Enjoy Stuff: A TechnoRetro Podcast

Greetings, Programs!  


Emerging from the annual tribute to fathers sometimes known as TechnoRetro Dads Day (honestly, it’s a day honoring all fathers, whether they’re #TechnoRetro or not — we just like the sound of it), shazbazzar and JediShua wind up their chargers for a wacky and wild trip through time as they remember “The Bright Knight” in Adam West’s portrayal of Batman in the late ‘60s, take a peek at the new version of Wonder Woman, and wander through their memories (both recent and ancient) of a summer camp favorite: white water rafting.


In the NEWS…

Tweet-TBird provides additional information about Battle for the Network Stars and some strangely familiar stars ensure this will be a truly #TechnoRetro contest.  Check it out here!


We Love Our Cereal

JediShua embarks on the Oops! All Berries challenge in response to Steve’s tweet about this cereal actually being more of a mixer than a cereal in its own right.  See the videos on our Facebook page.


Batman 1966…

We best remember Adam West when he played Batman in the 1960s TV show with Burt Ward.  The straight-laced detective in a bat costume was impeccably portrayed by West in a manner that convinced kids he was serious and entertains adults (who may have seen this show as kids) with his amazing ability to say every line and play every look with a somber comedy that defies every force of nature.  And that’s why we still love Batman and Adam West.


Wonder Woman

Whether you’re a fan of Lynda Carter’s portrayal of the heroine from 1941 or not, you’ll likely enjoy Gal Gadot’s Wonder Woman — unanimously agreed among the ‘Dads as the best DC film in the current set of movies.  Combine Thor’s mythos and Captain America’s origin story to make a DC movie that nearly rivals Marvel’s incredible success in recent years.  Dads and daughters agree that this movie isn’t a waste of time and money.  Bring your bucket of popcorn — it’s fun!


Lend your voice to the discussion on social media or give the ‘Dads your feedback by calling our voice mail line at (209) 878-7323 or sending us a message or mp3 via electronic-M to podcast@TechnoRetroDads.com.  Please rate and review TechnoRetro Dads on iTunes and Stitcher. 

This episode has been brought to you by the letter "W".

Share and enjoy.

Direct download: TRDads_05.11_.mp3
Category:TechnoRetro Dads -- posted at: 5:30am EST