Enjoy Stuff: A TechnoRetro Podcast

Greetings, Programs!

Sith with us and enjoy the first new Star Wars home video release in years!  The Force Awakens has hit the shelves and promotional displays at various stores in various forms (differences in packaging, not in the discs) and most of us have picked up our copy (or, in the case of some of our friends, a copy of each version), put it into our DVD/Blu-Ray players, and enjoyed the movie (again) and the bonus features.  In the TechnoRetro Dads STAR WARS SCRAPBOOK, shazbazzar and JediShua recount all the various home video releases and play a round of “need ‘em, got ‘em” with all the versions sitting on our shelves.

In the NEWS, another “Star” franchise is in the works.  SuperFriend Jeremy the Spider-Pan from The Neverland Podcast let us know that Shawn Levy (Real Steel, Night at the Museum) is set to direct a remake of 1984’s Starman (a favorite of ours).  Beymax is coming to your TV screen in a Disney XD Big Hero 6 series, Warner Brothers’ Animaniacs are on Netflix, and Dungeons & Dragons tries to find success on the silver screen as producer Roy Lee (The LEGO Movie, The Ring) promises a Guardians of the Galaxy styled film with The Lord of the Rings look.

But the biggest NEWS this week is Star Wars. The highly-anticipated Rogue One trailer is finally released, The Force Awakens comes home, and the ‘Dads talk about the Rebels season finale. With Rex, Maul, Anakin, and Ahsoka, this stellar episode of Rebels measured up to the standard set by The Clone Wars and leaves the question of  “The Fate of Ahsoka” up to interpretation…for now.  JediShua and shazbazzar revisit Ahsoka’s past (with our very first reactions to her departure from the Jedi Order three years ago) and reach their conclusions about her current status.

Building on last week’s comments about Star Wars arising from Lucas’s desire to make a Buck Rogers movie, shazbazzar corrects his former assertion and points out that it was Flash Gordon that George Lucas intended to make. However, the sound effects mentioned in last week’s episode are in both of those classic serials from the 1930s.  

“The FlashBuck Menace” is filled with memories of the past and hopes for the future with loads and loads of Star Wars talk. If you like what you hear, tweet all about it (#TechnoRetro), post on Facebook, and rate/review the show on iTunes and Stitcher.  You can even leave us a voicemail at (209) TR-TRDad (209)878-7323 or record a message on your computer or phone and send us an electronic-M to podcast@TechnoRetroDads.com.  Be sure to take this month’s cereal challenge and let us know whether TRIX are just for kids.

Share and Enjoy!

Direct download: TRDads_04.02.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:53am EST