Enjoy Stuff: A TechnoRetro Podcast

Greetings, Programs!

Moaning on Monday?  Thirsty on Thursday?  Let TechnoRetro Dads make every day brighter with milk carton tank battles in the school cafeteria.  And, since school is in session, we promote educational excellence by learning a rarely used Greek word for “untrue”.  You will feel like you are back in school with the regular History Lesson, an introduction to the French language, a bit of drama in theater class, and even a pep rally to get everyone ready for Fantasy Football season!



Direct download: TRDads_01.22fin.mp3
Category:TechnoRetro -- posted at: 10:46pm EDT

Greetings, Programs! 

School starts back again today for JediShua and the shazlings (BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH), but the Angels of Charlie are guiding the learning experience from the far reaches of space as we encounter the Cygnus near a Black Hole. Microsoft and IBM team up and Apple welcomes the competition while Zelda meets up with the Lost Mario Bro at the movies!

Unless you are out of this world or trapped somewhere in the GRID, listen in and then join in some of the fun with the TechnoRetro Bowl or by eating some Honey Smacks (formerly known as Sugar Smacks) and checking out some Pink Panther cartoons.  Hey, do both.  You will be glad you did!

Darth Fonzies or Darth Stubings?  Be sure to let JediShua know! 

Direct download: TRDads_01.21.mp3
Category:TechnoRetro -- posted at: 5:44am EDT

Greetings, Programs!

Return to a time when Ronald McDonald would do it all for you, including host a fully choreographed dance number with aliens disguised as teddy bears and government agents.  That’s just a taste of what we remember this week on TechnoRetro Dads! 

With some news and history lessons about some of our favorite franchises dating back to the disco decade, challenges for listeners and friends, and a few tips and tricks for movies and fantasy football drafts, you would have to be Lee Majors to avoid this China Groovin episode of TechnoRetro Dads!

Direct download: TRDads_01.20.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:55am EDT

Greetings, Programs!

Save the Cat!  After hearing from Kathleen Kennedy at Celebration Europe that even she thinks movies tend to all follow the same pattern, we discover the screenwriting formula has been penned and published in a format that gets down to minute-by-minute details.  JediShua also provides some delicious movie tips and we have loads of retro news about this week in the 70s and 80s!

Plus, with football season just around the corner, we’ve extended the invitation to get into the TechnoRetro Dads Fantasy Football League.  So plug in your earbuds and join your buds shazbazzar and JediShua as we begin another work week!

Direct download: TRDads_01.19a.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:44am EDT

Greetings, Programs and all you Star Wars fans!

In this special edition of TechnoRetro Dads, we sift through our Star Wars Celebration Europe II reports from Satka in Essen, Germany to bring you just a bit of the experience that is a Star Wars Celebration.  With highlights from Kathleen Kennedy and Dave Filoni, we talk about what we can expect in the bonus content from Star Wars: The Clone Wars as well as the highly anticipated Star Wars: Rebels and then get just a bit ofinsight into what Episode VII will look like in 2015.  Although it is impossible to consolidate a Celebration into an hour-long podcast, maybe you can feel like you were part of the event for just a little while.

May the force be with you!

Direct download: TRDads_CE2_Recap.mp3
Category:Star Wars Celebration -- posted at: 5:38pm EDT