Enjoy Stuff: A TechnoRetro Podcast

Greetings, Programs!  


Although school isn’t quite out yet, both shazbazzar and JediShua have been to graduation ceremonies for the class of 2015.  And as summer begins (unofficially) this weekend, the ‘Dads remember lots of things that made growing up in the 70s and 80s kind of awesome.  Did your Mom ever tell you to make sure you had on clean underwear?  Was she willing to take it to the next logical step by getting you underwear that’s fun to wear?  Did you play the JAWS game from 1976 that featured a plastic shark with a mouth full of junk?  Did you know that you can still get that game under another moniker?  Did you even know what “moniker” meant before reading that line just now?


It’s Memorial Day, Geek Pride Day, Ye Ole Star Wars Day, and Towel Day — it’s a great Monday to go to the beach, grill out in the backyard, or order a pizza.  And while you’re doing any or all of those things, tune in to TechnoRetro Dads, where the past and future come together in the present.


Like in the NEWS where cheeseburger-shaped drones can follow you around like a flying bloodhound, or when a Pitch Perfect star goes grailing as Dr. Jones, or when the Last Starfighter becomes the Next-to-the-Last Straighter (didn’t see that coming, did ya?)… 


With lots of ways to play along with JAWS Seaquels, red-clad superheroes, cereal challenges, and more, you can be a part of all things #TechnoRetro by sending your voicemail to (209)TR-TRDad, (209)878-7323, recording a voice message and sending it via electronic-M to podcast@technoretrodads.com, contacting us through Facebook or Twitter, and chiming in with your comments, questions, and ideas.



So plug in your earbuds, EarBuds, and tune in for over 40 years of fun in only 77 minutes.

Direct download: TRDads_03.06.mp3
Category:TechnoRetro Dads -- posted at: 5:30am EDT

Greetings, Programs!  


Karate tests, driving tests, graduation preparation, and trips to the zoo are just the beginning on today’s TechnoRetro Dads.  With summer on the horizon, shazbazzar and JediShua are busy during these final days before the kids are out for a couple of months (“Almost there.”)  Can you hear the anticipation building? 


IN THE NEWS: Kermit’s back this week — and coming back to TV with an announcement that a new Muppet Show is coming to ABC. Variety show?  Reality TV? Something else? We can hardly wait! Red Bull takes flight in a paper airplane contest. Brewster’s Millions (the version with Richard Pryor and John Candy) turns 30, and Disney’s latest attraction-styled-movie hits theaters this Friday.


JediShua tracks down the origins of 3D movies as shazbazzar recalls his introduction to the genre with a classic from 1954 and both the ‘Dads remember their first theatrical 3D experience: JAWS 3D


PLUS: Feedback from EarBuds P!inky from The Deucecast, Jamie Burns from the UK, David Marnderville from Florida, Kenny Kraly, Jr., T-Bird, Jorbex, and Jeffrey Fischbach.  You can be a part of the show by sending your voicemail to (209)TR-TRDad, (209)878-7323, recording a voice message and sending it via electronic-M to podcast@technoretrodads.com, contacting us through Facebook or Twitter, and chiming in with your taste buds’ reaction to Reese’s Puffs.



Just like a nutritious breakfast will get your day started off right, a heaping helping of TechnoRetro Dads will get you energized for the week ahead.  Share and Enjoy!

Direct download: TRDads_03.05.mp3
Category:TechnoRetro Dads -- posted at: 5:51am EDT

Greetings, Programs!  


One of our favorite things to do on TechnoRetro Dads is remembering the past.  Hopefully, you remembered Mom on Mother’s Day yesterday.  If not, we suggest you stop what you’re doing right now and go overboard trying to convince Mom that today is Mother’s Day (and make sure you “surprise” her with flowers, chocolates, and a cheerful willingness to fix anything she wants done around the house).  Good luck!  


For everyone else, enjoy memories of some of our favorite TV Moms from the ‘60s, ‘70s, and ‘80s as we take a trip back to our youth and the many Moms that raised us.  


PLUS: We celebrate Kermit the Frog’s 60th Birthday with a surprise call-in from Chris Hamilton from Star Wars KidsCast.  


We want to hear from our EarBuds, too!  You can play along with us by submitting your JAWS seaquels, munch on some Reese’s Puffs, or simply send in your favorite #TechnoRetro stories via electronic-M to podcast@TechnoRetroDads.com or leaving us a voice-mail at (209)878-7323, that’s (209) TR-TRDad.  


Direct download: TRDads_03.04_low.mp3
Category:TechnoRetro Dads -- posted at: 6:00am EDT

Greetings, Programs!  


The puns are present all day, Ear Buds, and we make no excuses for bringing up Star Wars yet again for a celebration of what has become the official holiday for everyone who loves that galaxy far, far away.  But we don’t limit our Fourth-sensitivity to one franchise this May 4th, there are a plethora of Fourth-Movies from a long time ago that are guaranteed to just might make your Monday morning brighter interesting. 


PLUS: TechnoRetro News, jokes, Fatherly advice, and a look at buttons and pins in our Star Wars Scrapbook.  


But don’t stop there!  You can play along with us by submitting your JAWS seaquels, munch on some Reese’s Puffs, or simply send in your favorite #TechnoRetro stories via electronic-M to podcast@TechnoRetroDads.com or leaving us a voice-mail at (209)878-7323.  



We’re doing our part to make Mondays fun days!

Direct download: TRDads_03.03.mp3
Category:TechnoRetro Dads -- posted at: 6:00am EDT