Mon, 12 September 2016
Jack Burton gears up for adventure and excitement with his friend Wang, a Mannequin, a Tibetan Monk, and Azmorigan from Star Wars Rebels in John Carpenter’s Big Trouble in Little China. This cult classic from 1986 continues to entertain fans and first-timers in a wacky sci-fi action flick that keeps audiences guessing about what will come next. Kurt Russell channels John Wayne to create a convincing Han Solo(ish) hero for this cornball excursion into the underworld of Little China to rescue not one but two green-eyed ladies from the clutches of a two-thousand year-old demon worshiper and his minions. Joe “Joey-Wan Kenobi” Tavano from and Brews & Blasters joins shazbazzar and JediShua for a rousing discussion (and distractions) of this fun-filled film. PLUS: Discover Star Trek connections with Jason Swank of Rebel Force Radio. Find out how Captain Kirk pronounces “sabotage”. Unveil the links between Big Trouble in Little China, The Golden Child, and Conan the Barbarian. In the NEWS… Feedback Travel back to the ‘80s this week with Calgon, the California Raisins, Kool Aid, Mutual Fidelity Insurance of Sacramento, Star Trek II, TRON, Zuckuss, and 4-LOM (pronounced el-oh-im). Your Monday morning will be better because you’re listening to TechnoRetro Dads. Share and Enjoy! |