Mon, 1 February 2021
The Muppet Show was a groundbreaking television show that showed us that puppets weren’t just for kids. With the show soon available to everyone, we take a look back at the history of the show, some of the memorable guests, and how Henson’s vision grew into something even bigger.
It’s time to play the music, it’s time to light the lights. In 1974 The Muppet Show helped Jim Henson to build his vision of bringing his creations to the world. On February 19, Disney Plus will make the show available for streaming. In addition, we look at the book and the music album that helped to share the show across other mediums as well.
TechnoRetro News
I Love My Cereal A tasty new Japanese Hershey’s cereal looks great in a variety of ways. Now we just need someone from Japan to send us some. A new cereal restaurant is opening in Indianapolis, but what are the mysterious pictures coming from the Cereal Box, Inc. Instagram all about?
Muppet Show Special Look We have loved the Muppet Show since the very first pilot in 1974. But it was a long road to get there. We look back on how Jim Henson started building his vision from his early days on Saturday Night Live, to he crazy pilot called Sex and Violence. And who were some of our favorite guest hosts on the show? Mark Hamill, Vincent Price, John Denver, and so many more made legendary appearances over the years. This is what we call the Muppet Show!
Vinyl Scratchback Shua shares songs and memories from The Muppet Show Album that includes some songs from the show along with some classic skits. So much Muppety goodness. |