Enjoy Stuff: A TechnoRetro Podcast

Don't look now, but Michael Keaton is moving into your house. We look back at Pacific Heights and movie-based video games that never were.


In 1990 Michael Keaton terrified any yuppie that was looking to become a landlord. We look at Pacific Heights. And we think about movies that didn’t get their own video games in the TechnoRetro Arcade.   


In the NEWS

  • The Dark Crystal will not be having a season 2 and we’re not very happy about it. 

Let’s All Go To The Movies - Pacific Heights

Suspenseful thrillers were all the rage in 1990. Michael Keaton, in his next movie after Batman, gets into the game with Melanie Griffith and Matthew Modine as he channels his not-so-inner sociopath. He is Carter Hayes and he’s making the young couple’s life miserable as he rents out their apartment and proceeds to torment them in a complex scam that threatens to ruin their life. 

31 Days of Horror

Jovial Jay continues his tradition of watching a scary movie a day in October. This year’s RetroZap posts will be a plethora of “H-origins”. With movies like Dracula, The Invisible Man, and Psycho, the month looks to be a promising fright-fest. He tells us some of the movies he’ll be sharing as we prepare for 31 Days of Horror. 


TechnoRetro Arcade - 1990 movies that would be horrible video games

James Bond, Batman, Jurassic Park...these movies all got great video games. Why not other 1990 movies. Wouldn’t you love to play a Pretty Woman video game? Or how about showing off your gaming skills as Mel Gibson’s Hamlet? The obscure (and fictitious) Obscure Games room gets some imaginary additions as we wonder what could have been. 

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Category:TechnoRetro Dads -- posted at: 5:58am EST

Slide on those knee pads and pile up the cardboard boxes! The TechnoRetro Dads are preparing movie stunts and look at Lee Majors’s 80’s macho show, The Fall Guy.


We might fall from a tall building, we might roll a brand new car. But we should probably leave that up to the professional stuntmen. 


In the NEWS

  • The Mandalorian Season 2 trailer is here! We are very excited about the upcoming show. 

TechnoRetro Cereal - News

Are you ready for gingerbread? If so, it’s making its way to your breakfast as Kelloggs introduces gingerbread toaster pancakes. And what is the greatest spinoff in history? We’d say Honey Nut Cheerios. 

TechnoRetro TV

Lee Majors is known for his macho roles. And he got to show off about as much machismo as anyone could handle back in the 80’s with his stuntman-turned-bounty-hunter Colt Seavers. He would catch those fugitives with his partners Howie and Jody and use his Hollywood stunt skills to do it for our dramatic entertainment. Jay and Josh look back at the retro ABC show The Fall Guy. 


Let’s All Go To The Movies - Classic Movie Stunts

Hollywood has a rich history of movie stunts. From Buster Keaton to Jackie Chan, the stunt people risk their lives for our pleasure. We take a look at some of the classic, memorable stunts from movies we love. First, Jackie Chan tops our list with some of the craziest stunts you’ve ever seen. And who could forget how many times James Bond has thrown his body all over the place. Plus, we remember the incredible thrills of Speed and Raiders of the Lost Ark. 

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Category:TechnoRetro Dads -- posted at: 5:58am EST

Sports are back! We commemorate the return by looking back at some fantastic sport video games. Plus, we lay out our ideal Saturday Morning Cartoon lineup would be. 


We. Could. Go. All. The. Way! ….back to the beginning of video games to look at the sports that kicked all of them off, and how they evolved. Plus, we try to figure out what our ideal Saturday morning cartoon lineup might be. 


In the NEWS

  • An update on the progress of the TRON coaster
  • The Princess Bride cast to reunite for a table reading
  • You can get a really cool Sid Krofft jigsaw puzzle, signed by the man himself
  • They Live gets an impressive box set
  • Do you have a golden ticket? If so, you could win your very own candy store!

TechnoRetro Cereal - News

The Roving Spoonster has been working overtime this week. General Mills and Champion team up for some cerealicious clothing. Are you trying to eat healthy? There are some sugar free options out there. Buffalo, New York gets their very own cereal restaurant. And Little Debbie decides to get into the cereal game with a version of their oatmeal cream pies. 

TechnoRetro Arcade - Sport Games

The very first video game was inspired by the real sport of tennis. From their, the games evolved into more and more realistic games. Which is good, because they’ve been the only sports we’ve really had access to lately. Pong, soccer, boxing, baseball, football, hockey, racing...the list goes on. Jay and Shua share some of their favorites from their childhood while looking at some of the history as well. 


Magazine Rack - Starlog September 1980

This month’s Starlog had a cover story about a legendary, cinematic special edition. Nope. Even before Star Wars, Close Encounters of the Third Kind returned to theaters with never before scenes, but not digitally-added Jabba the Hutt. There were also some great features about Space 1999, Clash of the Titans, and Galaxina. Empire Strikes Back had been out for several months when this issue came out. What was the reaction after it had successfully woven it’s way into the new decade? It may not be what you think. 


Saturday Mornings

If you had your own TV station and access to all the cartoons, what would you schedule for your Saturday Mornings? Jay and Shua try to come up with a good 5 hour lineup and find it more difficult than expected. But there’s just so many to choose from!  What would be included in your lineup?

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Category:TechnoRetro Dads -- posted at: 5:58am EST

No matter what school looks like this year, we can always make memories that last a lifetime. The TechnoRetro Dads take a look back at their edu-macation and maybe give you a few ideas for using all the retro memories to help today’s kids. 


It’s time to head back to some form of learning!  But let’s pause and take a look back at what it was like back in the day. 


In the NEWS

  • Our first impressions of Bill and Ted 3
  • And Cobra Kai is making impressions with us
  • Jay is looking forward to a new Star Trek book
  • And there may be a possibility of a movie in your future...

TechnoRetro Cereal - News

A newly graduated student is using cereal to help with some unfortunate circumstances. And was the classic cereal mascot Quisp inspired by a comic book character. Plus, where can you find a bag of just Lucky Charms marshmallows?

TechnoRetro Arcade - The Tech of our Schools 

When did you go to school? The 80’s? The 90’s? No matter what decade you found yourself learning the basics, it is always a big deal when your school gets some new technology. Even having that freshly mimeographed worksheet passed out to you was a sign of modern times. We take a look at some of our early tech exposure such as the Apple ][ computer, or the TRS-80. And who could forget those wonderful filmstrip projectors?


Magazine Rack - Starlog September 1980

This month’s Starlog had a cover story about a legendary, cinematic special edition. Nope. Even before Star Wars, Close Encounters of the Third Kind returned to theaters with never before scenes, but not digitally-added Jabba the Hutt. There were also some great features about Space 1999, Clash of the Titans, and Galaxina. Empire Strikes Back had been out for several months when this issue came out. What was the reaction after it had successfully woven it’s way into the new decade? It may not be what you think. 


TechnoRetro School Supplies

Do you remember getting the chance to go to the store and pick out your new supplies for the upcoming school year? Even today it’s a memorable experience, but we take a look back at some of the more iconic items such as cardboard pencil boxes, Pee Chees, and Trapper Keepers. And then we get ready for lunch by grabbing our legendary tin lunch boxes with a wide variety of pop culture characters. Can we help make this school year memorable in a positive way for today’s generation? Let’s hope so 

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Category:TechnoRetro Dads -- posted at: 5:58am EST