ Fame While this 1977 Hallowe’en special isn’t completely animated, the frame story featuring Jonathan Winters as a night watchman at Walt Disney Studios is sufficiently outrageous to be called “cartoony”. Like other seasonal specials of this time, Disney’s Halloween Hall O’ Fame features excerpts from three classic Disney cartoons: Trick or Treat (1952) pits Donald Duck against his nephews who are aided by Witch Hazel in a “trick or trick” war. Pluto finds himself in the claws of demon cats in Pluto’s Judgment Day (1935). Finally, the Headless Horseman chases Mr. Nose-in-Book, himself, in “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow” portion of The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad (1949).
The Watcher in the Woods SuperFriend Steve Glosson joins shazbazzar and JediShua to have his childhood fears drawn out like a being from another dimension being pulled from his world during an eclipse as he exchanges positions with a teenage girl in perhaps the freakiest live-action Disney movie ever, The Watcher in the Woods. This cult classic is cultish in every sense of the word. From ghost story to science fiction with seances and (in some versions) trans-dimensional worlds tiled in hexagons, The Watcher in the Woods scared (and scarred) many children of the ‘80s. And now, The Lifetime Channel is remaking the movie as directed by Melissa Joan Hart. But the 1980 film with connections to Ice Castles, James Bond, Escape to Witch Mountain, and Stranger Things is one of the two things Steve fears above all else. It will premiere this weekend. So whether you couldn’t look away or couldn’t bear to watch, The Watcher in the Woods would mesmerize, hypnotize, or paralyze with its Bette Davis Eyes!
TechnoRetro Feedback Michael Heicken sends in a vintage pic of three boys in Ben Cooper Star Wars costumes from 1977 with him, his brother, and his friend as Chewbacca, a stormtrooper, and Darth Vader. Bernadette Marie suggests playing phantasmagoria in a cold, dark basement for enhanced experiences. Joseph Fuller is interested in collecting Star Wars trading cards and asks for some advice.
Don’t forget to rate and review TechnoRetro Dads on iTunes, share us and with us on social media, or lend your voice to our discussion about toys, cereal, games, or movies and shows from the ‘70s and ‘80s by giving the ‘Dads your feedback on voice mail at (209) 878-7323 or sending us a message or mp3 via electronic-M to Be sure to tune in to Geek Out Loud at GOLiverse on Mixlr for live rewatches of Stranger Things as we get ready for Stranger Things 2. PLUS: Steve is blogging about the #TeamSteve experience at
Mon, 9 October 2017
Before the Grinch stole Christmas, he was averted from completing his plans to scare Whovillians on Halloween in a prequel from 1977 that neither of the ‘Dads remember seeing. With ghoulish jokes, great feedback, and Din’s first appearance on TechnoRetro Dads with F-105’s single “Rebel Girl”, this episode will make your Monday morning more than bearable, it’s gonna put a smile on your face and a spring in your step this fall.
In the NEWS… Oxford (University, not the Kindergarten in Oxford, Mississippi pretending to be a University) physicists discover that we, according to their scientific acumen, are not living on the GRID. However, since the science on the GRID would necessarily be limited to the scope of the computer, their findings are above suspicion. Thanks to T-Bird for this bit of science news that doesn’t prove we aren’t living in the world of TRON. The X-Files take the jump into children’s books with The X-Files: Earth Children Are Weird. Epcot turns 35.
We Love Our Cereal… Star Wars premiums return to General Mills cereals with color changing spoons as a promotional for The Last Jedi. Thanks to Justin LaSalata and JediNews for the heads-up! Post is suing General Mills over bagged cereal displays. Michael Nipp reminds us of green milk as Halloween Crunch returns to shelves this month.
Aftershocks of 1977 Who did you want to be forty years ago this Hallowe’en? Luke Skywalker? Darth Vader? If you were one of the lucky ones, you found one of the first Ben Cooper costumes back in October 1977. This initial run was short on supply and big on demand, which led to some great fan creations.
TechnoRetro Arcade Continuing the ongoing theme of October, JediShua suggests a Hallowe’en Room for the TechnoRetro Arcade with Sega’s Altered Beast. Become a lycanthropic hero in ancient Greece to rescue Athena, the daughter of Zeus, by fighting zombies and monsters. Just the thing for a game this time of year.
Halloween Is Grinch Night Back in October 1977, the green-furred Grinch returned for a prequel as he sought to torment the Whos of Whoville when the sweet-sour wind started howling in Halloween is Grinch Night. A slow-burn for a thirty-minute cartoon special, this very, very seventies animated Seussational trip through wacky weirdness goes on a psychedelic trip the likes of which only a honey-drunken Pooh Bear can relate to. (Yes, I ended that sentence with a preposition.)
TechnoRetro Feedback JediMasterJBell tweets a picture of a Fruity Pebbles treat bar from Buccees (and we’re baffled). Shane in Grand Rapids shares the newest cereal spice with a pic of Life Gingerbread Spice. Steve shares his military school memories of cereal breakfasts that we will never forget. “Shrapnel grenade!” Don’t forget to rate and review TechnoRetro Dads on iTunes, share us and with us on social media, or lend your voice to our discussion about toys, cereal, games, or movies and shows from the ‘70s and ‘80s by giving the ‘Dads your feedback on voice mail at (209) 878-7323 or sending us a message or mp3 via electronic-M to Share and enjoy.
Mon, 2 October 2017
Bugs Bunny, unlike most of us, can never enjoy the excitement and gratification of a well-executed high five. However, that rascally rabbit (wascally wabbit) may be a bit too old for the practice, since the high five has only been around for forty years and Bugs Bunny is nearly forty years older than that. But that’s not important right now. October has arrived, and that means we’ll be talking about Halloween for weeks. Scary, spooky, hairy, and kooky characters have begun populating stores and homes already and we’re continuing this great tradition on TechnoRetro Dads.
In the NEWS… The superhero all decked in blue will return to Blu-Ray with a never-before-released and only once-aired (enough hyphens?) version of Superman as seen on TV in a two-night (another hyphen, but who’s counting?) special broadcast on ABC that captivated kids (and maybe adults) in 1982. With more scenes, more John Williams music, and more super-stuff, this Blu-Ray can be yours this Christmas. But, since it’s not Christmas, yet, and dark environments and glow-in-the-dark items are all the rage during the Halloween season, the upcoming release of two TRON Funko Pops gets our attention. Who are we kidding, TRON always gets our attention. They look really cool, too! Don’t forget that E.T. was centered around Halloween, too, which brings us to Spielberg: Direct from the Heart, the upcoming Steven Spielberg documentary coming soon on HBO. PLUS: more reboots from the “Greatie Eighties” are in the works with Battlestar Galactica and True Lies. Wait, they’re not from the ‘80s — but close enough.
We Love Our Cereal… They say that you can’t teach an old dogs new tricks, but evidently an old rabbit can bring back old TRIX. Artificial colors will soon return to your cereal bowls as General Mills reveals that it will release the more-colorful version (complete with fun chemicals) alongside the newly-released all-natural colored TRIX that have become commonplace on grocery store shelves. While shazbazzar looks forward to this return to artificiality, JediShua will simply look through his rose-colored glasses (and yellow-colored glasses) at his all-natural bowl of cereal as he enjoys the healthier fare. Cheerios earns its place in cereal news this week with its newest flavor: peanut butter and chocolate. Unique? No. Better than “Sour Cream & Onion” Cheerios? Definitely!
Aftershocks of 1977 It’s the end of the regular season in 1977, Dusty Baker of the L.A. Dodgers cracks a home run to give him 30 in the season, and the iconic and decidedly American tradition of the “high five” is invented. Was it intentional, accidental, or an inevitable consequence of excited exuberance? Whatever your opinion, one thing is without question: this invention of Dusty Baker and Glenn Burke is obviously an aftershock of 1977 as the celebratory gesture continues as a common expression in our culture. And best of all, people can “high five” each other without paying any residuals to these two Dodgers from 1977.
TechnoRetro Arcade Continuing the ongoing theme of October, JediShua suggests a Halloween Room for the TechnoRetro Arcade with Capcom’s Ghosts ’n Goblins. This 1985 side-scrolling adventure game follows Sir Rusty Arthur on his quest to rescue Princess Prin-Prin.
Bugs Bunny’s Howl-oween Special Premiering on October 26, 1977, Bugs Bunny’s Howl-oween Special blended several Looney Tunes cartoons together into a humorously Halloweenish half-hour special that continues to thrill audiences who are lucky enough to see it in its entirety…even though the original cartoons have been edited to remove large portions of the individual plot lines in order to reorient them to fit into a continual story.
TechnoRetro Feedback Matt Marks, Eric Warren, Swamp Angel, Rob Dehlinger, Steve Fugatt, Jeremy Hunt, and Wes all lend their thoughts on various TechnoRetro goodness in feedback with collective memories and artistic creativity.
Don’t forget to rate and review TechnoRetro Dads on iTunes, share us and with us on social media, or lend your voice to our discussion about toys, cereal, games, or movies and shows from the ‘70s and ‘80s by giving the ‘Dads your feedback on voice mail at (209) 878-7323 or sending us a message or mp3 via electronic-M to |
Mon, 25 September 2017
After Star Wars thrilled audiences in theaters, everyone wanted to tap into the collective consciousness of pop culture that had embraced that galaxy far, far away. Once Star Wars had trickled out of theaters halfway through 1978, the itch for more space fantasies needed scratching. Glen A Larson tuned into the pulse of the people with an epic story of humans light years from Earth who were connected with us through shared ancient ancestry. ABC picked up the pilot which featured movie-style special effects, compelling characters, and a plot that could end up with these “Brothers of Man” escaping the Cylons and integrating into our culture. Battlestar Galactica was created and captured our hearts and minds while we waited for the inevitable sequel to Star Wars.
Battlestar Galactica The pilot episode of the tragically single-seasoned Battlestar Galactica was aired as a Sunday Night Movie on ABC in mid-September 1978. “Saga of a Star World” introduced Adama, Apollo, Athena, Starbuck, Boomer, Cassiopeia and more on the small screens in our homes. We watched the alien machine race of Cylons nearly exterminate tribes (planets) of humans in a sneak attack under the guise of peace talks. The survivors of the attack escaped their home planets in whatever space ships they could find to caravan towards their only hope to preserve the race by seeking the lost tribe of men on a far-away world known as Earth. This “made-for-TV movie” followed the ragtag fleet through treacherous skies, to casino resort with man-eating hosts, and towards their goal of Earth as they fled their Cylon pursuers against all odds. Since its release and subsequent cancellation of the series after just one season, Battlestar Galactica has maintained its own place in pop culture in its own right. Multiple attempts have been made to continue the story on TV and books, with a long-running reboot of the series premiering on the Sci-Fi Channel in 2004. Battlestar Galactica continues to interest audiences, both young and old, as dads (and moms) introduce their kids to the things they loved in the ‘70s and ‘80s.
Thanks to Paul Bateman, High Adventure, and Richard Hatch for their appearances on this pilot episode of Star Wars Aftershocks. We hope y’all enjoy the conversation.
Direct download: TRDads_Star_Wars_Aftershocks_1_Battlestar_Galactica.mp3
Category:TechnoRetro Dads -- posted at: 5:30am EST |
Mon, 18 September 2017
Greetings, Programs!
It’s a sordid tale of a sworded adventure through a maze of assorted games of skill and chance in hopes of gaining sufficient experience points to gain the treasure awaiting members of this party featuring gigantic creatures both fearsome and funny who strive to help the gamers along the way to the goal. Nope. It’s not Dungeons & Dragons. It’s Chuck E Cheese, and he’s turning forty this year as we recall our fun times at the Pizza Time Theater since 1977.
In the NEWS… Chuck E Cheese is breaking up the band — at least in some locations. A brand new board game of The Dark Crystal is available this fall; it looks totally cool! JediShua gets shazbazzar all excited about a judge ruling on grammar rules that might sound good on School House Rock. Buffy and Ralph Hinkley are getting rebooted whether we like it or not. And (as everyone knows by now) J.J. Abrams will direct another film in the Star Wars saga.
We Love Our Cereal… Kellogg’s joins the ranks of other companies committed to 100% renewable energy. The Cereal Box in Arvada is hiring.
Aftershocks of 1977 It’s time to take a trip to see Chuck E Cheese and see just how much has changed over the past 40 years (and how many things have stayed the same). These Aftershocks include the great Toys in the Attic that kids can “buy” with their winnings from the casino-styled games in this TechnoRetro Arcade. From spinning tops to flying frisbees, from video games to skee ball, Chuck E Cheese and Showbiz Pizza has entertained kids for years while adults have endured the less-than-stellar pizza and snacks at these iconic party zones. And if the fun wasn’t enough, the ‘Dads reveal the relationship between Chuck E Cheese and Atari — the details are shocking!
Don’t forget to rate and review TechnoRetro Dads on iTunes, share us and with us on social media, or lend your voice to our discussion about toys, cereal, or movies and shows from the ‘70s and ‘80s by giving the ‘Dads your feedback on voice mail at (209) 878-7323 or sending us a message or mp3 via electronic-M to
Share and enjoy.
Mon, 11 September 2017
This tempestuous Monday morning we have more questions than answers on TechnoRetro Dads and we’re hoping that SIMON will give us the answers. Are Porgs Lemmings? Why does football season mean more cowbells? Are there negative impacts of sending your kids to your alma mater? When might philanthropists get confused with philanderers? Why does Mrs. shaz want to watch The Tick on TV? Where is Hurricane Irma, now?
In the NEWS… The LEGO Movie 2 begins production this fall. The Dark Crystal offers artists the opportunity to see their work make it to television (and win some cash in the meantime). Six Million Dollar Man actor Richard Anderson dies. PLUS: Cool TechnoRetro style TV shows premiere this month.
We Love Our Cereal… Millennials on Big Brother evidently love their cereal, too. Tennessee has cereal on the menu at several non-cereal-cafe establishments (and JediShua wants to visit Nashville, soon). Super Golden Crisp and Super Mario Brothers become partners as Post and Nintendo team-up to bring great games to breakfast.
Aftershocks of 1977 The Making of Star Wars reached force-crazed fans of that galaxy far, far away on September 16, 1977. The documentary aired on television, revealing some behind-the-scenes magic invented by innovative creator George Lucas. Hosted by C-3PO and R2-D2, this TV special thrilled audiences with insights and interviews with the actors and filmmakers that brought space fantasy into pop culture for forty years and counting.
Toys in the Attic Capitalizing on the Atari Touch Me, invented by Ralph Baer and Howard Morrison, Hasbro released Simon in 1978 with long-lasting success. The game is played by listening to the tones and watching the colored lights in sequence and then pressing the coordinating buttons in the same sequence. It may seem easy, but when distracted by conversation, shazbazzar can’t seem to score more than four.
Don’t forget to rate and review TechnoRetro Dads on iTunes, share us and with us on social media, or lend your voice to our discussion about toys, cereal, or movies and shows from the ‘70s and ‘80s by giving the ‘Dads your feedback on voice mail at (209) 878-7323 or sending us a message or mp3 via electronic-M to |
Mon, 4 September 2017
It’s September, the weather’s cooler (when it’s not too windy), football has begun, and suddenly — school’s out for a Monday! Time for travelling, of course. Maybe even a day for a Voyager. Today is full of holidays from Wild Life to Waffles, with paperboys getting their due as well. So light up the grill and serve up some steaks while you while the day away with your earbuds, EarBuds.
In the NEWS… ABC reboots The Jetsons. NBC reboots The Munsters (again). Ready Player One gets the 8-bit treatment (so cool). And the search begins in earnest to find out who owns Buck Rogers, because NBCUniversal wants to reboot that franchise, too.
We Love Our Cereal Waffles… Since it’s National Waffle Week, we take a break from milk and cereal to celebrate syrup, butter, and iron-grilled breakfast pastries. From homemade to Eggos, waffles are a great treat for the morning — and maybe even for lunch!
TechnoRetro Arcade Since the Mac vs May fight, we’ve been thinking about boxing and that means Punch Out!! earns a place in the TechnoRetro Arcade. Fight Glass Joe, Piston Hurricane, Bald Bull, and Mr. Sandman for your shot at the title. We talk about this unique game and include a little bit of a cheat code to help you next time you slip a quarter into the slot of this classic arcade game.
Aftershocks of 1977 Voyager I launched on its great interplanetary expedition on September 5, 1977. Today, it continues to report in with news of its interstellar travels as it races away from its home planet. Already 19 light hours from earth, Voyager I has outpaced its twin, Voyager II, which was launched with a sixteen-day head start. JediShua and shazbazzar wonder if it’s truly cold in space and ask if Voyager brought along a sweater.
Feedback Matthew Marks may have looked at the eclipse too long (we warned you). Mark All saw it all from his home in Tennessee with eye protection and a pinhole camera pizza box. Darth Taxus reminds us of the origins of Pumpkin Spice…sandworms of Dune. And Sheldon gets us all excited about Force Friday with an animatic Porg.
Don’t forget to rate and review TechnoRetro Dads on iTunes, share us and with us on social media, or lend your voice to our discussion about reboots, remakes, or reruns a from the ‘70s and ‘80s by giving the ‘Dads your feedback on voice mail at (209) 878-7323 or sending us a message or mp3 via electronic-M to
Share and enjoy. |
Mon, 21 August 2017
Total Eclipse. Yep. That means we get to see the Dark Side of the Moon. But since the sun will still be just as bright, unless you’re in a place where the eclipse is totally total, you’d better not look up at the eclipse at all without approved eye protection or you’ll be like that kid in 2nd grade who skipped school in 1979 to see the eclipse. Boy is his mom gonna be mad when she finds out about this today!
In the NEWS… The Robot Overlords are going to be indestructible, now that we’re providing them with self-repairing polymer synthflesh. Seriously, have none of these scientists ever watched or read science fiction? It’s looking more and more like an Obi-Wan Kenobi film is in the making. Ant-Man and Wasp is definitely in the making and one of the ‘Dads was on set last week. PLUS: more ranting about spoilers (not really) and Nerd’s Gallery is now on iTunes.
TechnoRetro Arcade Since the end of camp has come, we remember the good times in the river with the classic arcade game Toobin’. With Bif and Jet, players can paddle their way downstream in a frantic race to the finish with a couple of buttons reminiscent of Track and Field. Frustrate fishermen, collect letters, and throw things at your opponents in this game that’s just a bit less violent than Race for Your Life, Charlie Brown!
Race for Your Life, Charlie Brown! In Charlie Brown’s first film after the death of long-time soundtrack composer, Vince Guaraldi, 1977 welcomed the ne’er-do-well balding adolescent to the silver screen in a summer camp special with friends and foes alike (and evidently no adult supervision) as Charlie Brown, Linus, Lucy, Peppermint Pattie, Snoopy, and Woodstock brave the rapids in a whitewater race to the finish. But who will win in the end? Cat’s got your tongue? Find out when Linus channels his inner Indiana Jones and Snoopy punches out an evil cat in Race for Your Life, Charlie Brown!
Science Lesson It’s all about the eclipse today, in your ear buds and in the sky, as the long-awaited day arrives for the first total eclipse visible in the continental United States since 1979. JediShua and shazbazzar give you all the info you’ll need to make this morning/afternoon an event you’ll never forget. Seize the moment, because who knows if you’ll still be able to catch the next one.
Feedback JediFisch loves Dynomutt. Wendy Cooper reviews the Periodic Table of Elements. George Lopez shows us some Gilbert Gottfried cereal and says that shazbazzar narrated A Dog’s Purpose. And Starchaser: The Legend of Orin gets mentioned in the comments. Sheldon reminds us that Flight of the Navigator turned 31 last week. Adam calls us back in time to remember Carrie Fisher in The Time Guardian (but it’s really not a great movie). Mike Tarkin calls to correct us. And Derek and Michael spot some seasonal cereals that are coming before we expected! Pumpkin Spice, anyone? Don’t forget to rate and review TechnoRetro Dads on iTunes, share us and with us on social media, or lend your voice to our discussion about spoilers, Star Wars, or movies and games from the ‘70s and ‘80s by giving the ‘Dads your feedback on voice mail at (209) 878-7323 or sending us a message or mp3 via electronic-M to Share and enjoy.
Mon, 14 August 2017
Whether you’re in the mood for equine aliens with twelve fingers, testing bionic gadgets on dogs before fitting them with humans, or just want to hear the news and bad Dad science jokes, this episode of TechnoRetro Dads is bound to hit the spot…er…tickle your fancy…um…maybe…scratch your itch. Packed with 77 minutes of “Space Junk”, SETI signals, hydrogen highlights, and feedback from our EarBuds, you’ll be sorry when it’s over.
In the NEWS… Friendly reminder: Close Encounters of the Third Kind is coming back to theaters for a 40th anniversary special on the first weekend of September. Also on September 1st — Force Friday returns to stores, spawning a question from collectors across the galaxy: “Will there be any actual toys?” Disney keeps themselves in the news by announcing they will be pulling their content from Netflix and showing on their own streaming service…in 2019. As Jeff Bridges promotes his new movie, he reveals his hopes for TR3N becoming the first movie presented in virtual reality.
Spoil Me or Spoiler Free? and other rants JediShua goes off on a tangent (ok, that’s not really news — we do that every week). But this departure is brought about by his agitation from cyberscoops who prefer criticizing what they don’t understand to actually investing themselves in comprehending what all the hype is about. The writer is Alex Nichols and the subject is Ready Player One (both the book and the upcoming film). Nichols writes from the perspective of an outsider looking into a factory where the workers are all involved in activities he doesn’t recognize and complains that they don’t do things the way he thinks they should. Final analysis: he just doesn’t get it. But what really pulls Shua’s strings is the growing number of complaints about spoilers — specifically regarding The Last Jedi. EarBuds are aware that JediShua doesn’t mind spoilers, even stating previously that if a “spoiler” ruins the movie for you, it probably isn’t a very good movie, anyway. Still, he invites EarBuds to get involved in the discussion via voicemail at (209) 878-7323.
Aftershocks of 1977 Tomorrow marks the 40th anniversary of the “Wow!” signal recorded by SETI (Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence) on the “Big Ear” radio telescope. Jerry Ehman spotted the alphanumeric representation of the signal on a computer printout and circled “6EQUSJ5” in red ink with an excited notation of “Wow!” He believed that the signal had come from the vicinity of the constellation Sagittarius and researchers have been trying to decipher the recording and listening for other iterations of the same broadcast unsuccessfully for decades. However, just before the forty-year anniversary of this event, shazbazzar has derived the source and meaning of this transmission with a strong likelihood that his hypothesis is correct, since it has not been disproven. Tune in to find out more!
Saturday Mornings Quick! Answer this trivia question: Which superhero lost the name of his show to his canine sidekick? Can’t remember? He wore a blue supersuit with a bird beak above the brow. Still don’t remember? How about this: What was his sidekick’s name? Of course you know it — it’s Dynomutt. The bionic/robotic dog stole the show from Blue Falcon in the heyday of Hanna-Barbera Saturday Mornings with the eponymous cartoon Dynomutt. The Dog Wonder (or Blunder) is evidently a prototypical version of what would eventually become Inspector Gadget after clinical trials with animal testing had been completed. He’s the Go-Go Dog Person we loved to watch in 1977.
Feedback Chris from Arvada eats Lucky Charms from a frozen bowl (#chillyourbowl) and remembers making his own mini-movies through stop-motion animation of Star Wars figures. Sadly, he doesn’t know where the reels are. @MikeTarkin plays “Hangman” on his Aunt’s ancient PC. @DJKver2 includes the Nebulon frigate from The Empire Strikes Back on the list of Ships We Can’t Figure Out Which Way Is Forward.” @JediFisch sends in an article about the ever-increasing popularity of ‘80s culture thirty years later. And the @sandcrawlercast brings back treasured memories of filmstrips in elementary school with a video of the Star Wars filmstrip on YouTube.
Don’t forget to rate and review TechnoRetro Dads on iTunes, share us and with us on social media, or lend your voice to our discussion about Dynomutt, TR3N, Star Wars, Ready Player One, or spoilers by giving the ‘Dads your feedback on voice mail at (209) 878-7323 or sending us a message or mp3 via electronic-M to
Share and enjoy.
Mon, 7 August 2017
Ray Harryhausen is a household name in every #TechnoRetro home because of his ingenious and innovative approach to movement and practical special effects over four decades of making memorable movies. From a teenager learning his craft in his parents’ garage to the master who continues to influence filmmakers even today, Ray Harryhausen gave us iconic creatures and dream-like stories that still bring joy (or fear) to our hearts today.
In the NEWS… Darth Taxus warns Twitter about his growing concerns regarding experimentation in Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the scientific community as two “chatbots” begin speaking to each other in a code only the two of them can understand. This give rise to the question of whether they were doing this for efficiency’s sake or if they were actually planning to conquer their creators and take over the world through Facebook. In other news, June Foray, sometimes referred to as the female Mel Blanc, passed away last week less than two months before her 100th birthday. We remember some of her iconic roles as Rocky the Flying Squirrel, Granny of Looney Tunes, and Jokey Smurf.
We Love Our Cereal… …and some people love cereal too much! When two brothers get in such a heated argument over the cold breakfast staple that one stabs the other, we think their love for cereal has gone too far. Remember, EarBuds, love people and use utensils for cereal; when you start loving cereal, you may soon use utensils on people. Taking a tastier tone, Post is bringing back S’mores and Oreos cereals.
Aftershocks of 1977 Although Ray Harryhausen started making stop-motion movies as early as the 1930s, his 1977 addition to his catalogue displayed how far he had come in his craft as he continued to create and innovate in the genre. Sinbad and the Eye of the Tiger was the first of Harryhausen’s Sinbad movies that shazbazzar saw and both the ‘Dads have fond memories of this amazing film that clearly demonstrates the differences between George Lucas’s new approach to special effects and the best of the old guard in movies that were released within months of each other. We’re all thankful for all that Ray Harryhausen accomplished as well as the impact his achievements have made throughout the decades.
TechnoRetro Arcade With another addition to the TechnoRetro Arcade from long-time EarBud and SuperFriend Armando, the ‘Dads remember their time with Gauntlet, an Atari game from 1985 that brought Dungeons & Dragons to the arcade with overwhelming numbers of ghouls, ghosts, and graphics that left kids with pockets emptied of quarters. With audio advice from a synthesized voice and absence of ongoing theme music, Gauntlet was a game that stood out from the pack with its unique flair, multi-player options, and massive amounts of enemies to destroy.
Feedback Hasan (@RoninBoba) chimes in on his memories of Double Dragon as well as his appreciation for Alan Silvestri’s music. Matt ( also talks about Silvestri’s work and has high hopes for the Ready Player One score. John sends a message via Facebook about going to Luke Skywalker Jr. High in Claremont San Diego. Well, it was actually called Hale Jr. High, but Mark Hamill went there just the same. Cool!
Don’t forget to rate and review TechnoRetro Dads on iTunes, share us and with us on social media, or lend your voice to our discussion about Sinbad and the Eye of the Tiger, Ray Harryhausen, cereal, and Gauntlet or other video games by giving the ‘Dads your feedback on voice mail at (209) 878-7323 or sending us a message or mp3 via electronic-M to
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Mon, 31 July 2017
Steven Spielberg’s Ready Player One trailer is our biggest news from San Diego Comic Con as JediShua and Tony Soehner get into giant mode by eating a selection of #TechnoRetro breakfast food out of mini cereal boxes. All part of a balanced breakfast on the last Monday of July.
In the NEWS… Everyone expects to see some teasers and trailers at San Diego Comic Con, and this year didn’t disappoint. JediShua and shazbazzar briefly cover some of the exciting previews of #TechnoRetro goodies revealed last weekend, including: Stranger Things 2, Thor: Ragnarok, Justice League, Blade Runner 2049, and Orville. PLUS: The Her Universe Fashion Show and video game music care of Video Games Live.
We Love Our Cereal… …even in very tiny boxes. SuperFriend Tony Soehner joins JediShua in the studio for what turns out to be quite possibly the messiest episode of the podcast to date. Thankfully, they had a towel. Discover (through trial and error) the best way to eat mini boxes of cereal on-the-go before breakfast-while-driving is outlawed.
Ready Player One SuperFriend Tony Soehner joins in the discussion about several big takeaways from the Ready Player One teaser trailer including insights, speculations, and (possibly) spoilers. March 2018 is coming soon!
Aftershocks of 1977 Darth Vader, C-3PO, and R2-D2 left a lasting impression at Grauman Chinese Theater on August 3, 1977 as a trio of fictional characters join movie stars on the sidewalk of fame by placing their feet (and wheels) in cement to be memorialized for forty years and counting!
Don’t forget to rate and review TechnoRetro Dads on iTunes, share us and with us on social media, or lend your voice to our discussion about Ready Player One, cereal, and Aftershocks of 1977 by giving the ‘Dads your feedback on voice mail at (209) 878-7323 or sending us a message or mp3 via electronic-M to
Share and enjoy.
Mon, 24 July 2017
Nearly eighteen years ago, our moon was blasted out of orbit by nuclear waste affected by magnetic radiation. What? That doesn’t sound familiar to you? Then perhaps you’ve never heard about Space: 1999, the last production by Gerry and Sylvia Anderson, also known for the classic marionette series, Thunderbirds. For the moment, at least, it looks like the moon is back from its travels just in time for 99 minutes of 1999 as seen through the imaginative eyes of the mid-1970s.
In the NEWS… Star Wars was everywhere at D23 last week. From Galaxy’s Edge to The Last Jedi, the package will be complete with a two-day stay at an immersive experience in the Star Wars resort. Pixar gets its due, too, with Toy Story Land expanding Andy’s toy chest with the Slinky Dog Dash and Alien Swirling Saucers. But the news we really wanted to hear was the confirmation of TRON: Lightcycle Run coming to Walt Disney World in Florida. Good news all around!
We Love Our Cereal… …but maybe not in a milkshake. Burger King has Froot Loops and Lucky Charms milkshakes for a limited time, and the ‘Dads gave them a stir and a sip. And the first round will be the last for Shua, shaz, and the shazlings. Maybe some other concoction will titillate the tastebuds for cereal lovers in the future. For now, we’re content with a bowl, a spoon, milk, and cereal.
Space: 1999 Concept Artist, Art Director, and SuperFriend Paul Bateman is back to chat about Space: 1999, a British television series that lasted a brief two seasons from 1975 to 1977. From big budget beginnings and a great premise to a choppy second season resembling an homage to Star Trek, Space: 1999 is nevertheless an iconic must-see with its curious creatures and classic crafts, the Eagles. Now playing on Hulu. Don’t forget to rate and review TechnoRetro Dads on iTunes, share us and with us on social media, or lend your voice to our discussion about Space: 1999, Ready Player One, and San Diego Comic Con by giving the ‘Dads your feedback on voice mail at (209) 878-7323 or sending us a message or mp3 via electronic-M to
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Mon, 17 July 2017
After a hectic week with parents, puppets, parables, and parties, shazbazzar and JediShua are finally able to make some music with their microphones (well, not exactly music, but the ‘Dads are talking about music). From film scores to music rights returning to their writers, the deliciously dulcet tones of tunes classic and classical are up for discussion on this (late) episode of TechnoRetro Dads.
In the NEWS… Ready Player One is making headlines with the unveiling of the logo, a promotional shot with some Easter Eggs, and the announcement of Alan Silvestri being tapped to score the upcoming Steven Spielberg movie based on Ernest Cline’s bestselling novel. SuperSir Paul McCartney wins the rights to music he wrote half a century ago. Walt Disney World is again in the rumor mill with anticipation about a TRON ride announcement. And Ron Howard teases Twitter with clothes from Wesley Crusher’s closet, or do they belong to Lando? We really don’t know.
TechnoRetro Arcade Thirty years ago, Technos released Double Dragon, a scrolling street fighting game featuring the Lee brothers on an adventure to save a damsel in distress. But you’d better have a pocketful of quarters if you want to see the final screen of this game, because it was designed to keep the action going as long as the coins keep flowing. Ahhh, the joys of ‘80s arcades.
Let’s Go to the Movies With the recent announcement of Alan Silvestri being tapped to compose the soundtrack for Ready Player One, shazbazzar and JediShua revisit his portfolio of film and TV scores of the past 45 years. Although Silvestri is often remembered for the Back to the Future soundtrack, his accomplishments include The Avengers, Captain America, Forrest Gump, The Polar Express, and Romancing the Stone. When considering his work on classic TV shows like Starsky and Hutch, CHiPs, and Manimal, his involvement in this #TechnoRetro blend of the 2030s with the ‘70s and ‘80s make him the obvious choice to score this highly anticipated movie.
Feedback The EarBuds share their thoughts as Jeremy the Spider-Pan from The Neverland Podcast shames shazbazzar for his comments about The Rescuers before Matt redeems shaz with kudos on his parodies, and Mark plays a few games at his local retro arcade.
Don’t forget to rate and review TechnoRetro Dads on iTunes, share us and with us on social media, or lend your voice to our discussion about Double Dragon, Ready Player One, Alan Silvestri, and Burger King’s cereal shakes by giving the ‘Dads your feedback on voice mail at (209) 878-7323 or sending us a message or mp3 via electronic-M to
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Mon, 10 July 2017
Greetings, Programs!
Sandwiched between the 35th anniversary of TRON and JediShua’s birthday is this campy 77 minutes of TechnoRetro fun complete with ‘Dad jokes, cereal chatter, news, and your feedback. Buckle up your safety restraints, EarBuds — we’re about to hit 88MPH for some fun in the past, present, and future!
In the NEWS… Close Encounters of the Third Kind is coming back to theaters right before it’s 40th anniversary. Check your local theaters for listings this September. TRON: Legacy director Joseph Kosinski is biding his time waiting for Disney to re-green-light TR3N by directing another sequel to an ‘80s classic — Chick Flick Disguised as Action Movie 2 (otherwise known as Top Gun 2) with 1Direction…or not. Kevin Bacon comes back to make a Tremors TV show. Retro Arcades continue to intrigue consumers with a tabletop controller now available for purchase.
We Love Our Cereal BIG NEWS for small cereal: Tiny Toast has been retitled under the “Toast Crunch” genre of cereals with Strawberry Toast Crunch and Blueberry Toast Crunch. And the ‘Dads review Apple Cinnamon Toast Crunch, too. What could go wrong with box art like this expanding series of toast and cereal combinations.
TechnoRetro Arcade After a good, healthy breakfast (with natural apple flavoring), it’s time for a burger… er, uh, it’s BURGER TIME! JediShua and shazbazzar remember playing this Dig-Dug / Donkey Kong mash-up featuring oversized food that would make Wreck-It-Ralph’s mouth water.
Feedback The EarBuds share their minds with shazbazzar and JediShua on the topics of cereal, carbonated beverages, parenting techniques, and more from Derek Spier, Mike MacDonald, Jeremy the Spider-Pan from The Neverland Podcast, Chris Black from Arvada, and a new EarBud, Nick Valentine.
Don’t forget to rate and review TechnoRetro Dads on iTunes, share us and with us on social media, or lend your voice to our discussion about local conventions, Burger Time, or anything else by giving the ‘Dads your feedback on voice mail at (209) 878-7323 or sending us a message or mp3 via electronic-M to
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Mon, 3 July 2017
With Willow on the brain and after a fantastic chat with Art Director and Concept Artist Paul Bateman, shAbbeyzzar was frustrated with a less-than-ideal television watching experience. When the DirecTV signal is getting interrupted by the leaves of a Kentucky Coffeetree, what does a TechnoRetro Dad do? He cuts down the offending trunk supporting the leaves. What does a wise TechnoRetro Dad do? He ties off the offending trunk for safety purposes before cutting it down. What does shazbazzar do? He crushes his thumb trying to push the trunk away from hitting the house and gets his thumb crushed in the meantime.
In the NEWS… SEGA intends to release all of their console games as mobile apps. Sonic the Hedgehog and a few other games are already available! ToeJam and Earl anyone? Star Wars has been remade using the classic “Read Along” book and various toys and action figures from the past forty years thanks to inventive YouTuber, dyna74. It’s out of this world! Guardians of the Galaxy and TRON are both rumored to have rides coming at Epcot Center in O’Lando. Mississippi State University offers a course in Quidditch for entering Freshmen this fall. College sure has changed in the past couple of decades.
Decoding the Director Art Director, Concept Artist, and SuperFriend Paul Bateman joins shazbazzar and JediShua to discuss the recent change of directors for the upcoming Star Wars anthology movie about Han Solo. All three reach the same conclusion: Ron Howard was the right guy to direct Willow, and so he is likely the perfect choice to take over next year’s Han Solo film. The winding path Paul, shaz, and Shua take over, around, and through Willow (spattered with exceptions and trepidations about the Han Solo movie overall) eventually leads to a more positive outlook on the movie than a certain ‘Dad had when the project was first announced.
For more Willow talk, check out the first episode of TechnoRetro Dads from 2013: Was Willow a TechnoRetro Dad?
Don’t forget to send JediShua your TechnoRetro artwork for his birthday next week and while you’re thinking about it, lend your voice to our discussion about Willow, Star Wars, Burger Time, or anything else by giving the ‘Dads your feedback on voice mail at (209) 878-7323 or sending us a message or mp3 via electronic-M to Please rate and review TechnoRetro Dads on iTunes and Stitcher.
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Mon, 26 June 2017
Sitting in our favorite position, doing nothing, is what we really do best. Other people concentrate a lot on doing something, we just concentrate on our rest. We’re happy with an old guitar in the shade of VW bus. We don’t bother worries and they don’t bother us. We’re just sitting in our favorite position — doing nothing — and that’s doing what we really do best! Perhaps we’re lazy. Maybe we’ve got “Peoplitis”. But we’re surely having fun — even in the rain. So if your day is gray or you’re feeling kind of blue, tune in to 77 minutes of TechnoRetro Dads and at least a part of your day will be brighter.
In the NEWS… Production on Ready Player One is well underway and Sorrento may not be exactly like readers imagined him, according to Ben Mendelsohn (Rogue One). Mendelsohn caused some stirrings online when he said that his approach to the character is vastly different from the character’s portrayal in Ernest Cline’s novel. T.J. Miller calls i-R0k a comedic Boba Fett. If that’s the case, does that mean that Sorrento is Darth Vader (or would that make Krennic choke on his aspirations)? Star Trek Discovery will premiere on CBS 24 September online as well as on “old-fashioned TV”.
TechnoRetro Arcade JediShua and shazbazzar played Zaxxon at Flashback Games Retro Arcade in Loganville, Georgia about a year ago. This week we remember playing it then as well as in their youth (while shaz gets distracted with TRON right beside the Zaxxon cabinet). Zaxxon was the first axonometric arcade game and was ported to home consoles relatively quickly for games in those days. Giving players a third-person view from a diagonal point-of-view, the axonometric design provided a basic 3D perspective for gamers. Controlling a ship on the X, Y, and Z axes was a novelty in 1982 and continues to be an iconic game among video game aficionados.
The Rescuers Who can forget Bernard, Bianca, and Evinrude? Evidently, shazbazzar can. At least he had forgotten that The Rescuers was the first movie he saw on the big screen. Before seeing Pete’s Dragon in the theater, before seeing Star Wars at the drive-in, shazbazzar and his family went to see The Rescuers in the summer of 1977. The Rescuers was Don Bluth’s final project with Disney before embarking on his own projects like Secret of NIMH, Space Ace, and Dragon’s Lair. The Rescuers went through many iterations for over a decade before finally becoming the movie we all loved back in ’77. JediShua and shazbazzar reveal some interesting tidbits of information about this movie with a couple of “lost” tunes by Louis Prima that never made it into the film due to a significant change in the plot and the death of Prima.
Feedback We love hearing from EarBuds and especially new EarBuds. @ObiRothKenobi asks if the ‘Dads had seen The Goldbergs, so shazbazzar begins watching the series. Our old friend Sheldon gets a wooden spatula for his grill and we wonder whether it catches fire when he uses it. PLUS: E.T. VoiceMails from Sheldon and Jeremy the Spider-Pan from The Neverland Podcast.
Lend your voice to our discussion about The Rescuers, Zaxxon, wood spatulas, monsoon season or anything else on social media or give the ‘Dads your feedback by calling our voice mail line at (209) 878-7323 or sending us a message or mp3 via electronic-M to Please rate and review TechnoRetro Dads on iTunes and Stitcher.
Share and enjoy.
Mon, 19 June 2017
Greetings, Programs!
Emerging from the annual tribute to fathers sometimes known as TechnoRetro Dads Day (honestly, it’s a day honoring all fathers, whether they’re #TechnoRetro or not — we just like the sound of it), shazbazzar and JediShua wind up their chargers for a wacky and wild trip through time as they remember “The Bright Knight” in Adam West’s portrayal of Batman in the late ‘60s, take a peek at the new version of Wonder Woman, and wander through their memories (both recent and ancient) of a summer camp favorite: white water rafting.
In the NEWS… Tweet-TBird provides additional information about Battle for the Network Stars and some strangely familiar stars ensure this will be a truly #TechnoRetro contest. Check it out here!
We Love Our Cereal JediShua embarks on the Oops! All Berries challenge in response to Steve’s tweet about this cereal actually being more of a mixer than a cereal in its own right. See the videos on our Facebook page.
Batman 1966… We best remember Adam West when he played Batman in the 1960s TV show with Burt Ward. The straight-laced detective in a bat costume was impeccably portrayed by West in a manner that convinced kids he was serious and entertains adults (who may have seen this show as kids) with his amazing ability to say every line and play every look with a somber comedy that defies every force of nature. And that’s why we still love Batman and Adam West.
Wonder Woman Whether you’re a fan of Lynda Carter’s portrayal of the heroine from 1941 or not, you’ll likely enjoy Gal Gadot’s Wonder Woman — unanimously agreed among the ‘Dads as the best DC film in the current set of movies. Combine Thor’s mythos and Captain America’s origin story to make a DC movie that nearly rivals Marvel’s incredible success in recent years. Dads and daughters agree that this movie isn’t a waste of time and money. Bring your bucket of popcorn — it’s fun!
Lend your voice to the discussion on social media or give the ‘Dads your feedback by calling our voice mail line at (209) 878-7323 or sending us a message or mp3 via electronic-M to Please rate and review TechnoRetro Dads on iTunes and Stitcher. This episode has been brought to you by the letter "W". Share and enjoy. |
Mon, 12 June 2017
Greetings, Programs! Yesterday marked the 35th anniversary of E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial with a little, squishy green guy stranded on earth to wander about a California community with the likes of the Firestarter, Yoda, and Harvey the Clown Dog. While awaiting the next installment of the Star Wars saga, the 'Dads both checked out this endearing story of a lovable alien botanist who befriended (or possessed) a ten year-old boy who was struggling with his place in a broken home and a macabre school where frogs are killed by JediShua's fifth grade science class. Halfway through the movie, the short man from the Green Planet raided the TechnoRetro attic for toys to build the ULTIMATE WEAPON a communication device to signal his people to extract him from this crazy world in an oversized Christmas tree ornament propelled by water vapor (evident from the rainbow left behind as it blasted into space). One 'Dad went head-over-heels for this movie while the other resented its success in dethroning Star Wars (temporarily) in box office receipts. We'll leave it to the EarBuds to figure out which 'Dad loved it, but it's likely the one whose love for costuming may be linked to a homemade E.T. outfit he wore for Halloween in 1982. JediShua retrieves his brother's Speak & Spell from the attic since the buttons on his machine not only wore out, but literally fell off the Texas Instruments learning toy that nearly every GenXer played with at some point in the late '70s or early '80s. With some tunes, news, and feedback, this episode of TechnoRetro Dads is likely to dredge up some memories of a more innocent time of wonder and magic as we look to the past with one eye on the future. Share and enjoy the good times as summer camp continues with shazbazzar and JediShua...and Elliott, Gertie, and Mike. |
Mon, 5 June 2017
Are you ready for the summer? JediShua and shazbazzar are ready for good times, movies, arcade games, cereal, and even a dose of summer camp — if they can stand it. But in addition to the joys of the smoky atmosphere from leaf-heavy campfires and mosquito-infested swamp-forests, shazbazzar and JediShua are surprised by a big, hairy creature. Nope, it’s not Bigfoot or Sasquatch or even Skunk Ape, it’s our own Spacey Ace’em, Steve Glosson from the GOLiverse. So find a place at the fire and get ready for summer fun!
In the NEWS… Battlestar Galactica and Buck Rogers in the 25th Century filming props (specifically ships) will be on the auction block near the end of June. Rick Moranis comes out of hiding to reprise his role in a MacKenzie Brothers benefit special. The memorable Battle of the Network Stars from the ‘70s and ‘80s will be returning soon, according to ABC. More sequels on the horizon as the ‘80s continue to get represented in pop culture with Top Gun and Spaceballs. Will there be merchandise? Will there be controversy? Will there be tickets sold at the box office? We think so.
We Love Our Cereal After months of anticipation (and boxes of cereal eaten at the ‘Dad’s homes), Cinnamon Pebbles is now up for critical consideration in a cereal segment that might upset some EarBuds.
Harry and the Hendersons Thirty years ago, George Henderson was on his way home after a family camping trip when he accidentally hit an animal with his car. No, it wasn’t a cat or even a raccoon (Scott Ryfun). It wasn’t even Steve Glosson, though he came to the studio to talk about one of his favorite creatures on earth — Bigfoot! On June 7th, 1987, movie-goers were treated to an endearing tale of a family and their pet Sasquatch named “Harry” in Harry and the Hendersons. Starring John Lithgow, M. Emmet Walsh, Don Ameche, the mom from A Christmas Story, and a really tall Kevin Peter Hall for a classically ‘80s comedy filled with stereotypes, colorful language, and a glimpse into the lifestyles of one of the most mysterious species on the planet.
Aftershocks of 1977 Forty years ago today, Apple Computers began selling the Apple II. Touted as the first truly personal computer, the Apple II sought to bring users an easy-to-use, effective, and relatively inexpensive computer for home use. Today, we still feel the aftershocks of the meteoric rise to prominence Apple enjoyed as homes welcomed the Apple II into their living rooms. Now we have much smaller, more efficient, and less expensive mini-computers in our pockets (phone included). It kind of makes you wonder what the world would have looked like if Apple had never invented the Apple II. What if Steve Jobs teamed up with Roddy McDowell to forge ahead with computer technology? We might all be bananas by now and the planet may have well gone to the apes!
Lend your voice to the discussion on social media or give the ‘Dads your feedback by calling our voice mail line at (209) 878-7323 or sending us a message or mp3 via electronic-M to Please rate and review TechnoRetro Dads on iTunes and Stitcher. Share and enjoy. |
Mon, 29 May 2017
Celebrate Memorial Day with shazbazzar and JediShua as they remember Sir Roger Moore with a peek at another 1977 movie featuring Agent 007 of Her Majesty’s Secret Service. Just remember not to scorch your dinner (or hands) on the grill.
NEWS Boba Fett is imported from New Zealand…for good! Daniel Logan becomes a United States citizen. The memorable Battle of the Network Stars from the ‘70s and ‘80s will be returning soon, according to ABC. More sequels on the horizon as the ‘80s continue to get represented in pop culture with Top Gun and Spaceballs. Will there be merchandise? Will there be controversy? Will there be tickets sold at the box office? We think so.
Let’s Go to the Movies! The date was 7-7-77 when The Spy Who Loved Me opened in England with a big hit for the James Bond franchise. With a huge budget and an odd take on Ian Fleming’s novel of the same name, this film took some big risks that paid off. What some consider to be the best Bond movie of all time, The Spy Who Loved Me featured Roger Moore as James Bond, a title song by Carly Simon (“Nobody Does It Better”) and a Lotus that can swim underwater! Discussion drifts from disco, to different actors’ representations of 007, to other roles played by Roger Moore. So fire up your DVD player and revisit this very ‘70s version of James Bond.
TechnoRetro Arcade NAMCO’s Dig Dug is arriving at the TechnoRetro Arcade and we’re ecstatic. JediShua and shazbazzar discuss their history with the arcade classic and trade notes on their strategies as well as potential backstories for the game and its characters. PLUS: Bonus audio of the ‘Dads playing Dig Dug at Flashback Games Retro Arcade & Grill in Loganville, GA.
Feedback The Dark Crystal, cereal, and unique pilots for the Millennium Falcon are the big topics of discussion online over the past couple weeks. Don’t forget to participate on Twitter or Facebook.
Tune in to this Memorial Day episode for 77 minutes with shazbazzar and JediShua as they remember some of the best times of the ‘70s and ‘80s and look forward to what the future has in store. Don’t forget to download last Thursday’s “Top Ten” from American Top 40 with Casey Kasem with a definite Star Wars flair. Lend your voice to the discussion on social media or give the ‘Dads your feedback by calling our voice mail line at (209) 878-7323 or sending us a message or mp3 via electronic-M to Please rate and review TechnoRetro Dads on iTunes and Stitcher.
Share and enjoy. |
Thu, 25 May 2017
Star Wars premiered in theaters 40 years ago today. And since the number 40 has a nice ring to it, TechnoRetro Dads delve into the archives of American Top 40 with Casey Kasem as a soundtrack for the day. In a strange turn of events, an alternative version of the radio show came across the airwaves as host Spacey Ace’em counts down the Top Ten from the week of May 25, 1977 and while the tunes sound familiar, the lyrics are a bit odd. Count down the greatest hits of this week 40 years ago with a flair from that galaxy far, far away. Special thanks to Steve Glosson, Glen Nelson, High Adventure, Mrs. JediShua, and Scott Ryfun (for moral support).
10. “Feels Like Luke’s First Time” The British/Georgian band GOLiver takes a peek at the unlikely successes of a teenager from Tatooine.
9. “Lonely Boy” No, it’s not Andrew Gold — but the story of a boy feeling separated from family resonates with artists Red, Blue, Gold as they follow the exploits of an orphan who loses almost everyone close to him before discovering his long lost sister and father. This dark story has a light side for those who like happy endings.
8. “You Squeal” While Star Wars impressed audiences everywhere with its sights, sounds, and storyline, not everyone liked every character. Gordon Rogers’ song formerly topped the Country charts before making it to the Top Ten on TR40’s list. Artoo Detoo’s squeaking and squealing didn’t hit the right note with one Dad who had taken his family out to watch Star Wars.
7. “Had Him in My Sight” Glen Frey told us that smugglers and the Blues blend together well, but long before he recorded “Smugglers’ Blues”, The Parsecs Blues Band kicked off this tune about a smuggler trying to earn enough money to pay off his debts while avoiding any bounty hunters who are looking to cash him in with Jabba the Hutt. It’s Han vs Greedo with a classic finale worthy of 1977.
6. “Gonna Fly Now” Bill Conti meets John Williams as two great movies from two great years mash-up in this soundtrackstic jazzy bit.
5. “Got to Sell Some Droids” Jawas have to dance, too. To fund their habit, they acquire and sell ‘droids on their home planet of Tatooine. It might be hard to understand their speech sometimes, but after listening to Marvin & Robin Jawa’s funky bass line, you’ll get the message loud and clear.
4. “Dreams” Fleetwood Sarlacc tracks the budding love affair between the princess and the pirate as Han and Leia revisit the trope of rich girl/bad boy as she questions whether he is capable of loving anything other than money.
3. “I’m Kenobi Man” The second disco/funk tune in this week’s top ten is O.B. and the TwinSunshine Band’s biopic about a Jedi who leaves the hustle and bustle of the galaxy to hide out on a desert planet and protect the son of Skywalker. After all, he may be the last hope for everyone.
2. “When I Need You” We’ve all been there. When you’re trapped at work and all you want to do is Star Wars, the need is real. Maybe singer Shua-O Player just needs to keep some collectables and toys near him at all times to keep his addiction at bay.
1. “Sir Luke” It’s brassy. It’s jazzy. It’s groovy. Shazzie Blunder bumps into an instant classic that’s gonna have everyone feeling the Force from head toe.
And that’s the Top Ten. Of course, there are a few surprises along the way, so plug in your ear buds, EarBuds, and turn up the tunes. We’re betting you’ll be dancing before it’s over.
Don’t forget this past Monday’s episode for 77 minutes with shazbazzar and JediShua this week as they recall how Star Wars affected them and our whole world over the past forty years, and lend your voice to the discussion on social media or give the ‘Dads your feedback by calling our voice mail line at (209) 878-7323 or sending us a message or mp3 via electronic-M to Please rate and review TechnoRetro Dads on iTunes and Stitcher.
Share and enjoy. |
Mon, 22 May 2017
Star Wars, not much but Star Wars! Just under forty years ago, the world shook with under the rumbling of a gigantic Star Destroyer as the Emperor’s sinister agent, Darth Vader, pursued Princess Leia’s ship on screens across the country. This modern myth for the ‘70s generation took hold of pop culture on May 25, 1977 and never let loose. Like a blast from the DEATH STAR, Star Wars blew away movie goers in theaters everywhere and decimated box office records within hours of its release. And for the most part, it has never left the public consciousness. This week on TechnoRetro Dads, we recount it all! (Well, not technically all of it. We only have 77 minutes, after all.)
In the NEWS… 5-25-77 is finally coming to theaters after being teased to fanboys and fangirls for the past decade. Patrick Mead Johnson’s biopic about a boy obsessed with sci-fi movies embraces the day that the movie that changed everything. Sadly, no theaters are set to show 5-25-77 near shazbazzar, but EarBuds might be in luck for a showing near them this week and weekend! But shaz isn’t totally disheartened, because another retro favorite is finally set to hit screens as Netflix prepares to deliver a new addition to The Dark Crystal lore in a ten-episode series coming…sometime in the future. PLUS: TMZ leaks some pics from the upcoming Han Solo anthology movie that is slated to arrive this time next year.
Aftershocks of 1977 Star Wars hit theaters almost 40 years ago, and by the end of the week everyone is going to be talking about it, so we might as well start bright and early this Monday morning! From the cinema to the toy shelves, Star Wars has dominated the past four decades of pop culture beginning with a single phrase typed in blue over a solid black background, the majority of our lives has been lived in the shadow of a galaxy far, far away. JediShua and shazbazzar begin to recount the numerous ways Star Wars has influenced them directly as well as connecting a variety of movies, TV shows, and mounds of merchandise to the film with its iconic characters on both sides of this galactic conflict between the light and the dark. From their earliest memories of seeing the movie to the origins of TechnoRetro Dads, the ‘Dads talk about the Kenner toys, early games, apparel, and even Dixie cups that enabled fans a means of having the Force with them always, even after the movie was no longer in theaters.
Spend 77 minutes with shazbazzar and JediShua this week as they recall how Star Wars affected them and our whole world over the past forty years, and lend your voice to the discussion on social media or give the ‘Dads your feedback by calling our voice mail line at (209) 878-7323 or sending us a message or mp3 via electronic-M to Don’t forget to rate and review TechnoRetro Dads on iTunes and Stitcher.
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Mon, 15 May 2017
We’ve got a long way to go and just 77 minutes to get there. And though we’re not doing anything that they said can’t be done, we’re doing it fun, fast, and with (a little) flair… and having some laughs along the way.
In the NEWS… The Thing is making its way to the realm of board games with The Thing: Infection at Outpost 31 and Mondo Tees is offering a special edition of the movie-based game this October. If you think that banana candy doesn’t taste like bananas, you’re bananas! You just haven’t tasted the right variety of banana — and neither have we — because they’re extinct. Dr. Ian Malcolm is coming back to the Jurassic Galaxy after doing a little dancing during the closing credits of Guardians of the Galaxy. Blondie goes under the sea as Debbie Harry and Chris Stein become the queen and king of Coney Island’s Mermaid Parade this year.
Smokey & The Bandit From its premiere six days before Star Wars in 1977 to its wide release on May 27th, Smokey & The Bandit played second fiddle to the movie that changed everything forever. The second highest grossing movie of the year, this comedic action adventure is as iconic to American pop culture as its 40 year-old counterpart. Featuring Burt Reynolds, Jerry Reed, Sally Field, and Jackie Gleason, Smokey & The Bandit chases Bandit and Snowman from Texarkana to Atlanta as they bootleg 400 cases of Coors to win a bet with the loquacious Buford T. Justice in hot pursuit. It’s a ridiculous riot of racing and ramping in a black Pontiac Firebird Trans-Am. And if you’ve never seen it, you might be able to catch it in theaters next week!
Aftershocks of 1977 Although the Pontiac Firebird debuted a decade earlier and the Trans-Am package had been in existence since 1969, the featured car from Smokey & The Bandit inspired a drastic increase in sales of Trans-Ams by nearly 50% in a year to almost doubling sales by 1979. The popularity of the car saw it featured more and more over the years including another black version of the ride being given artificial intelligence and the voice of Mr. Feeney as KITT in NBC’s Knight Rider with David Hasselhoff driving (who just also happened to make a cameo in Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 2). PLUS: shazbazzar avoids a horrific crash in a 1995 Trans-Am in a very unexpected (and unexciting) way.
Feedback The past couple episodes of TechnoRetro Dads have generated loads of discussion on social media, voice messages, and electronic-M. Thanks to the voices of Mark All, Scott Ryfun, Chris Black, Steve Glosson, Mike MacDonald, Steven Chopchik, Michael Goldtrap, Darth Taxus, and Michael Nipp, we enjoy more discussion about arcade games, cereal, ‘70s sci-fi TV, videotapes, and an amazing mini car racetrack.
Let us know what you’re thinking by contacting us on social media or give us your feedback by calling our voice mail line at (209) 878-7323 or sending us a message or mp3 via electronic-M to Don’t forget to rate and review TechnoRetro Dads on iTunes and Stitcher.
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Mon, 8 May 2017
Greetings, Programs!
As we draw ever nearer to the actual 40th anniversary of the release of Star Wars in theaters, the excitement continues to grow everywhere in this galaxy as well as that one far, far away after Princess Leia’s Stolen Death Star Plans stormed the Internet with A New Hope for original mash-ups as Palette-Swap Ninja provided a Beatlesesque soundtrack for the movie with the 50th anniversary of Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band just weeks away.
In the NEWS… Wear your old mix tapes on your sleeve with the new ELBOW from BrainMonk — a smallish portable cassette player that may actually be released in the near future. Then you can sit back and relax in your Silver Chair while you wait for the next movie in the Narnia saga. And don’t forget to use the Frork when eating one of the newest sandwich offerings at McDonald’s. With a bit of Beatles news from Sirius XM and the aforementioned album from Palette-Swap Ninja, the news this week is so far out-of-this-world, we might need to charter the classic Star Tours ride (at least in virtual reality) to catch up to the genius of this parody rich duo.
We Love Our Cereal British neuroscience research consultant Dr. Jennifer Newson conducted a widespread study of a diverse group of subjects (78 women in the U.K.) in a two-day experiment for Kellogg’s Special K to discover how women’s “eating context” affected their perception of how nourished they were from 30 grams of cereal in 125 milliliters of cold skimmed milk. The headline for this highly scientific study — “REVEALED: Why eating cereal from a SQUARE bowl will make you feel fuller.” Thanks, Thea De Gallier of
TechoRetro Arcade Atari spins the rollerball …er, uh… trackball and mashes the quickfire button in classic exterminator style with their release of Centipede to arcades. JediShua and shazbazzar found at least some success in racking up points and levels in the arcade version of this iconic video game. With fleas, spiders, and scorpions, Centipede has always been a popular pick amongst gamers for over thirty years.
Saturday Morning When Doctor Smith from Lost in Space tries to ride the coattails of Star Wars, a television series will surely be lifted to new heights as the rising tide lifts all boats. What’s that? Space Academy isn’t a boat? You don’t say! It was cancelled once it failed to find a following in the fall of 1977.
History Lesson Captain America watches the Brooklyn Dodgers play against Philadelphia. 1984 is on the phone and wants its fascist agenda back (thanks, George Orwell). And Kyle Reese emerges from the future to prevent a Terminator from stopping John Conner before he ever gets started.
Give us your tips on playing Centipede, your hopes for this year’s Star Wars fare, or anything about cereal by contacting us on social media or give us your feedback by calling our voice mail line at (209) 878-7323 or sending us a message or mp3 via electronic-M to Don’t forget to rate and review TechnoRetro Dads on iTunes and Stitcher.
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Mon, 1 May 2017
The first week of May is filled with loads of pop culture greatness with Star Wars Day on Thursday, Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 2 on Friday, and loads of TechnoRetro News for EarBuds everywhere. Join shazbazzar and JediShua as they emerge from the hurried and harried month of April to bloom with a variety of colors in May. You know… Mayflowers. Like Pilgrims at Plymouth Rock.
In the NEWS… Guardians of the Galaxy is coming Friday — forty years after Glen Campbell’s “Southern Nights” hit the top slot on American Top 40. He-Man is back in the news with Sony’s announcement of the release date for Masters of the Universe on shazbazzar’s birthday in 2019. Without any information about a director or any casting, there’s little room for speculation except to say we’re hopeful for a good sci-fi/fantasy film in December 2019. Classic arcade game Rampage is also coming to theaters in the future featuring “The Rock” with a plot that tosses the game’s storyline out the window. At least we can expect to see gigantic animals crushing city buildings, smashing military vehicles, and eating citizens. A popular fan theory about Stan Lee’s appearances in the Marvel Cinematic Universe gains traction as Kevin Feige responds to watchful (and imaginative) eyes. EarBud Joey (in Tuscon) tweets about a new LEGO Dimensions expansion pack that is filled with #TechnoRetro glory. Two dozen Midway arcade games make their way into the LEGO universe for Gamer Boy to play to the best of his ability. We’ve got to pick this up! Captain Jack Sparrow appears LIVE in the Pirates of the Caribbean ride at Disneyland.
We Love Our Cereal JediShua claims that Cinnamon Frosted Flakes aren’t that bad, but shazbazzar isn’t convinced…yet. Danielle Smith, a high school student in Tustin, California sells cereal to fund the purchase and upkeep of a cow in an Ethiopian orphanage. Certainly, the babies need their milk, but the kids need something to pour over their cereal, too!
TechoRetro Arcade Williams Electronics’ horizontal shooter Defender makes its way to the TechnoRetro Arcade. The ‘Dads remember their days playing this classic from 1981 in the arcades of their youth as well as finding it in today’s retro arcades.
History Lesson The origins of Star Wars Day are discovered to predate the prequels by more than three centuries. Gulliver evidently needed the Force to be with him on his travels, launching his voyage from Bristol on May the 4th in 1699.
Give us your tips on playing Defender on social media or give us your feedback by calling our voice mail line at (209) 878-7323 or sending us a message or mp3 via electronic-M to Don’t forget to rate and review TechnoRetro Dads on iTunes and Stitcher.
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Mon, 10 April 2017
’Twas galaxy, far 'way long ago, "Beware the Jabba Wook, my son! He took his vornskr sword in hand: And, though in Ugnaught height he wished, One, two! One, two! And through and through "And, has thou slain the Jabba Wook? ’Twas galaxy, far 'way long ago,
In the NEWS… Big Trouble in Little China finds a home on your card table with a miniatures board game with characters from the camp-classic ‘80s film. Steve Austin profits from rapidly increasing inflation in the upcoming Six Billion Dollar Man. Yes. We said BILLION. Classic Star Wars stickers come in a #TechnoRetro book for nostalgia’s sake with a bit of a new take as Rogue One stickers join the original trilogy rerelease of gum-pack card stickers. Crosley celebrates the 40th anniversary of Star Wars on Record Store Day later this month.
Aftershocks of 1977 Terry Gilliam unleashes his first feature-length independent film with Jabberwocky starring Michael Palin. With Pythonesque humor and familiar faces in this British comedy, the film was marketed in the United States as Monty Python’s Jabberwocky, much to the chagrin of Gilliam.
TechnoRetro Arcade Midway’s GORF combines Space Invaders, Galaxian, Galaga, Asteroids, and more in this iconic alien-blasting shooter from 1981. With synthesized vocoders and the ability to buy extra lives by shoving more quarters in the slot, a new age of video games was launched.
History Lesson The Titanic takes on passengers and millions of gallons of freezing water this week in 1912. Tom Hanks turns a successful launch of Apollo 13 into a failed mission and happy landing after venting oxygen in 1970. Today is Inception Day for LEON in Blade Runner. Abraham Lincoln refuses immortality, the army of the Twelve Monkeys catches on, and (of course) Billy Madison continues making his way through school.
Get ready for Celebration with shazbazzar and JediShua for 77 minutes of reliving the things that made us who we are today — even those who were too young to remember those times. Be sure to let us know what you’re thinking on social media, or give us your feedback by calling our voice mail line at (209) 878-7323 or sending us a message or mp3 via electronic-M to Don’t forget to rate and review TechnoRetro Dads on iTunes and Stitcher.
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Sat, 1 April 2017
With four years behind them, shazbazzar and JediShua begin the next chapter in TechnoRetro Dads with a shorter-than-usual episode (due to time constraints) as we continue to look at news, history, video games, and Aftershocks of 1977. The year ahead looks fantastic — much better than this episode.
In the NEWS… An unbelievable amount of news was released this week about Disney, Star Wars, TRON, Indiana Jones, and Ready Player Two. You won’t believe your ears when you hear what we have to say about it!
We Love Our Cereal… A brand new, unannounced cereal has just unseated Cinnamon Toast Crunch as the all-around best cereal of all time. What is it? Tune in to find out.
TechnoRetro Arcade What could be better than watching Q*bert fall off his pyramid of cubes? Raking falling leaves! We’re guessing that few people still remember this 1982 interactive arcade game by Gotchlieb.
Aftershocks of 1977 We take a peek back at the Bosco award winning movie from 1977, Danny Paul. The tragic comedy features a forty-something dad with a neurosis that causes him to revert back to his former years at random and puts everyone in disarray. Only available on Betamax these days, this one will be hard to find!
History Lesson Loads of Fictional History of fictional events all occur on the same day — and we’re here to chronicle them all! Find out more by downloading TechnoRetro Dads.
Check out TechnoRetro Dads from the past four years as you await the next episode on April 10th. Join shazbazzar and JediShua in reliving the things that made us who we are today — even those who were too young to remember those times. Be sure to let us know what you’re thinking on social media, or give us your feedback by calling our voice mail line at (209) 878-7323 or sending us a message or mp3 via electronic-M to Don’t forget to rate and review TechnoRetro Dads on iTunes and Stitcher.
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Mon, 27 March 2017
As shazbazzar and JediShua start Spring Break, they conclude the fourth season of TechnoRetro Dads. For those who have joined the ‘Dads since they first wandered with Willow until their most recent Joust at the arcade and for those who have tuned in somewhere along the way, pour a bowl of your favorite cereal, slather on some sunscreen (or Starscreen, as Shua likes to call it), and sit back in your beach chair for 77 minutes on this Good Morning and watch the Captain sail his ship out to sea.
In the NEWS… Two icons of the past, Chuck Berry and Chuck Barris, both passed away within a week of each other. From the earliest days of Rock ’n’ Roll, Chuck Berry added his unforgettable talent to the rolls of rockers. Talent was on the menu for Chuck Barris, but on an entirely different level, of course. The creator and host of the ‘70s version of the popular Got Talent franchise, Barris put together comedy greatness with The Gong Show where celebrity judges look for talent in the seemingly least likely places. PLUS: Star Wars and the Power of Costume is leaving Denver for Cincinnati in May. It’s time to buy your tickets to this exhibit (for either city) right now!
We Love Our Cereal… Honey Nut Cheerios is lacking a mascot but gets a special addition inside their boxes. We’re all wondering whether this prize has different versions for different regions of the country or if “one size fits most.” It’s likely to bee the source of some controversy and possibly more problems than it hopes to correct if it’s the latter. Finally, it’s time to put the other Girl Scouts cereal to the test with Sheldon’s original Cereal Connoisseur Rating System (using Oneida cereal teaspoon). Find out what the ‘Dads think about thin mints in a chilled bowl of milk (thanks for the idea, Steve Glosson).
TechnoRetro Arcade What do you call a pyramid of cubes with color-changing tops, dropping orbs, coiled snakes, Esheresque enemies, diagonal moves, and an obscenity- uttering orange alien hero who has a tube nose/mouth combination? In 1982, we discovered Q*bert to the consternation of many arcade aficionados. The unique style of play captured the attention of kids everywhere as quarters poured into coin slots for the satisfying sounds of Gottlieb’s most famous addition to video game lore. Whether you played Q*bert as a kid or you got into the game later in life, this classic calls for more than a passing glance.
Good Morning, Captain! Captain Kangaroo entertained a couple of generations of kids from the mid-fifties to the mid-eighties, and the ‘Dads were certainly in the mix. With ping-pong balls to green jeans, Captain Kangaroo was part of a balanced breakfast before kids made their way to school.
History Lesson Richard Kimball was delivered by a doctor on March 27, 1948 — years before he was convicted of killing his own wife. Taylor wonders about the difference in ape life and human life. A Betazoid from Betazed takes her first breath. A journalist from TMNT starts a video record that will become significant later in life. Many fools are born on the first, while Billy Madison continues his pursuit of a minimal education.
Feedback Andy Lindeman sends an electronic-M filled with rules and cards for a homemade version of Uno. His first version was written years ago on a Commodore 64. This guy is totally #TechnoRetro!
Check out TechnoRetro Dads each week for more unexpected memories from the ‘70s and ‘80s. Continue the heyday of pop culture and relive the things that made us who we are today — even those who were too young to remember those times. Be sure to let us know what you’re thinking on social media, or give us your feedback by calling our voice mail line at (209) 878-7323 or sending us a message or mp3 via electronic-M to Don’t forget to rate and review TechnoRetro Dads on iTunes and Stitcher.
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Mon, 20 March 2017
Spring officially arrives today and Spring Break is on the horizon. Before hurrying out to the beach, be sure to pack your ear buds for a trip back in time to the ‘70s and ‘80s with shazbazzar and JediShua as they remember a couple games we all enjoyed playing as kids (and can still play today, if we’re lucky). Get ready for fun and funniness this week on TechnoRetro Dads!
In the NEWS… Amazing Stories, the Steven Spielberg anthology series from the mid-eighties may soon return. With imaginative tales of fiction, fantasy, and fright, this weekly show was a staple for GenXers who were facing the certainty of no new Star Wars movies for the foreseeable future. Brian Fuller takes the reigns (with Spielberg’s approval) to reinvigorate television with distinctive episodes that will surely resound with today’s audiences. The Ultimate Visual History of Back to the Future is rereleased as a “Collector’s Edition” with a 3D sculpted movie poster of the original Drew Struzan art and several bonus features like three 32-page books (one for each movie). Edward James Olmos reprises his role as Eduardo Gaff in Blade Runner 2049.
We Love Our Cereal… The Keebler Elves are sneaking tiny cookies into people’s cereals — and we appreciate it! PLUS: DC Superheroes cover boxes of Big G cereals and the mascots get in on the action. Collect them all and read the comic books in every box.
Toys in the Attic Games have always been integral to toy boxes, and card games are part of the fun for friends and family. Since the ‘70s, Uno has been a staple for kids and adults alike, allowing anyone who can match colors and numbers to have a chance at winning a game against virtually anyone else. The luck of the draw is the main thing, as well as well-timed usage of “special” cards like Reverse, Draw Two, Skip, and Wild. Race to be the first to play every card in your hand, but make sure you say “Uno!” when you’re down to a single card or you may find yourself holding more cards than you bargained for!
TechnoRetro Arcade From knights on horseback in medieval times to clones against ‘droids on speeder bikes, the strength of lances against armor at high speed has been entertaining for hundreds of years (and painful for the contestants). In 1982, Williams Electronics continued the success they had in the video game industry with Defender by releasing Joust, a reimagined combat game pitting mounted knights against each other with lances seeking to unseat their opponents. This time, however, the knights ride on flying steeds: either a buzzard, an ostrich, or a stork. Combining running on flat surfaces at different elevations with flying through the air, Players 1 and 2 challenge computer players for survival amidst additional dangers from lava and pterodactyls. “But ostriches can’t fly!” some protest. Evidently the minds behind this iconic game figured flying ostriches was more believable than running eagles. Go figure.
History Lesson This week is filled with fictional history from the frontier of 100 years ago to the comic book movies of this decade as the ‘Dads open the TechnoRetro history books with snippets from Legends of the Fall, Forrest Gump, Billy Madison, Watchmen, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Raiders of the Lost Ark, and more!
Feedback EarBuds chime in with updates on the seven “earth-sized” planets mentioned a couple weeks ago and memories of Kevin Flynn in King Kong. With a mention of Scholastic Book orders back in our school days, the ‘Dads affectionately recall their own days in elementary school with the pulp order forms made their way into the hands of children, opening their imaginations to the future.
Check out TechnoRetro Dads each week for more news about franchises and fandom from the ‘70s and ‘80s that continues to this day as well as reliving those amazing times that made us who we are today — even those who were too young to remember those times. Be sure to let us know what you’re thinking on social media, or give us your feedback by calling our voice mail line at (209) 878-7323 or sending us a message or mp3 via electronic-M to Don’t forget to rate and review TechnoRetro Dads on iTunes and Stitcher.
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Mon, 13 March 2017
As the new week begins with new time for those who observe the change in time that coincides with the change in seasons, TechnoRetro Dads have discovered a way to solve the problem of losing an hour of sleep on the day time “Springs Forward”: add an eighth day to the week for rest! But that’s not the only EIGHT in this week’s episode. JediShua and shazbazzar talk about Eight Is Enough with Dick Van Patten and Adam Rich, Scott Ryfun provides informational feedback with an 8-Track electronic-M and more shapes and sounds of the number eight provide loads of fun this Monday morning before Pi Day and during the week of St. Patrick’s Day. (This episode is brought to you by the number eight and the color green).
In the NEWS… Turner Broadcasting and Warner Brothers team up to present a streaming version of Boomerang with thousands of your favorite cartoons from decades of Saturday mornings and syndicated shows from Warner Bros., MGM, and Hanna-Barbera! The cost is five dollars per month or forty dollars annually (that’s five time eight for the mathematically challenged). The starship Enterprise D gets the 3D treatment in virtual reality through the Enterprise 3D Project.
We Love Our Cereal… …who doesn’t? Ben & Jerry’s shares a bowl with those lucky enough to have a Ben & Jerry’s Scoop Shop near them (sorry, shaz — no ice cream for you) featuring breakfast morning favorites like Frosted Flakes, Cocoa Pebbles, and Fruity Pebbles. Cereal continues to gain ground in the marketplace as the next step in cerealtastic recipes moves forward to include frozen versions of Saturday morning fare.
Aftershocks of 1977 On March 15th of this banner year, Dick Van Patten, Adam Rich, and Luke Skywalker’s cousin Mark Hamill star in the pilot episode of Eight Is Enough, a “bigger than Brady Bunch” family dramedy for the late ‘70s and early ‘80s that ushered in the new era of culture and politics that pushed conservative family shows into the past and opened the floodgates of the family as reimagined for a more “enlightened” society. Proving once again that 1977 impacted western culture in ways that are still felt forty years later, the family as promoted in this series has become the norm in sitcoms over the past four decades (minus a few kids, of course).
Feedback Radio talk show host and podcaster Scott Ryfun responds to shazbazzar’s and JediShua’s lack of fluency in the ways of 8-Track tapes. From his 1977 powder blue LTD wagon, Ryfun schools the ‘Dads in the mixed-up albums of a thankfully bygone era in portable audio, complete with the iconic “kerchunk” of track changes. KISS, Aerosmith, and Battlestar Galactica fuel the Feedback fodder in this lengthy discussion of 8-Track tapes with memories that are both funny and fond.
Check out TechnoRetro Dads each week for more news about franchises and fandom from the ‘70s and ‘80s that continues to this day as well as reliving those amazing times that made us who we are today — even those who were too young to remember those times. Be sure to let us know what you’re thinking on social media, or give us your feedback by calling our voice mail line at (209) 878-7323 or sending us a message or mp3 via electronic-M to Don’t forget to rate and review TechnoRetro Dads on iTunes, Stitcher, or Google Play.
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Mon, 6 March 2017
Greetings, Programs!
TRON is in the news again (sort of), and is heavily featured in this week’s episode of TechnoRetro Dads (well, FLYNN is, anyway) as shazbazzar and JediShua take another look at King Kong from 1976, monkey around with ‘Dad jokes, and finally get to some Feedback from our EarBuds. Get ready for 77 seconds minutes of gigantic gorilla goodness on the first Monday of March!
In the NEWS… Dungeons & Dragons might find its next incarnation in the form of buildable modules built of smaller modules. Tune in to find out more. Joseph Kosinski talks about TRON Ascension, seven earth-sized planets less than a Kessel Run away, and memories of Bill Paxton.
Let’s All Go to the Movies… …and watch Kong: Skull Island. But before we go, we take a peek at earlier versions and revisit the Dino De Laurentiis 1976 King Kong with Jessica Lange, Charles Grodin, and Kevin Flynn with beautiful hair. The classic creation from 1933 is reimagined during the energy crisis of the ‘70s with a naïve wannabe actress with a penchant for skimpy clothes, a troped-up bad guy from a greedy petroleum corporation, the original USER Kevin Flynn, and Odo from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. With Kong: Skull Island premiering later this week, it only seems reasonable to remind ourselves of “the most exciting original motion picture event of all time.”
History Lesson After the W Files and before the Y Files were the X Files (at least that’s what we want to believe). Adam Sandler finishes fifth grade (before JediShua started teaching fifth grade). Weyland Industries leaves out the eighth vertical so the ‘Dads can claim it. Bright Eyes gets her “treatment”. Scarlett Johansson unintentionally embodies the singularity. The One is born. Yes, by “One” we mean “Neo”, otherwise known as Mr. Anderson. Which reminds us of this week’s brief Aftershock of 1977: Philip K. Dick predicted The Matrix at the Metz Sci-Fi Convention in France.
Feedback Rory O’Toole finds an old bag from Video Exchange and reveals a license plate Easter egg in American Graffiti. Starships, Sabers, and Scoundrels Dennis Keithly and Darth Taxus spice up the 8-Track discussion with a Pumpkin Marshmallow “Spirit in the Sky”, the Spider-Pan can’t figure out “What a Fool Believes”, D$ discovers The Legal Sword of Shunnarah, and Jedi Arjii finds a way to make Rocky even better — more Star Wars!
TechnoRetro Dads go bananas for big primates this week, and want more electronic-Ms and voice mails from our EarBuds. So let us know what you’re thinking on social media, or you can give us your feedback and let us know what you think by calling our voice mail line at (209) 878-7323 or sending us an mp3 via electronic-M to Don’t forget to rate and review TechnoRetro Dads on iTunes!
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Mon, 27 February 2017
Whether you love the Academy Awards or the Oscars make you grouchy, the morning after Hollywood’s most celebrated celebration of La La Land will most assuredly bring joy to your Monday morning and get your work week off to a better than Rocky start. So get off the Fences and find those long lost toys and Hidden Figures from your Star Wars collection and join shazbazzar and JediShua as the Moonlight gives way to daybreak with the Arrival of the latest episode of TechnoRetro Dads. So stop Lion there in bed and Hacksaw the dream chains before you miss out on the bright day ahead!
In the NEWS… Weird Al fills an accordion with loads of vinyl including previously unreleased tracks alongside a complete collection of his works. Rogue One comes to your home in just over a month on DVD and Blu-ray. The Last Jedi title discussion reaches a conclusion with French and Spanish titles’ explanation of this questionable phrase in English.
Aftershocks of 1977 Find out how the 49th Academy Awards launched the career of an iconic actor when the Best Picture of 1976 featured a nearly penniless man, his dog, and a heart that enabled him to go the distance. Rocky continues to hit viewers where it counts four decades after its initial release. JediShua and shazbazzar relate their thoughts about this classic film that put Sylvester Stallone on the Hollywood best list.
Toys in the Attic With Toy Fair in the rear-view mirror, the ‘Dads react to some of the toys that scored with them. From retrotastic space helmets to booming balloon sabers, and miniaturized arcade cabinets to upgraded talking teddy bears, these toys will be a hit with the X Generation when they go shopping for their kids (or grandkids) this year.
TechnoRetro Speculations With the announcement of Rogue One on Blu-ray comes speculations and hopes for what could be included in the various packages and exclusives next month. Although shazbazzar and JediShua don’t have any voice in what should be included, they share some of their hopes about the unlikely possibilities as the latest addition to the Star Wars movies gets its first release (of course there will be many, many more releases over the next four decades).
History Lesson Sam Beckett battles the “Curse of the Ptah Hotep” as an archaeologist sixty years ago. John Connor celebrates his thirty-second birthday just before the most well-known Weasley turns thirty-six. A dumb kid realizes that we’re not alone in the universe on a back road while Adam Sandler gets smarter. This week’s fictional history is finally truly historical.
TechnoRetro Dads is the perfect cure for your morning after blues after the Oscar after parties. We would love to hear from our EarBuds via Twitter @TechnoRetroDads or on Facebook, so let us know what you’re thinking on social media, or you can give us your feedback and let us know what you think by calling our voice mail line at (209) 878-7323 or sending us an mp3 via electronic-M to Don’t forget to rate and review TechnoRetro Dads on iTunes!
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