Mon, 29 August 2016
Thirty-five years ago, Andrew Wyke (Sleuth) ruled Olympus, much to the chagrin of Professor McGonagall (Harry Potter) and that Bond Girl, while Michael Kuzak (L.A. Law) battled various Ray Harryhausen creatures to save Vicky Gordon (The Adventures of Black Beauty) from Ymir (20,000 Miles from Earth). Clash of the Titans (1981) appealed to our appetite for more mythological movies while we awaited the third movie in the Star Wars saga. JediShua and shazbazzar remember and revisit this classic movie from Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer and talk a bit about the more recent reboot as well as the short-lived line of toys.
In the NEWS… Weird Al voices the titular character in the upcoming Disney XD series, Milo Murphy’s Law. Various rumors surround the Beastmaster reboot. Star Wars Rebels Season 2 hits stores tomorrow. The story behind the Curious George books is in development. And SuperFriend and Concept Artist Paul Bateman introduces us to the most amazing D&D map ever created!
We Love Our Cereal…and shoes Kith your hunger good-bye with a shoe full of cereal on Broadway in an upscale shoe store/cereal bar. The ‘Dads heap tablespoons of stereotypes on the Millennials who, according to a recent study, find eating cereal to be “too much work” (Inside Indiana Business).
Flashback Games TechnoRetro Flashback Play Donkey Kong, Jr. with shazbazzar and JediShua at Flashback Games Retro Arcade & Grill as you celebrate the 25th anniversary of the initial release of Super Nintendo in America.
Fully Fictional History Lesson Doc Brown and the townsfolk of Hill Valley (1885) feature heavily in this week’s History Lesson alongside Skynet and a legendary wizard’s first day at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
Feedback New EarBud Hasan lends his thoughts about Transformers and school supplies in an electronic-M. The Ska Geek, LionsForge, RaisingFangirls, and Chef Armando tweet #TechnoRetro greatness on social media. Let us know what you’re thinking, too by sending us your messages via electronic-M to or calling us at (209) TR-TRDAD or (209) 878-7323 right away!
Don’t miss out on the myths and mythters in this limping and lisping epithode of TechnoRetro Dads. Remember the past and look forward to the future while laughing at the present in your Millennial Falcon or riding Pegasus the winged horse. Just don’t look at Medusa’s Eyes!
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Mon, 22 August 2016
Almost forty years after Disney introduced an invisible animated dragon into the small New England town of Passamaquoddy with snake oil salesmen and sloshed singing, Pete’s Dragon is rebooted with a friendly, fuzzy dragon in a lumber town in the northwest. Chris Hamilton from Star Wars KidsCast joins shazbazzar and JediShua to remember the 1977 Disney musical. But that’s not all! From Falcor to the EberSisk, the ‘Dads fly through some of the most memorable dragons on screen over the past five decades. Put on your purple wings, grab your Tic-Tac-Toe stick, and warm up your vocal chords for a time-traveling trip back in time to a memorable (whether cherished or not) movie from the minds of ‘70s kids.
In the NEWS… Ready Player One is in the news with a signature version of the book and pictures from the set of the movie in Birmingham (England, not Alabama). John Williams confirms he’s working on Star Wars Episode VIII. Clancy Brown wants to play an Egyptian Spanish peacock in the rumored reboot of Highlander. The Batman animated movie with the voices of Adam West and Burt Ward is coming this November.
We Love Our Cereal USA Gymnasts will soon appear on boxes of Kellogg’s Special K while ice cream is flavored with cereal milk, and it sounds like it will be “licking the cone good!” PLUS: a new segment is introduced as two captains team-up for a classic combination of great tastes in your bowl on your TV in the Cereal Gourmet.
Next week we will feature some feedback from EarBuds, new and old, so send us your messages via electronic-M to or voice mail to (209) TR-TRDAD or (209) 878-7323 right away!
Your day won’t be draggin’ when you remember your favorite dragons from days gone by!
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Mon, 15 August 2016
Lunchboxes, backpacks, Trapper Keepers, pencil cases, ornamental erasers, and a Little Professor calculator are but a few of the things you absolutely had to have when you went back to school after a summer of fun in the sun. Start your work…er…uh…school week off right with 77 minutes of TechnoRetro Dads as we take a trip back in time to our own school days with essential supplies from the annual “Back to School” sale.
In the NEWS… Continue your education after school with an updated version of the ‘70s classic edutational PBS program The Electric Company, now on HBO (alongside Sesame Street) with a new cast featuring schools of superheroes. Play Dungeons & Dragons online with your friends via Roll20 — a fully interactive and graphically-enhanced way of playing hundreds of classic role-playing games on the GRID (thanks for the heads-up, Sheldon). The middle school kids from Hawkins may make their way into an 8-bit video game to bridge the gap between the first and second seasons of Stranger Things (thanks, Ryan, for this bit of info). And, of course, everyone watched the Olympic Games in Rio last Thursday night to see Michael Phelps win another gold medal (while millions awaited the premiere of the latest Rogue One trailer).
We Love Our Cereal We finally review and rate Tiny Toast according to the TechnoRetro Dads Official Cereal Connoisseur Rating System and find both flavors curiously sweet (shaz thinks they taste like Monster Cereals). And speaking of Monster Cereals, in an election where you can actually vote in support of a candidate rather than against the one you feel is less qualified than the other, General Mills offers voters a real option online at Plus, Darth Taxus tweets some pics of new cereals hitting stores this month.
Back to School (1986) JediShua and shazbazzar revisit Rodney Dangerfield’s Back to School (PG-13) featuring Sally Kellerman, Burt Young, Ned Beatty, Keith Gordon, M. Emmet Walsh, Sam Kinison, Robert Picardo, Kurt Vonnegut, Jr., and Robert Downey, Jr. A wealthy clothing entrepreneur decides to venture into the realm of academia as he enrolls in college with his son (that guy from Christine) and a young Tony Stark. The laughs still resonate, but the color is certainly “off” in the vintage ‘80s style.
Celebrate the beginning of the school year with TechnoRetro Dads this Monday morning!
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Mon, 8 August 2016
“We got Decepticons at the gates! Decepticons in the air! Decepticons inside the walls! Decepticons, Decepticons, Decepticons! If we beat them off the walls, they’re still in the air. If we shoot them out of the air, they’re still at the gates! So where does that leave us? Nowhere, that’s where!” (Blurr) After two seasons on television, in the midst of a wildly successful line of toys in stores, Hasbro and Marvel do the unthinkable — they kill off several Transformers in Transformers: The Movie. Even the leaders of the Autobots and Decepticons aren’t spared from landing in the junkyard. The death of Optimus Prime is the stuff of geek legend, and JediShua was there to experience it all! On the thirtieth anniversary of the release of Transformers: The Movie, Steve Glosson travels through time and space from the GOLiverse to join TechnoRetro Dads to rewatch, relive, and… Wait a second! Not everyone saw Transformers: The Movie in 1986? Tune in as TechnoRetro Dads meets Geek Out Loud for discussion of the cartoon, the movie, and the toys that transformed metallic vehicles into one of the most popular franchises from the ‘80s onward.
In the NEWS… Harry Potter has a Cursed Child in a new book, Oregon Trail leaps from the digital realm to a tabletop near you, and Halloween decorations hit stores. PLUS: shazbazzar and JediShua get ducky with Richard and Sarah on Skywalking through Neverland as they remember thirty years of Howard the Duck.
With jokes, music, vocalized sound effects, and more, your Monday will be fun today with 86 minutes of nostalgic memories of 1986. Share and Enjoy! |
Mon, 1 August 2016
When there’s something strange in the neighborhood, which Ghostbusters are you gonna call? The latest version of Ghostbusters landed in theaters with controversy stirring up sufficient public intrigue and curiosity among moviegoers. While the reviews of this movie are mixed for multiple reasons, shazbazzar and JediShua talk about the various incarnations of ghost-busting movies and TV shows from the past forty years (and maybe more, if you count Mickey, Goofy, and Donald) as they take on traffic and revisit the “remakes and reboots” discussion again. Is the “original” Ghostbusters really original or was it a tribute to The Ghost Busters TV show from the ‘70s? Which 1986 cartoon series really was the “real” Ghostbusters? Do you like brownies and refried beans? The ‘Dads try to make sense of it all as the third week of Ghostbusters has slowed online accusations from all sides of fandom to a trickle. In the NEWS… Flashback Games TechnoRetro Flashback So plug in your earbuds, EarBuds, and join in the conversation about Ghostbusters and more on this week’s TechnoRetro Dads. Share and Enjoy!