Enjoy Stuff: A TechnoRetro Podcast (Talk Like a Pirate Day)

JediShua and shazbazzar put on their best pirate impressions for a bit of fun and a bite of free donuts from Krispy Kreme.  After all, it’s Talk Like a Pirate Day on this autumnal Monday morning.  How long can the ‘Dads keep these roguish, scoundrelous voices going?  Not for 77 minutes, that’s for sure.  So join TechnoRetro Dads for lots of news, cereal news, random zaniness, and . . . pirates!

In the NEWS:  Hulu delves into a time-traveling comedy miniseries that mashes up TRON with The Last Starfighter, featuring Josh Hutcherson.  Ally Sheedy sees the other side of high school in X-Men: ApocalypseThe Crow is the next movie to get a reboot.  Indiana Jones gets a fanimation tribute from a talented artist.  Captain EO celebrates thirty years.  Star Wars Rebels season three premiers this Saturday.


Pumpkin Spice dominates the cereal aisles as fall gets started this week.  Collegians in Pennsylvania recycle their cereal boxes as wallpaper.  Stephen Colbert’s monologue gets remixed by Skrillex.  Canada gets the exclusive Cinnamon Toast Crunch doughnut at Country Style (and we haven’t heard from any EarBuds who have tried it, yet).  PLUS: Silverhawks go great with Kellogg’s Apple Jacks for a tasty trip back in time with the Cereal Gourmet.   

James Bond, spaceships, and Tom Hanks dominates the week in history as we learn about fully fictional history in our sometimes future history TechnoRetro Dads History Lesson.

Strap on your boots, put on your striped shirt, slap on an eyepatch, raise the blacklight flag, and head for the “Hot and Ready” fresh donuts sign at your local Krispy Kreme and talk like a pirate this morning with some free glazed donuts.  And if you get a chance, send us your #TechnoRetro memories via electronic-M (podcast@TechnoRetroDads.com) or via voicemail at (209)TR-TRDAD.  We want to hear from you!

Share and Enjoy (your free donuts)!

Direct download: TRDads04.24.mp3
Category:Talk Like a Pirate Day -- posted at: 5:30am EST