Enjoy Stuff: A TechnoRetro Podcast

Greetings, Programs!

Whether it is a snake in an envelope, a question in a test pamphlet, or automatic laces coming in 2015, the unexpected (and sometimes unexplainable) could very well show up on TechnoRetro Dads.


This week, there is more news about Star Wars: REBELS, Tom Angleberger is doodling in some of his new books, and Toy Fair revealed some #TechnoRetro goodies coming soon to toy aisles everywhere.  Plus, we have finally gotten around to seeing The Lego Movie (and we are getting around to some of your feedback, as well). 


Be sure to send in your feedback, too.  With lots of opportunities to play along with us through the TechnoRetro Cereal Challenge, the current Science Project, and the Lazy Book Club, you can lend your thoughts (and voice) to all sorts of #TechnoRetro goodness! Send an electronic-M to podcast@TechnoRetroDads.com, or call us at (209)TR-TRDad.  You can also join in the discussions at forum.technoretrodads.com.

Direct download: TRDads_01.47.mp3
Category:TechnoRetro Dads -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

Greetings, Programs!

JediShua is determined to rescue the Kobayashi Maru while shazbazzar continues to battle Hoth-like conditions in the south, but that’s not important right now.  


The TechnoRetro Dads are in the midst of a thirty year-old debate over one of the most controversial topics of our generation. Undaunted by the challenge, both shazbazzar and JediShua put up the best arguments for each side of the Great Bounty Hunter Pronunciation Dilemma.  


Plus: news about Star Wars, preorders for “Retro Action” figures, Robotland in Seoul, unexpected history lessons, and more talk of Atari (we may be on to something here). 


All this and more on the very political (not really) Presidents’ Day episode of TechnoRetro Dads.


Don’t forget the Froot Loops Science Project and the Lazy Book Club featuring Ernie Cline’s novel, Ready Player One. Send us an electronic-M with your discoveries and voice messages to podcast@TechnoRetroDads.com, or you can call us at (209)TR-TRDad.  We want to hear from you!

Direct download: TRDads_01.46.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

Greetings, Programs!

You never know what you will hear on TechnoRetro Dads.  This episode was recorded (mostly) in the shazbazzar family room when JediShua and Mrs. Shua came down for a weekend visit.  You will hear dogs barking, panting, and running on the tile floor.  You will hear televisions and video games being played.  You will hear voices in the background.  Why is this episode scrambled with these echoes of present and past?  Because we were having a blast being together as a big, happy, TechnoRetro family!  You can hear that, too!

But the regular segments are packed in this podcast as well.  History Lessons (with a reminder that Valentine’s Day is this week), a TechnoRetro Challenge, Toys in the Attic (or shazbazzar spaceport, to be more precise), and even a bit (or byte) of News.  

So plug in your ear buds and join in the fun as we fend off invaders from space, score touchdowns, blast asteroids, and use our best combat tactics with tanks and planes.  We are doing our part to make your Mondays better, so enjoy!

Be sure to give us some feedback.  Send us an electronic-M with your thoughts and voice messages to podcast@TechnoRetroDads.com, or you can call us at (209)TR-TRDad.  We want to hear from you!

Direct download: TRDads_01.45.mp3
Category:TechnoRetro Dads -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

Greetings, Programs!

The excitement of yesterday has come and gone, and again, the present became the past and what was the news is now history.  The groundhog predicted the weather and Atreyu lost Artax in New Jersey.  Although there was much weeping and wailing during and after the Big Game Sunday night, it could not quench the excitement following a fantastic Saturday TechnoRetro Reunion (more about that later). 

But the game goes on, ear buds!  We got right back up on that horse (excuse the pun) and lined-up our favorite pieces at “GO!” and took a look back at one of our favorite games, Monopoly.  The Flintstones/Pebbles TechnoRetro Challenge is almost over (so submit your thoughts) and a brand new Science Project is in the works as we start getting responses about the fruity flavors and bright colors of Froot Loops.  Chopper is in the News and and NASA is History in 77 minutes of therapy for Broncos fans.

Download early, listen in, and send us an electronic-M with your thoughts and voice messages to podcast@TechnoRetroDads.com, or you can call us at (209)TR-TRDad.  We want to hear from you!

Direct download: TRDads_01.44_.mp3
Category:TechnoRetro Dads -- posted at: 3:00am EDT